Explain how so, you twist my arguments beyond recognition, and you missunderstood everything I have written down.
It's simple enough. You're pointing out the blatantly obvious and drawing a non-sequiter from it. "Humans did it, so blaming religion is a cop-out." You fallaciously assume that, since humans are responsible for the attacks, this mystical thing you call human nature must be responsible.
It isn't as abiguous as you think it is, read a psychology book or watch some documentaries (esp. ones on serial killers) It is pretty well established by that community, although not entirely, then nothing really is. But I bet that you think Psychology is a Bull shit concept to begin with. That the differnece Between me and you, I'll try to understand the other side, you don't. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong.
Appeal to anonymous, irrelevant authorities. If they present good arguments, then give them here.
It's not, it is a cop out, You Just Don't want to see it from my perspective. what is too difficult to read some Psych books, I am trying to undestand your perspective so I can at have a general Understanding of your stance and then attack it. You for some reason refuse to do the same and just arbitrarily declare Human Nature as falsehood. I might not have totally backed up my claims, but neither have you. Prove that the Field of psychology is a waste of time and then I'll concede.
Red herring, ad hominem challenge, and shifting the burden of proof. It's amazing how many fallacies you can cram into one paragraph.
You've presented no arguments for me to address, so you expect me to prove that whatever source they come from is bunk, which is an ad hominem
and a red herring. You then also expect me to prove that your assumption of human nature is false, when you've given
absolutely no argument in it's favor.
Don't you remember?
You made the fucking claim that human nature exists, and I called you on it. Provide proof of your claim, or concede. I'm not going to address your moronic challenges that I prove your undefined, fallacious arguments wrong by using ad hominem attacks.
True, I've had no arguement with that. I've never said that religion has nothing to do with what has been going on. You just assume I had.
What else am I to assume, when you decry laying blame on religion as a "copout"? Perhaps you should strive for more consistency in your stance.
Of course it has, but the Huge Bulk of it is the US policies in the Mideast. The whole Mid east was screwed over by the west. It explains why a good majority of Arab nations are Supporting terrorism, esp Saudi Arabia, not all of them follow of agree with Bin Laden or like him for that matter but he 's their hammer against the US.
Irrelevant. If those men hadn't been promised virgins with legs wide-open in the afterlife, they would have been
far less likely to fly planes into buildings, which is my argument.
Well Duhh!! I know that, again you are putting words in my mouth.
You claimed that religion helped gave us our moral concepts, and this is false. Secular humanism has given us the modern concept of morality. Religion had no part in it, because Christianity, Islam and Judaism all decry human rights. Some of their conclusions may be the same, but the process by which they arrive is
completely different.
Basically that shows that Religion was twisted so they can continue their crusades of death. Is it soo hard to believe that Humans would do this. the worst of them have corrupted so many things.
Stop stating your assumptions as fact. Prove that religion is inherently good and has been corrupted.
No I'm not!!! What the fuck is wrong with YOU !?!? Don't you read entire posts??? I've Stated in my initial thread that started this whole thing that, although I think Religion had a small but very important role in various atrocities throughout time, It condoned deaths of millions, or billions of people.
Must I remind you of your own words?
Once Again your wrong, It's (the worst of)human nature that warped Religion to their own eveil deeds and not the other way around, come on man, Humans aren't so pathetic as you describe them.
Man altered Religion, man sought to control the masses, and man committed all those atrocities.
Something can't be corrupted if it's already evil, so you must assume that religion is inherently good to put forth these arguments, an assumption which has no merit.
You know exactly what I mean!!! Don't twist my words around. I'm talking about someone Like Saddam Hussein, of someone who isn't enitirely bound by Religion (or has none at all) who sees the US as a major threat, would do that, to prove a point. All those Right-wing Militia wackos, those conspiracy theorists who think the government is after them, or anyone who thinks the US is endagering them, they would do the exact thing or something that would take lives. Why do you think the IRA Bomb thing all over England and N. Ireland, they do have Religious Differences, but the main reason is b/c the Irish want N Ireland back from England.
But their religions promise them a better afterlife after being martyred in the name of god. I don't think people would be so willing to suicide bomb without that promise.
No I'm not!! I said that Religion was one of the factors that Helped in formulating many of the Moral standards we have. May be I should have included Primordial Governmental law, b/c I knew you would have blown what I said out of proportion.
No, it wasn't. The moral standards we have are based on secular humanism. You're assuming that because secular humanism and religion have
some of the same concepts that secular humanism must have been influenced by religion, which is a false cause fallacy. You have no evidence that the two are connected.
You're probably right there, but I have never said secular Humanist would be capable of killing thousands. Stop jumping the Gun!!!
You've been arguing that, were religion taken away, that these people would still commit evil acts, even though their religion is easily identified as their primary motivator because it promises eternal rewards
in return for committing such acts.
See this is why I don't condone flaming, you get all subjective and you start twisting my words around to try and make me sound like some right-wing wack-job.
You're doing a fine job of making yourself look irrational. I'm simply telling you that you're doing it.
Read a Psycology book man!! Although you probably think that whole field is Bull shit any way.
More appeals to authority.
In this case to Blame Religions is a cop-out. There are many atrocities that aren't attributed to Religion, and can be attributed to human Behavior.
Red herrings. We're talking about terrorism, a large chunk of which can be pointed
directly at religion.
This is your argument in a nutshell.
It is wrong to blame religion for these atrocities, since humans committed them, so it must be due to human nature, because religion has been corrupted by man.
I'll sum up with a list of challenges.
- •Prove that human nature exists.
•Do so without appeals to authority. If psychology textbooks provide evidence of such a thing, then give it. I'm not going to do your research for you.
•Provide a concrete definition of human nature. Explain why all acts of violence can be traced back to it.
•Explain how religion started out as a good thing and was corrupted, even though in the case of Islam, Christianity and Judaism, it was corrupt from the very beginning.
•Address Mike's example using legal systems instead of religion.