Behold, and smirk:
I did, anyway. Some favourite lines:
How did Adam and Eve manage to get up in the morning? Presumably the second law was suspended in Eden so that the poor dears could transform food into waste heat and useful work. Which makes the following statement self-contradictory as well as incorrect:In Eden, all was perfectly ordered. There was no entropy.
Whatever "theobiology" is, the particular practioner writing the article doesn't seem familiar with the idea of falsifiability. Or even the statistical nature of the particular "law" in question.The Second Law is just that - a Law. It applies everywhere in the Universe, without exception. Unlike mere theories such as Relativity and Evolutionism, the Second Law has been proven to be true and no reputable scientist would ever suggest that it wasn't
What is it with the mention of relativity? I know why this guy is going after evolution, but not relativity. Anyone know what Einstein did to annoy some of the Lord's faithful?
So, if relativity is out, we're left with Newtonian mechanics. Which is ok, but a divine law shouldn't really become inaccurate under realisable conditions, should it? And it shouldn't end up disagreeing with the "laws" of Ampere, Gauss, Faraday et al. Perhaps they're just insufficiently divine.Furthermore, the very existence of the Second Law - and other so-called "Laws of Nature" such as the Laws of gravity and motion
Some other site highlights:
Hear that, women across the globe? That's the sound of some twerp from the Fellowship Baptist Creation Science Fair, 2001, attempting to demonstrate that you were designed to be paid less than a man for the same day's work, amongst other things (using a circular argument if the reporting is accurate).