Big Triece wrote:That's not what I'm asserting. The populations in southern Egypt and many rural communities of the north, have not been as affected by continuous foreign gene flow from outside sources as established urban centers have. Wouldn't common sense point to those descendants who have been less affected by later foreign migration be a better representative of their core indigenous ancestors then the opposite?
You are completely missing my point. Just posting unsourced photos of black people, that we can't even prove are FROM Egypt because you provide no verification of who those people are, where they are from, or anything, makes absolutely NO statement about Egyptian population genetics, one way or the other. Where do you get the idea that this is acceptable? Have you noticed how none of the scientific journals you quote are just made up of a bunch of unlabelled pictures?
Big Triece wrote:Why do you feel that it's necessary to try to discredit the fact that there are black people in Egypt today?
Where did I make this statement? This is exactly what I am talking about, with the veiled accusations of racism in lieu of actual arguments. I can post a random picture of a white person here, do you think that would prove that Egyptians are white? No, it wouldn't. So why would it work the same with random pictures of black people? Heck, a few posts ago you had a picture of an American rapper next to the Sphinx, as if that somehow constituted evidence.
Big Triece wrote:First of all "all the evidence that" I have posted does not pertain to genetics, so that's one false statement.
Big Triece wrote:
The full quote that I've cited also stated that the population of Gurna has been affected by neighboring populations. Neighboring populations would include those from the Middle East, so what is being deliberately hidden by me? What I specifically underlined however is stating that the M1 lineage from Sub Saharan East Africa was the most ancestral population source in the Gurna sample, and that the genetic input from other neighboring populations (hint hint the Middle East) did not come until later (hence they are described as "further influence")
The study made no claims as to what was the "most ancestral." It speculated about WHY the M1 occurred in the frequencies that it does, but there was no proof that it was the "most ancestral."
Big Triece wrote:
You know, the thing about posting 5 random studies which you feel goes against the newly (relatively) established status quo of this subject, is that if an alternate theory is to be constructed (by you I guess), then all of the fucking studies should somewhat run parallel with one another, shouldn't they?
Here it is again; you are assuming I am proposing an alternate theory, instead of simply pointing out the flaws in your logic/conclusions. Where did I make this theory? What is my theory?
I DELIBERATELY chose studies that do not necessarily agree with each others findings. Because I am demonstrating that the ones you have cherry-picked to help your argument are not representative of all of the research out there. Furthermore, several of the studies I posted were MORE recent than ones you posted earlier, and your idea that your position is the "status quo" is inaccurate, as a simple Google search will show.
Once again, you are simply claiming bad intent on the part of the people you are arguing with instead of making any effort to intellectually challenge them.
Big Triece wrote:
What alternative and specific population source for ancient Egypt do these studies all point to? What is your theory?
Are you really this dense?
Big Triece wrote:From an archaeological, cultural, linguistic, and biological standpoint it most certainly is not!
Well, this shows that you are extremely out of touch with reality. You know, there's a reason that there isn't strict consensus, especially in the genetic findings. There is also a reason that the further back you go, the more question marks there are.
Big Triece wrote:
Some people wish to "obfuscate" the issue for social-political reasons. The 1977 sketch above by Richard Prior was obviously more of a social-political statement as opposed to a purely comical one as you tried to write it off as.
It is irrelevant how poignant the statement was, dipshit. My point is that it isn't SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE. Can you really not understand this incredibly basic concept? YouTube videos and random stock photos of Africans are NOT SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE. How many times does this have to be pointed out to you?
Big Triece wrote:
You people are trying to "obfuscate" this simplistic fact in regards to ancient Egypt for social-political reasons.
Once again, accusations instead of evidence.
Big Triece wrote:Do I myself have my own social-political views of course, but the difference between me and you is that my stance is that I am being truthful!
The 19 pages of this thread are rife with your dishonesty. Like all the accusations of racism.
Big Triece wrote:Telling people who think like you to join into this debate to "gang up" on me, does not invalidate my evidence or my very simple points.
Are you this paranoid delusional? Do you really think there is a group of us in our white hoods in a chat room trying to gang up on you? If you really think this is the case, you should get some psychiatric help. I posted simply because I was personally irritated by the incredible intellectual dishonesty exhibited in your posts, here. Once again, all you seem capable of doing is using the race or victim card, instead of actually backing up any arguments you have made.
Big Triece wrote:That is true. Now which methods are proven to be the best at analyzing this question, and which results are the most consistent? Do the results from one scientific method run parallel with any other lines of evidence?
You are the one making the claim, you back it up. I am not doing your homework for you. I demonstrated in my last post that not all of the literature agrees with your (cherry-picked) analysis of certain (cherry-picked) papers. You have to show why the papers you chose to cite should be trusted over any of the dozens of studies that disagree. This is not that difficult.
Big Triece wrote:You don't have to be a fucking member of klan to subscribe to an idea which rooted in racism!
You also don't HAVE to be racist to disagree with you. You do realize this, right?
Big Triece wrote:Don't get upset at black people (including those exposed to it in Africa) who knew better than to believe that bullshit!
Where have I gotten upset with black people? Where has ANYONE IN THIS THREAD SAID OR DONE ANYTHING RACIST? Disagreeing with you doesn't count.
Big Triece wrote:Despite not having a lick of evidence supporting a mass wave of Asiatic or European people settling the Nile Valley during Pre or early Dynastic times.
What about the genetic evidence that does suggest this back-migration into Egypt? What makes you confident that you can dismiss this?
Big Triece wrote:When this gets exposed for the bullshit that it is, then you have some who are just begging for fucking crumbs, "there is a possibility that a small group of non Africans may have wandered into the Nile. It's like why the fuck can't y'all just accept the truth? Kemet could be called a black African civilization in it's beginning and it became a very cosmopolitan civilization as time went on.
Stating it to be so does not make it so. I am NOT opposed to an African origin for Egyptian civilization. However, I am opposed to your intellectual dishonesty. Either post the evidence, or STOP CALLING EVERYONE RACIST.
Big Triece wrote:
"Insistence"? I did not start posting that shit until four fucking days ago, bringing my total post with such videos up to what..three, out of how many?
Since you posted all of these in lieu of actual arguments, why does it matter if you did it 3 times or 10? You are still avoiding addressing anybody's arguments.
Big Triece wrote:
Did you read the entire fucking thread, before jumping on the "bad guy"?
Again, you pull the victim card.
Big Triece wrote:
Tell me though is this academic enough for you?
That's all well and good. Now, why does this 20 year old documentary, geared towards middle and high school students, refute the scholarly articles that have come out in the past five years, and have been linked to previously in this thread?