What's DACOWITS, as if I woke up this morning burning to know?The Dark wrote:Isn't Dworkin one of those DACOWITS wackos?
Wait, off the top of my head let me engage the ACRONYM ANALYZER(tm)!
Democrats Against Conservatives Or Whites In The Senate?
Moderator: Alyrium Denryle
most of the quotes were taken out of context. Sites that list one liners to proove a point tend to do that.The Yosemite Bear wrote:Hey, I have read the WHOLE 700+ pages of Susan Brownmiller. IT not only covers Male on Female rapes, it covers Male on male, and women who use electicity to force an erection, or use "Artificial Penises" to sodomize men....![]()
It's rather well researched and even has side commentary from Anthony Burgess (origin of the scenes in a clockwork orange vs. biography), and Colin Wilson (Detailing verious sexual sadists including two women who were serial rapists.)
And yet certain people insist on quoting PETA out of context to prove that all vegetarians are stupidDPDarkPrimus wrote:Just as PETA does not represent the average vegetarian.
Those aren't feminists. Feminism litteraly means equality of the sexes. These women are female sexists.DPDarkPrimus wrote:Isn't it interesting how all the radical feminists are also lesbians?
Female snipers served with distinction during WWII. When matriarchal societies exist, they are just as barbaric and militaristic as patriarchal ones."Men are rapists, batterers, plunderers, killers; these same men are religious prophets, poets, heroes, figures of romance, adventure, accomplishment, figures ennobled by tragedy and defeat. Men have claimed the earth, called it "Her". Men ruin Her. Men have airplanes, guns, bombs, poisonous gases, weapons so perverse and deadly that they defy any authentically human imagination."
Pornography: Men Possessing Women - Andrea Dworkin
A KKK member can call themselves a civil rights activist, doesn't make it a correct label. These women don't even understand what feminism means and falsely label themselves. They are radical female sexists plain and simple.DPDarkPrimus wrote:They call themselves feminists, just like many PETA people call themselves vegetarians.
There has never been a real-life matriarchal society. The closest things are Nubia (Kush) and the Minoans (Minoan Empire?) -- and since we can't read the writing of either society, we really have no idea how they functioned, though I grant that the Kandake of Kush gave the Roman Legions a run for their money back in Augustus' day. However, Nubia was, like the Minoans, and like southern India, and like various other regions of Africa and India or like the Iroquois Confederacy, Matrilineal--inheiritance passed through the female line rather than the male.CaptainChewbacca wrote:
Female snipers served with distinction during WWII. When matriarchal societies exist, they are just as barbaric and militaristic as patriarchal ones.
Whoever is in charge does bad crap. Get over it.
The really disturbing thing (I'm sure it's an Appeal to Authority or something, but I'll point it out anyway) is that with the exception of Solanas, these were some fairly influential women. Catherine MacKinnon, an AD at a fairly prominent college; Andrea Dworkin, a widely read "Feminist" author; Jodie Foster, a celebrity (whose media prominence does seem to have declined); Barbara Jordan, a former member of Congress.EmperorMing wrote:![]()
Man, those are some whacked out beotches...
Do you think I'm serious when I announce my intention to send all men to the gas showers?Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:
Most of those quotes seem fairly self-contained, to me. Lines like "All men are good for is fucking and running over with a truck." aren't exactly vague in their meaning.
Actually, Solanas' quotes make up a small portion of the entire quoted text. And while Solanas' was a literal psycho (Sure, Warhol's work might not have appealed to everybody, but that's no reason to shoot him, lol) her writing is only remarkable here for the degree to which it took a theme which was growing in commonality even then.The Duchess of Zeon wrote:Do you think I'm serious when I announce my intention to send all men to the gas showers?Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:
Most of those quotes seem fairly self-contained, to me. Lines like "All men are good for is fucking and running over with a truck." aren't exactly vague in their meaning.
I mean, at the very least, the SCUM quote was from the SCUM manifesto, which was a diatribe written by a rather disturbed individual named Valerie Solanas who is NOT representative of even womynism, let alone feminism.
What I meant by that "gas showers" comment was that it would be easy to out-of-context quote something not meant to be taken seriously, incidently--though of course the citations, where provided, does allow for relevant confirmation in most cases.Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:
Actually, Solanas' quotes make up a small portion of the entire quoted text. And while Solanas' was a literal psycho (Sure, Warhol's work might not have appealed to everybody, but that's no reason to shoot him, lol) her writing is only remarkable here for the degree to which it took a theme which was growing in commonality even then.
Even with Solanas' quotes removed, the remaining body of quotes is still most unsettling. In fact, with the publications cited, I'm sure there are more quotes to be seen, for those who are interested.
Precisely. I don't think someone would quote out of context (certainly not deliberately) and then provide the source of the context which could discredit the quote.The Duchess of Zeon wrote:What I meant by that "gas showers" comment was that it would be easy to out-of-context quote something not meant to be taken seriously, incidently--though of course the citations, where provided, does allow for relevant confirmation in most cases.Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:
Actually, Solanas' quotes make up a small portion of the entire quoted text. And while Solanas' was a literal psycho (Sure, Warhol's work might not have appealed to everybody, but that's no reason to shoot him, lol) her writing is only remarkable here for the degree to which it took a theme which was growing in commonality even then.
Even with Solanas' quotes removed, the remaining body of quotes is still most unsettling. In fact, with the publications cited, I'm sure there are more quotes to be seen, for those who are interested.
Was that even needed to be posted? It was just some rant; if that person's opinion is valuable, invite them to join the board. Absolute gender equality (perhaps parity might be a better term), incidently, is inevitable. It is just going to take a while on a species-wide level to achieve. But its very inevitability makes efforts like the ones of these various lunatics Raoul is complaining about worthless. And besides; the most radical of them are precisely that--lunatics not even trying to force equality before society is ready for it (and we even have legal equality, at that, in western countries, if society has not whiplashed up to it in terms of culture), but the more dangerous sort who want to react, to overturn the entire system--a reversal, a reaction towards the opposition and the submission of men towards women. But this is obviously not going to happen either, and thus the entire movement may be ignored in the grand scheme of things.darthdavid wrote:Feminazism