Blkbrry, if your argument was made successfully one hundred years ago, the horse and buggy would be the primary method of transportation today!
This is a horrible argument.....
1. The government didn't finance the development of the IC engine.
2. The government did not finance the devlopment neither did it provide funds to build gas stations
Knowing this we can say that your arguement is using the the hypothesis contrary to fact logical fallecy.
3. Your argument is also a false anology and in that the advantages the car has over the horse and buggy are many and easily recognizable, while in the IC engine and Fuel Cell both have disadvantages and advantages when compared with another. (Not the advantage/disadvantage list also changes f rom person to person in that some might see differently or dismiss various advantages/disadvantages)
The investment in the R&D and building the infrastructure would be a huge economic boon.
Like I said before, this arguement is a variation on the "broken window" economic fallecy. Since you obviously don't know what this is, (or you wouldn't have made this arguement) Ill explain it to you.
The Broken Window fallecy is also known as the beneifts of destruction fallecy. It states that when someone destroys something, they are in fact not criminals but rather public benefactors in that they stimulate employment in ever widening circles. Ex. A boy throws a stone threw a window, because of this the owner spends money on new glass from the glass maker, who spends money at the tailor, who buys meat from the butcher, etc. The problem with this senario is that had the boy never thrown the stone, then the owner would likely have bought something else, while still providing employment in ever widening circles, BESIDES a window. So the owner would have both a window and something else where as he only has a window now that the boy threw the stone.
For anyone who still dosen't get it, I'll explain it in near childlike terms. The investment in "R&D" and "new infrastructure" is money going towards a new window. However the old window, namely the IC engine and its infrastructre, work just fine and provides, for all practical purposes, the same beneifits and utility that the fuel cell would. So instead of having a window and something else (like say a cure for Cancer or HIV or fill in the blank) we'll have just a window.
We know the technology works, so its not like we're going to waste billions of dollars on something that will never be reality.
Just because something work's after you spend Billions of Dollars on it, it dosen't mean that it wasn't a waste of money. If I spend Billions of Dollars to develop a cell phone, that is in all mearsurable means inferior to, or even equal to a cell phone already on the market then I've wasted money, even though I did indeed manage to develope something.