Well... it all comes down to taste. I listen to some Christian music, and some of it I can't understand. I used to be a serious metal head though. Being a part-time DJ at the university (at the time really a glorified stereo system) exposes you to a whole bunch of styles. Just don't play jazz near me.
If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might if they screamed all the time for no good reason.
Muad'Dib wrote:Admitidly i have only ever heard 2 christianrock bands but the 2 i heard were pretty good, Creed and P.O.D, good rock and actual meaningful lyrics. No the "fuck my dad he was a cunt" crap Papa Roach sings.
Both of them suck. They're repetetive, unimaginative, and not very talented.
Actually, I've heard one good Christian Rock record....
"Slow Train Coming" by Bob Dylan.
BTW, a Danish band known as Alexanderband have made a brilliant satire of Christian Rock, a song called Super-Jehovah... it is in Danish, but I can post the lyrics translated into English here:
(they're funnier in the original Danish)
Now you're gonna hear 'bout Jehovah
Jehovah can swim all the way down to Madagascar
Jehovah can build animals of Lego and pumpkins
Jehovah can enter the discoteque free
Jehovah writes funny books you can read
Jehovah, he is a super guy
A super, duper, super guy...
Here is some more about Jehovah
To Africa and Asia, he sells weapons
Every second Saturday his store is open long into the evening
He especially loves caramels and Milka
He often ogles the candy down at the mall
Jehovah, he is a super guy
A super, duper, a super super, guy...
Now we're gonna end this song about Jehovah
It was him who invented paradentose
It was him who made the system in your bag
He knows all seasons of Survivor
And often sits at evening with deep intentions
Jehovah, he is a super guy
A super, duper, a super super, guy...
"Hi there, would you like to have a cookie?"
"No, actually I would HATE to have a cookie, you vapid waste of inedible flesh!"
i wouldnt say THE christians create THEIR own music. it´s just a couple of people who form a rock band and habe christian lyrics.
i dont support these lyrics, just like i dont support rage against the machine´s commie lyrics or a lot of political punk lyrics. but as long as they´re not promoting senseless hate against other people ( i can take hate against stuff like political systems) i have nothing against the band itself. if total chaos sings their pledge of defiance, well dont like dont listen to it. on the other hand if screwdriver sings white power i´d like to fill the mosh pit and the stage with napalm.
Darth Wong wrote:Actually, it's part of the Christian "parallel universe" (to use a term that Newsweek Magazine used for the phenomenon). They have their own segregated versions of everything, from music to clothes, books, videos, and even their own Christian Wrestling Federation.
Christian Wrestling Federation? I hope you have a link, cause this is something I've got to see!
HHH should unify that belt into his HHH title as well.
"And as I promised, I said I would read from the bible..." "...And if we could turn our bible to Pslams..."Happy shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones." (Pslams 137:9) So let me ask you a question? Who is the worst influence, God or Marilyn Manson?" "God!" "And if that's not the best fucking example, God HIMSELF killed his own MOTHER FUCKING SON!"-Marilyn Manson
"Don't fuck with a Jedi Master, son..." -M.H in J.A.S.B.S.B
Achieved ultimate Doom (post 666) on Mon Aug 18, 2003 10:38 pm
Darth Wong wrote:
Actually, it's part of the Christian "parallel universe" (to use a term that Newsweek Magazine used for the phenomenon). They have their own segregated versions of everything, from music to clothes, books, videos, and even their own Christian Wrestling Federation.
What, is DarkStar running this league? And I guess that Vince has applied DarkStar's cannon laws to it, and has ignored it, because it doesn't really exist.
"And as I promised, I said I would read from the bible..." "...And if we could turn our bible to Pslams..."Happy shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones." (Pslams 137:9) So let me ask you a question? Who is the worst influence, God or Marilyn Manson?" "God!" "And if that's not the best fucking example, God HIMSELF killed his own MOTHER FUCKING SON!"-Marilyn Manson
"Don't fuck with a Jedi Master, son..." -M.H in J.A.S.B.S.B
Achieved ultimate Doom (post 666) on Mon Aug 18, 2003 10:38 pm
My first post... I feel there should be something ceremonial about it. But there's not.
I think that Christian rock is just like any other type of music. There are good bands, and there are bad ones. But there are also some things that should not be. Like Christian death metal. Bands like Tourniquet, or however their name is spelled, are fundamentally wrong.
Horza sat down on his haunches, hands closed round the run barrel in front of him, eyes staring out at the distant jungle. What a mess, he thought, what a fucking, obscene, stupid mess. He hadn't been thinking of what Gow had just done to herself, but he looked round at the red stain on the angled wall and the collapsed shape of Gow's suit, and thought it again.
-Consider Phlebas
You know what's funny? I didn't even connect Creed or P.O.D. with being Christian. Shit, I've heard them on the radio and they sounded like your average talentless pothead rockers. Eh, go figure.
Cpt. Marko Ramius wrote:My first post... I feel there should be something ceremonial about it. But there's not.
I think that Christian rock is just like any other type of music. There are good bands, and there are bad ones. But there are also some things that should not be. Like Christian death metal. Bands like Tourniquet, or however their name is spelled, are fundamentally wrong.
Christain Death Metal? My interruptation. "Go too Hell like kid! Go too Hell!" Then this guy singing iun the Chorus."Amen bitch! Amen bitch."
Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:You know what's funny? I didn't even connect Creed or P.O.D. with being Christian. Shit, I've heard them on the radio and they sounded like your average talentless pothead rockers. Eh, go figure.
Only doifference they smoke Christain Diluted Weed, but smoke more too catch up with the other crackers.
Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:Uhhhh... "crackers"? Clarify.
Eh, any popular music after the death of Southern Rock. No, seriously American Rock Pothead Band = Crackers, basically anything thats a drug addict could be classified a "cracker"
Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:Uhhhh... "crackers"? Clarify.
Eh, any popular music after the death of Southern Rock. No, seriously American Rock Pothead Band = Crackers, basically anything thats a drug addict could be classified a "cracker"
Ohhh. "Cracker" as in "crackhead". Okay, then. I was really hoping you weren't using it as in "honkies".
Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:Uhhhh... "crackers"? Clarify.
Eh, any popular music after the death of Southern Rock. No, seriously American Rock Pothead Band = Crackers, basically anything thats a drug addict could be classified a "cracker"
Ohhh. "Cracker" as in "crackhead". Okay, then. I was really hoping you weren't using it as in "honkies".
Oh, my apolgises, crackeris in the new shorter slang for crackhead, though stepping it up too crackhead is bringing it up too holy war insulting. Fun too watch