::shudder::The Duchess of Zeon wrote: The British intentionally standardized their customary system during the Victorian Era because it was so confusing (sort of like their currency before they made it the decimal pound), that the Metric system was gaining popularity because it was massively easier, and the Metric system was considered French, bad, and unpatriotic.
I still can't make sense out of the pre-decimal pound. It's so utterly confusing!
Nowadays it seems like most students (hopefully) are learning both the US Customary and SI systems. I do find the former more useful for everyday things (like cooking - I don't feel like using mL for volume measurements) but for calculations SI is so much easier.Anyway, the end result is that when metric finally got to us, we let it enter for science and kept it out for most other things, and that's been working fine. There's no reason to change that, and so we won't, which is probably the end of the subject as long as the USA is the way it is today, leaving metric supporters in the US - sadly for me, since I am a libertarian, albeit with a small l - roughly in the same category as Libertarian Party voters.