What's so wrong with homosexuality?

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Post by StarshipTitanic »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:What really bothers me is when a person casts themselves in a negative stereotype. Any negagive stereotype. If a guy goes around in skimpy clothes and speasks with a lisp, it pisses me off because they are lending amunition to the religious right...and I do my best to piss those fuckwits off, and it irritates me when people help them, even inadvertently.
Sounds like the gay male (read: all, I swear) members of the drama club at my high school. They all act disgustingly feminine and sound like they're forcing their voice to be too high.

As for the thread, I never had any opinion of gay people until I met a homophobe and his sympathizers at another forum. Eventually it dissolved into both sides (me vs. them) having enormous arguments and thread hijacks until they ostracized me from the community. The good part is that it influenced me to spend more time here. :)
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Post by RedImperator »

There's nothing--zero--wrong with homosexuality. If that's the way your brain is wired, that's just the way it is. You gay guys, as far as I'm concerned, are missing out, but you probably think the same about me, so we're even. Not only do I not understand why anyone would think there's anything the matter with it, I don't understand why so many fundies get so worked up over this one particular "sin", instead of the much more common ones like heterosexual fornication.

As far as the laws go, there should be no reason why two consenting adults should not be entitled to the legal protections of matrimony if they're willing to accept the responsibilities that come with them. Just one thing: legally, it's probably easier to call all marriages "civil unions", and then let "marriage" be defined by the participants (so a Catholic couple, for example, would be joined in civil union by the state but bound by the sacrament of marriage by the Church). I do think children should have roll models from both sexes, but another relative like an aunt/uncle grandmother/grandfather or even a close family friend is capable of providing that, especially if the parental couple is loving.

Now, I DO find male homosexual ACTS repulsive. Sorry guys, I'm just not interested in seeing you do each other. Hell, I don't even like looking at guys in hetero pornos. On the other hand, I believe my opinion on lesbian homosexual activities are fairly well known here, and a glance at my MPEG folder would confirm it.
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Post by Tosho »

I don't see any thing wrong with homosexuality myself. It's just a matter of personal preference.
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Post by Yuri Prime »

I have no problem with homosexuality. Live and let live. I've got my preferences and they have theirs. I'm not gay and I don't wish I was gay because it would change who I am, but some of my friends wouldn't be who they are if they weren't gay/bi. It's not like they can just change. I wish people would just accept that it's not going to hurt them and move on.
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Re: What's so wrong with homosexuality?

Post by StarshipTitanic »

Dalton wrote:
And if you find it revolting, why?!
RedImperator's post made me look at this a second time. That isn't a very fair question. The only contact heterosexual men have with their bum-hole is when they're...well, wiping it and this can obviously be a big turn-off. "That's where the poo comes from" is likely going through their heads. There's a difference between being gay or gay sexual acts seeming disgusting.
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Post by UltraViolence83 »

Flamers and bulldykes suck. Jocky macho heteros suck. But then I just can't symphasize with a group I'm not a part of. I respect the rights of gays and lebians to do as they please. I just don't give a fuck about the issue outside of that.

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Post by UltraViolence83 »

To actually answer the question, I find male homosexual acts disgusting. This is my personal preference, not someone else's. If someone likes it, more power to them. I don't care what Johnny Politically Correct thinks about my "closemindedness." Lesbians on the other hand I'll watch until the sun blows up. :wink:
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Post by YT300000 »

I think that gays are bad. I don't know why, but I really don't like them. However, as long as they don't try to change my sexual preference, they can live.
Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:I wonder if the rednecks in Alberta will object because their rednecks, or because its just from Ontario.
I objected because I don't like gays. And for being called a redneck, no offense, but...


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Re: What's so wrong with homosexuality?

Post by XaLEv »

StarshipTitanic wrote: The only contact heterosexual men have with their bum-hole is when they're...well, wiping it and this can obviously be a big turn-off.
Incorrect. Heterosexual males can and do enjoy anal stimulation just as much as any homosexual.
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

I don't consider homosexuality any more wrong or disgusting than masturbation, which is to say not at all. It's a bodily activity that is no more good or evil than giving birth or blowing your nose. That said, I have to admit that I'm not fully comfortable with it, but that's more of a problem with myself (cultural issues).

That, and I just don't see any beauty in the male form.

To clarify, I don't really make any distinction between the non-sexual part of being gay and the non-sexual part of being straight. The two things aren't different in any meaningful way.
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Post by David »

If that's your thing, by all means do it, as far as I'm concerning a person's sexual preference, whatever it might be, is entirely one's own business.

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Post by Frank Hipper »

YT300000 wrote:I think that gays are bad. I don't know why, but I really don't like them. However, as long as they don't try to change my sexual preference, they can live.
If the idea of someone actually changing your sexuality is such a threat, perhaps it's not as firmly grounded as you would have us believe?
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Post by David »

Frank Hipper wrote:
YT300000 wrote:I think that gays are bad. I don't know why, but I really don't like them. However, as long as they don't try to change my sexual preference, they can live.
If the idea of someone actually changing your sexuality is such a threat, perhaps it's not as firmly grounded as you would have us believe?
And thanks for the permission to go on living. That's really big of you.

Perhaps a sarcasim disclaimer is needed. :roll:
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

YT300000 wrote:I think that gays are bad. I don't know why, but I really don't like them. However, as long as they don't try to change my sexual preference, they can live.
Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:I wonder if the rednecks in Alberta will object because their rednecks, or because its just from Ontario.
I objected because I don't like gays. And for being called a redneck, no offense, but...


