Durandal wrote:You have yet to show me how it is a leap in logic. Aplague infects people does it not?
See my previous American government example. You're resorting to wordplay. I said "plague" as reference to it being a bad thing, not in the literal meaning.
Not what I asked. I asked how you could consider it if you did not support them. Try reading it next time.
Which implies that
you don't think it's possible. For fuck's sake, do you think about
anything before you write it?
For fuck's sake. Right. Point is, I wouldn't be able to consider myself part of my family if I didn't support them. Maybe not 100%, but support them nonetheless. Tell me again I don't think about it.
You're not intolerant of the Church?
You can't be intolerant about an organization. I simply don't like the Catholic Church. Is this so hard for you to grasp?
Okay, it just came off as you not being tolerant of it.
I know that. Have i ever said you didn't? I don't remember doing so, but if you can pull up something, then I recant.
You accused me of unjustly hating all Catholics, which means that I
don't have a reason to not like the Church.
I never once said you don't have a reason not to like the Church.
No, I'm not. You hate the institution, BUT you have to hate at least some of the poeple involved in it to do so.
Of course. I certainly don't like the Pope; I think he's a retard with delusions of grandeur. Is this what you've hoped to prove? That I hate
some Catholics?
So automatically because he leads an intolerable organization, he has "delusions of grandeur"? How are they delusions if he is so respected by so many people? I think those are not delusions, but to say that the Pope is infallible is indeed a delusion.
But you admit that it does some good. And considering that it did a lot of that good before Protestantism came about, then that does redeem Catholicism in some ways.
Not by a long shot. The Church is responsible for unheard-of amounts of cultural genocide and countless millions of deaths, and it
still stakes its own beliefs as higher priorities than
human life.
Bu tit still does some good. You admitted that. And if you can show me that you didn't then I will recant.
You're not stepping outside your comfort zone. How is saying 'Fuck you' considered a point or counterpoint? That is what I am trying to get across.
You focused on the fact that I said "Fuck you," rather than any of my actual rebuttals to your arguments. That is style over substance.
"Fuck you" is a personal attack. If I said I don't respect you becasue you called my stuff "bullshit," then THAT would be style over substance.
I am not, and you know it. I have never once said that you did and not recanted it. Meaning, I KNOW that you don't hate Catholics. I don't hate any, because I lack the capability to outright hate very many people.
Then why are you dragging this out? Because I was rude? Why do you persist in arguing that I must have Catholics based on my use of the word "plague" to describe the Church?
Because I chose to argue it. No. And look above.