The purpose, essentially, was to create a refuge of all the knowledge, literature, art, history and other beautiful things that mankind had created, so that if mankind destroys it all and themselves, that whenever the world is destroyed, Shangri-La could come out and lead the way and have everything preserved.“We have reason. It is the entire meaning and purpose of Shangri-La. It came to me in a vision long, long ago. I foresaw a time when man exalting in the technique of murder, would rage so hotly over the world, that every book, every treasure would be doomed to destruction. This vision was so vivid and so moving that I determined to gather together all things of beauty and culture that I could and preserve them here against the doom toward which the world is rushing. Look at the world today. Is there anything more pitiful? What madness there is! What blindness! A scurrying mass of bewildered humanity crashing headlong against each other. The time must come, my friend, when brutality and the lust for power must perish by its own sword. For when that day comes, the world must begin to look for a new life. And it is our hope that they may find it here.”
Isaac Asimov creates something similar with Hari Seldon and his desire to create Foundation, for the fear of the Galactic Empire's collapse and the galaxy entering a millennium long dark age, which the Foundation could shave down to only three centuries.
Considering the destruction of the Library of Alexandria, the burning of books by Nazi Germany, the recent destruction of museum pieces by ISIS, would you consider a Foundation/Shangri-La necessary? If not, why?
If so, how do you go about it? How would you desire a shelter for all the world's works be created? What do you think should be preserved? What shouldn't, if anything? Where do you build it? What do you make?