PrinceofLowLight wrote:What exactly is so improbable that it's impossible? That link you showed
proved further that there's everything in an infinite string. It's the
whole monkeys on typewriters thing. You don't need God to exist for
patterns to exist in a random string.
number-1, pie isnt random as its a very simple ratio (circumference/radius),
number-2, nothing is improbably at all about finding something in, say, pi,
but if we found the same things in the same places in pi, e, phi, etc etc etc,
thats impossible. it doesnt just rely on chance, it relies on the entirety of the
universes logic to be fundementally not natural, and not rational.
The implication is that math itself, the science of numbers, is not just
happenstance, which is entirely illogical. i mean, if 4(1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 ...)
is not just a natural progression but DESIGNED, then it implies something
bigger then god, bigger then anything. It implies something so amazing and
fantastic that everything thats ever meant anything has instantly become
irrelevant. It would be as if 1^n = 2, where n equals some magic number.
It would be like finding the root of a negative number. Its entirely illogical
and yet if it were real it would be something more important then all of life.