Jonathan wrote:The 'faithful' would be those who are following the faith. Anyone really following Christianity would not have committed the atrocities of the Crusades and Inquisitions.
Hold on a minute. Masses of people, during the Inquisition and Crusades, accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. They accepted him sincerely and with all their heart, according to the instructions of the Church-- that is, the teachings of Jesus as Christ. They were Christians. They then went out and forcibly converted or killed 'unbelievers', yet they still had 'Christ' in the hearts as they did this.
If, in the Christian gospel, individual faith is the basis for salvation and works are not a part of it, then these people were legitimately Christian. Their works matter not; their feelings do.
I have no mass slaughter to answer for. Christianity has no mass slaughter to answer for. Some who claim to be Christians do have that to answer, but that does not mean that I or Christianity do.
Do you say that the instant a Christian commits an evil act, he is automatically deleted from the book of the saved and becomes an apostate? Christianity has no mass slaughter to answer for? What are you saying!? Are you aware of history at all? Are masses of my ancestors "less dead" because the people that killed them were "not acting really Christian?" That makes it all right? People acting in the name of the Church have taken murder, rapine and plunder to new levels and that, sir, whether you like it or not, is the millstone you have been issued.
Other people judge you by these actions regardless of how you feel about it, and by insisting that it didn't happen or doesn't exist is, in the eyes of others, an attempt to whitewash history. When people hear the word "Christian" many images come to mind, some good, some bad, and obnoxious missionaries, scandalous preachers, and institutionalized murder are among those images. Just as I have to put up with people having certain images come to mind when they hear the word "Jew", some good, some bad.
Jonathan wrote:Coyote wrote:Don't get me wrong, there are some facts in the Bible, but that doesn't mean that every word in the Bible becomes a fact by default. If you are indeed a researcher, don't you see the fallacy of declaring an Absolute Fact in the face of unverifiable evidence?
How many times do I have to repeat this to you people?
There is historical evidence for the veracity of the
New Testament. I believe that this evidence is sufficient to support the claim of the resurrection and of Jesus' teachings, therefore Jesus is who he claims to be - God.
No, there is
some historical accuracy in the Bible; you cannot therefore say that
everything in the Bible is true. It is like reading the Tom Clancy novel "Red Storm Rising", about a world war involving NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Since the US, the USSR, London, Berlin, and Warsaw exist, that makes the novel true?
Bear in mind that
no one saw Jesus rise from the dead. They saw his body put in the tomb, and later saw the tomb was empty-- but not one single witness actually saw him get up from the internment slab and walk away. Later witnesses claim to have seen him days later, but again, the actual rising and walking are not seen by anyone.
Jonathan wrote: He said that all Scripture was god breathed, therefore any scripture which was on use at the time is correct, according to him. As long as our current Old Testament matches the Scriptures he studied, they are correct.
Then that makes my
other post, about the Biblical discrepancies between the Old and New Testaments, that much more relevant. I
do hope that your silence on this matter implies a research effort and not an attempt to duck the issue.
Please, for once on this forum, would people read and understand this, rather than falsely stating what my premises and reasoning are.
I am very patiently trying to explain to you why people do not accept your argument, I will do so again even as I hold my tongue about the comment that the Christian slaughter of thousands of Jews (among others) during the Crusades and Inquisition was essentially meaningless.
You say that "the Bible is backed by historical evidence".
We here on this board ask, "Really? What evidence might that be?"
You reply: "The Bible itself". You proceed to be stunned by our lack of ability to pick up on this.
Oh, we pick up on it alright. You are using the Bible as proof that the Bible is true. This is what I call "the Carousel Argument" 'cause it goes round and round. Can't you see the problem here? You cannot use one piece of evidence to back itself up. There are few other outside supporting structures.
Jonathan wrote:Coyote wrote:Your statement that "lack of evidence is not evidence of lack" does nothing to support your pov...
That was made in response to a single point about the lack of mention of the slaughter at Bethlehem
But you are using it to defend many of your positions in this. When Vympel says "there was no road to Sidon" you respond with something rather like, "You can't prove there
wasn't a road to Sidon, so there might have been!" This is stretching the 'benefit of reasonable doubt' beyond its elasticity.
Jonathan wrote:Coyote wrote: Religion has a displayed track record of intolerance which, despite your (and my own) best wishes, cannot be denied. Any attempt to whitewash this or ignore it is to be acquiescent to it.
Followers of a religion being intolerant and the religion itself being intolerant are two totally different things.
But it is these intolerant actions, that so many people say are 'sanctioned by God', that people see and base their understanding of Christianity on. Are those people, who accepted Jesus as their personal lord and savior, in hell now? And is your answer based on Christian doctrine, or on Jonathanism? How do you, personally, feel about issues such as homosexuality, abortion, and the teaching of evolution in schools?
Jonathan wrote:Coyote wrote:Christianity assumes, by staing an intent to convert everyone, that the Christian belief system is superior.
Christianity says that Christianity is right. That's why people should convert - because following anything else would be following a lie. Truth is always superior to falsehood.
Point 1-- Circular reasoning; ergo, unacceptable. Point 2-- An arrogant assumption. Point 3-- Then examine the dichotomies I pointed out regarding NT validity and OT prophesy being mismatched. What if
you are the one following the mistake? What do you base your faith on, if the facts aren't matching up?
Why should you be cheerful at the choices offered by Christianity? Or why should you be cheerful about choosing to go against it?... God's love gives us reason to be joyful.
According to the Christian philosophy, the Jews will be cannon fodder in the final battle of Armageddon, those that do not die are to be converted to Christianity and be saved. And what of the Jews that didn't convert before spilling their blood on the fields of war for your Messiah? Are they unsaved? Taking the Hell express? The God I love says that "the righteous among all nations will find a place in the kingdom of Heaven".
... we don't force Christianity upon anyone.
As in holding people down, putting a sword to their throat and demanding "convert or die"? No, Christians don't do that (anymore). Of course, you just have to accept that fact that you'll be spending the rest of eternity being boiled in oil, raped by demons and having the flesh boiled from your living body.
Such love and tolerance! I stand in awe!