Hitler's Table Talk, p. 238:Simon H.Johansen wrote:.... no.PeZook wrote:
Anybody heard Hitler's theory about dogs and humans living in airless space, before Earth got an atmosphere?
"Perhaps around the year 10 000 B.C. the Earth collided with her moon. It cannot be ruled out, that this was the event that Earth inserted the moon onto it's current path, and it is possible that she took the atmosphere that the Moon possessed until then, resulting in a dramatic change of the living conditions. It is conceivable that before this event, Man could exist on any height or depth, since there was no stress from atmospheric pressure. It is also conceivable, that the Earth split [during the collision], water entering the crater caused a dreadful explosion and pouring rains, that ould be avoided by a pair of people if they found refuge in a cave located on high ground."
Take note, I've retrotranslated this excerpt from the Polish version.
If this book is indeed true, then Hitler was a total loon
EDIT: Dogs were said (in this same monologue) to have been living with humans for thirty thousand years - so before this "collision with the moon", dogs and humans were living in airless space, according to Hitler.