Note, any homosexual that thinks they ca change you is one word...stupid.

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Re: What's so wrong with homosexuality?

Post by StarshipTitanic »

XaLEv wrote:
StarshipTitanic wrote: The only contact heterosexual men have with their bum-hole is when they're...well, wiping it and this can obviously be a big turn-off.
Incorrect. Heterosexual males can and do enjoy anal stimulation just as much as any homosexual.
Um, where did I say they couldn't? There has to be a first time, though, and some may not want to because of such a stigma. Kind of like a little kid getting his finger pricked for a blood test. Sorta...
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Post by StarshipTitanic »

YT300000 wrote:*snip*
Uh-oh... :?
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Post by Mark S »

I have no problem with anyone's sexual preference. I work with an obvious lesbian and I consider her a friend and we have hung out outside of work, one of my best friends may or may not be gay though he might never admit it, and I have been ogled by more than one gay man. People can love who they want, it doesn't change how good a person they are. I just don't really understand it. Because I'm straight I suppose. I remember talking about this with a friend in university. What's the biological imparitive? Sex, at its base is for procreation. Our attraction to a mate is, at its base, to procreate and pass on genetic info. So what good is homosexuality in nature? I'm not sure. Do we see homosexuality all throughout human history? Yes. There have certainly been cultures who openly had it. Do we see homosexuality in nature? Yes. But it seems to be more an assurtion of dominance in an Alpha male type way (this became, and still is, a running joke with the friend I was discussing this with). So how does nature allow an animal to become attracted to a member of the same gender when there is no chance of reproduction? And we've only been around for a short time on this planet so we are certainly not past biological imparitives. Is it because we are over populating and our genes are forcing less people to want to have babies? But gay people still want to raise children and homosexuality was around long before over population. I don't know these answers and in the end it doesn't really matter. I don't even understand how WOMEN can be attracted to the hairy, lumpy form that is man. Live and let live.

It's interesting that the male G-spot is supposidly an inch up your ass.

Edit: The other thing I wonder: Where does the flamingly, ravingly gay personality come from? You're a guy. You were most likely raised like any other guy. Where does the femininity come from? I can see a man acting like any other man of his society but liking dick and pursuing men as heteros pursue women, but I don't get how a man talks and acts like a woman when every other man around them, for their whole life, doesn't.
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Post by YT300000 »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:
YT300000 wrote:I think that gays are bad. I don't know why, but I really don't like them. However, as long as they don't try to change my sexual preference, they can live.
Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:I wonder if the rednecks in Alberta will object because their rednecks, or because its just from Ontario.
I objected because I don't like gays. And for being called a redneck, no offense, but...


Note, any homosexual that thinks they ca change you is one word...stupid.

Do you have a legit reason why you would deny me civil liberties?
I would not deny you any liberties. Yes, I should have put a :) after they can live.

I just find the very concept of homosexuality repulsive. It is totally against my morals to engage in such an activity.

They can be gay if they want to, just I don't want to hear about it.
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

the arguments Ive heard against it include the biblical stuff - adam and eve, not adam and steve - and, the obvious fact that men fit with women, not men and men and women and women. I dont think I even need to mention anal sex on this board :roll: . and, while I dont find guys going at it particularly interesting to watch, I scarcely have a problem with it. and I think many, if not most, straight men think lesbians are the coolest thing ever. :lol:

what I consider odd that most fundies base their hatred on the leviticus line that homosexuality is an abomination and deserves death (a lifestyle of sin) is the line I hear most, but they dont do the same with atheists, muslism, or any of the rest - and they are guilty of equal 'sin' according to the good book.
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

YT300000 wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:
YT300000 wrote:I think that gays are bad. I don't know why, but I really don't like them. However, as long as they don't try to change my sexual preference, they can live.
I objected because I don't like gays. And for being called a redneck, no offense, but...


Note, any homosexual that thinks they ca change you is one word...stupid.

Do you have a legit reason why you would deny me civil liberties?
I would not deny you any liberties. Yes, I should have put a :) after they can live.

I just find the very concept of homosexuality repulsive. It is totally against my morals to engage in such an activity.

They can be gay if they want to, just I don't want to hear about it.
wow. are you looking to be flamed. what if a gale member said the same? they find heterosexuality repulsive (and I expect a few do), and it's totally against their morals to engage in such an activity? you can be straight if you want do, they just dont want to hear about it.

-considers that- an sdnet without talking bout romance would be a really boring place, though.
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Post by YT300000 »

FYI I am an atheist. I don't base my opinions on vague/not so vague biblical quotes.
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Post by kojikun »

sounds like YT should be ripping his eyes out considering where we are..
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Post by kojikun »

without talking bout romance
You mean buttsex. :)
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Post by YT300000 »

kojikun wrote:sounds like YT should be ripping his eyes out considering where we are..
Enforcer Talen wrote:wow. are you looking to be flamed. what if a gale member said the same? they find heterosexuality repulsive (and I expect a few do), and it's totally against their morals to engage in such an activity? you can be straight if you want do, they just dont want to hear about it.
Then that would be their opinion. The same as my opinion is the exact opposite.

Anyone can have their opinion.
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Post by kojikun »

YT, lets hear your justification for your warped morality.
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