Unnoticeably so, according to the thought experiment.But your conciousness was torn apart.
This is significantly different than the ideal conditions outlined in the initial thought experiment. If this really good brain surgeon reconstructed my brain EXACTLY, as per the initial standards, then yes, I would still be "me", because there would be no difference.I tell you what. I'll take a sledge to your skull and then put the icky stuff that seeps out into a convenient blender and have fun. After that, I'll get a really good brain surgeon to reconstruct your brain from the smoothie I just made. Would you still be "you" as it were?
How do you tell the difference between a "perfect replica" and the original? If the replica is, indeed, perfect, there's no way to distinguish, so it is useless to.That is precisely why pulling it apart and then putting it back together again will not, technically, be bringing you back. Only a perfect replica.