Mr Bean wrote:Now onto Captian Brillant here
Stravo handled most of it quite well but I'll add anything in as nessary
So having a tantrum is "handling it well?" If anything, it made me even more against the war than I was before.
ZERO miles per hour. We don't need all-out warfare.
Yeah, why do we need all out war?[
Because we won't win?(No chance of that happening)
Because we might have casualties?(Horrors! Nevermind last time we went to war aginst a enemy who could not figh back we had less servicemen die to enemy fire than we had to car crashes that same year)
Because of what France Says?
Come on whats your reason for not going to War as Stravo asked[/quote]
Oh damn, I mixed him and you up with that "casualties" thing--but that's OK, bec you seem to be the same thing. I just gave you a reason--how many fucking times do I have to tell you, they're not our enemies? Geez. Better go kill a commie for mommy, or something.
So? Wouldn't it be better if he gassed them before he gassed us (cold but true for us)? And then, wouldn't that be an ideal case for war? We'd have no problems getting support then. Or would we? I dunno. Maybe itWhat do you mean name a group, if there's nobody willing to fight then gee I guess we'll just have to do it ourselves.
Your missing the point, We tried Insurgants before, He simply gassed anyone he suspected of Being an Insurgant(And kill quite a few Civys in the proccess) and we lost our only native insugrancy force[/quote]
So it might not work. Better not try it then. Better just use our own cannon fodder first. Are you ready to be cannon fodder? You pbly wouldn't die, but you might. They're not even remotely comparable to the VC. One thing I get sick of is hearing Iraqi threats. Another thing I'm sick of is you parroting "Oh, we can't lose" "We'll kick their ass" when that ISN'T IN CONTENTION. My POINT, which I will soon have to round off so you can see it, is that we SHOULDN'T. I've given you a reason not to fight. You return with "we won't lose". Man oh man. Did you get some kind of high school waiver to get in the military?
I've been begging for that. No-one else has been making me think especially hard.
By your statments, thats pretty obvious
[/quote] good one, har har. Way to repeat me. I've given you a reason not to fight. I've given you a reason not to fight.
What's your reason to fight? That it's legal by treaty? That we won't lose? That we failed in Central America? What are the reasons to fight, and I'm looking for "he's a real viable threat" and why that might be so. He's not now, and he won't ever be. We can nullify him without the war, and I'm positively at a loss at why this is so hard for you to get.
Before this gets too crazy, kudos on your sacrifice in being in the military. You may not accept it since I'm just a peacenik, but there it is.
From the population, just like anywhere else we've meddled in.
And we identify these people how?
We may not find anyone. They're not the ARVN or Sandinistas, after all. We do have that lame insurgency record. My point is that, we are not strangers to covert oops and manipulating governments. We're the kings of it.
We contact them how?
If they're fighting, we can find them. Like I said, we may not find anyone. But you act like it's impossible to find guerrilas, even if they exist.
We succesfuly sneak them out of the Contry to be trained how?
Is your MOS "Magician"? We can do anything we want.
Need I remind you how terribly the US and everyone else has done with Insurgants? We have never succesfuly pulled it off even when we had a willing popluation and lots of free reign(Vietnam)
Yeah, sorry I mixed you two up. I read his and yours before I answered, but this should answer both. Like I said, I'm ont real concerned. Anywho, that was the part I thought Stravo had said and I agree. But hey, if there're fighters there, we should try to use them, just like in Central America and Afghanistan. You, ah, DO remember Afghanistan, don't you? Don't act like we've never tried it, or that you've never heard of Nicaragua.
I think if you support this war so much, you should go enlist.[/qutoe]
As a matter of fact I did that
A few years ago. Your talking to a proud memeber of the United States Navy
Oh, GOD, LOL! Well, in strictest confidence *koff koff* I don't care all that much. I just want to see why people would support this war, and I don't see a whole lot for it. I'm simply saying, they're not actively our enemies. I agree we need to look both ways when crossing the ocean, as isolationalism really bit us on the ass pretty recently. I'm old enough to have kids, and I don't want them to waste their lives on any silly ventures like this one. It's not critical that we do this thing. My own thoughts are that I'm glad we can, but we shouldn't necessarily do it. Iraq is pretty hurtin', and this isn't helping. OTOH, we need to clean house, and bad, over there, and get them on the right road. I just know that there are real people out there who haven't hurt anyone, who don't want to die on the tip of a US bomb. So, as I said, it's wonderfully gray. I am not against you, but Stravo's being kind of silly. He says he's in favor of the war, but he can't give a real reason why--in the "Rumsfeld" thread, he hit eject pretty much right away. I just want honesty. We're not gg over there to save anyone. WE're doing it to get the oil and position ourselves. I think the whole region is like the tantrum-throwing child of the world, and I'd be OK if we silenced that area altogether. They don't need anymore attention.
My post seems contradictory,but I'm OK with that bec it's a gray area and I can be swayed if you provide thoughtful answers, and now I'm late for class, kia orana!
I have being given A's for depleting Dragon ball Z the way it should be.