So has every property-owning human being on the planet.SirNitram wrote: As for 'Freaky Stuff', I've on no less than three occasions observed something not being where it was, and winding up in a vastly distant area, through multiple solid objects.
"Do I know how this happened? No. I can't postulate a scientific mechanism for it in the slightest. I can only observe and attempt to figure it out from what remains controlled."
Or use Occam's Razor
-you forgot where you put it (extremely common human trait)
-you are absentminded (probably common among forum denizens here)
-you are getting old
"I've been in no less than five buildings which are haunted."
That's probably quite a debatable sentance.
"While I don't often see things moving by themselves, they certainly affected other things. Cats rarely bat at empty air, for one thing."
They most certainly do. I have two cats and they attack everything and anything, not limited to their own tails. They often try to bite and paw flying insects and dustmotes as well. I had to peer closely to see what 'imaginary' or 'invisible' objects they were batting at.
Yes, cats do have ESP. Their sense of smell and hearing is far beyond our own. They can detect insects and living creatures that may be rooms or houses away. No reason to assign supernatural behaviour to them.
"Again, can I postulate any scientific mechanism? Not beyond assuming that there is some sort of animating force that got left behind for whatever reason."
See above.
"Do I expect the scientifically minded to beleive this stuff? Of course not. I have trouble beleiving it myself, and I see it."
Just run it over in your mind. Instead of _wanting_ to believe, just look at things the way they are. Hell, your claims wouldn't even stand up to an episode of those crazy paranormal shows whose names escape me at the moment.
"As for the question: There are more people alive today than ever before, so where's this animating force coming from?"
Eh? What? Yeah, there's a lot more people now than ever before. So what? What 'animating force' is this that you're talking about?
"You draw a foolish notion, because when we think of animating force, we think Soul, which comes from religion, and most current religions claim only humans have souls. If some form of energy or force exists in a living, self-aware being, it must exist in all of them(Unless there is some sort of magic barrier where nonsetient becomes sentient and forms of energy can distinguish between the two), and I doubt there is solid proof the total number of living things has only gone up lately."
Why is this so hard to believe? And why measure in numbers? I'm sure there were billions times billions times billions times billions of lifeforms (i.e. bacteria) millions of years ago. What's the problem here? Why should I believe in some 'life force' in the first place. What is it? Why is it here? What does it do? How does it do it? Can you prove it exists?
Again, I don't expect to be taken seriously, but feel free to reply/flame.