verilon wrote:Now, I took this from somewhere else, and I've already debated the gene pool thing, so that's not *too* much of a factor, but what do you think? In a reply, I will state my choice on this mater...
A disaster of immense proportions is about to occur in exactly three days from today--you can insert your disaster of choice here--and it is certain to destroy the entire human population with the exception of five (5) persons.
Which of the following 16 people--a totally random selection--do you think should be allowed to live? Please justify each of your choices.
None of them. A population of five people is nowhere near enough to restart the human race. If you're going to kill the human race, you might want to do a more thorough job of it. :P
Now, if we modify your scenario slightly. Instead of five of these people waiting around to be the last human to die, we'll assume these people are embedded in a viable local population, say a few hundred. Then we'll ask if they have anything useful to contribute to a post-apocalyptic society.
verilon wrote:
All of these people possess an average level of intelligence, at the very least, and, unless stated otherwise, are in fairly good health.
- Ana (31 years old) - She and her husband, both businesspeople, have been trying to have a baby for the past 4 years, with little success.
From the viewpoint of a struggling tribal civilization, she's just about at the end of her useful childbearing years. And it doesn't look like she's going to produce any anytime soon anyhow. Not a good choice.
verilon wrote:
[*]Bruce (22 years old) - He has been a paraplegic ever since he was five, when he was involved in a car accident. He has a job as a jeweler.
And verily didst the Lord striketh him down, for he would verily be a load upon a society deprived of modern civilization.
verilon wrote:
[*]Monica (40 years old) - She is a lawyer who recently gained a small amount of fame for winning a controversial case. She is considering a career in politics.
Let her live, and she may end up running the place. And we need an arbiter of law and order.
verilon wrote:
[*]Josh (25 years old) - He is a bank employee who had himself tested for AIDS, the results of which will arrive five days from now.
And verily didst the Lord striketh him down for the Lord is a cautious sort. Humanity is almost extinct as it is, let's not add to their troubles.
verilon wrote:
[*]Catherine (28 years old) - She is a recovering cocaine addict and a jobless single mother. She dropped out in her third year of high school to have her baby.
A good tribal sort of woman, apart from the occasional hankering for coke, and any lingering long-term health effects induced by the habit. As she'd undoubtedly be a few thousand miles away from the cocoa plants, she might produce one or two useful children, and she'd could be useful out in the fields.
verilon wrote:
[*]Gary (65 years old) - He is a highly skilled heart surgeon of some renown, and is showing early signs of Alzheimer's disease.
And verily didst the Lord striketh him down, for yea he is worse than useless in the new no-tech society of tomorrow. Though he might be useful as a teacher of some sort, but undoubtedly there are textbooks and such written for this kind of procedure.
verilon wrote:
[*]Maria (19 years old) - A college student, she holds a swimming scholarship and has excellent grades. She is taking up literature.
A young woman in the prime of her life. Learned and has many childbearing years ahead of her. A strong, useful contribution to the post-apocalyptic world.
verilon wrote:
[*]Darius (34 years old) - He is a high school music teacher and is well-loved by his students. On weekends, he coaches the neighborhood basketball team.
A community-minded sort of person, has some physical prowess to boot, and he'd be useful in educating the youth of the society. A strong choice.
verilon wrote:
[*]Laura (23 years old) - She has a history of suicide attempts and has been diagnosed with extreme agoraphobia (fear of open spaces).
Well, after the apocalypse, there's going to be a lot more open spaces than there used to be. Thus, verily didst the Lord striketh her down. Humanity is almost extinct as it is, blah, blah, blah.
verilon wrote:
[*]Charles (45 years old) - He runs a small poultry farm. He has a wife and three children. He likes to drink and is probably an alcoholic.
We need somebody who knows farming and agriculture in the post apocalyptic world. And he won't be able to get any booze until somebody rediscovers the concept of the moonshine still.
verilon wrote:
[*]Phoebe (25 years old) - A widely celebrated professional model, she has used her influence to aid women's rights advocacy.
The Lord is Tempted Sorely to striketh her down. On one hand, she's young and could contribute meaningfully to society. On the other hand, the life she has lead may not make the transition easy.
verilon wrote:
[*]Nick (16 years old) - He is a computer whiz and once managed to hack his way into a government Web site just to see what it was like.
Young enough to develop some muscles, work the fields, and eventually become a useful contributor to society. A good choice.
verilon wrote:
[*]Betty (48 years old) - She is an engineer, and co-owns a construction company with her siblings.
She might be useful. The tribe will need some people who know what they're doing when it comes to buildings and shelter. And as her childbearing years are over, she won't have that stress to suffer from, and might be around for a while yet.
verilon wrote:
[*]Patrick (51 years old) - He is the editor-in-chief of a small but influential left-wing newspaper. He suffered from a minor heart attack last year.
And verily didst the Lord striketh him down, for yea he wouldst be rather useless in the post-apocalyptic world.
verilon wrote:
[*]Victoria (30 years old) - Imprisoned for theft, she was recently released. Before her incarceration, she was the manager of a fast-food restaurant.
The Lord is Tempted Sorely to striketh her down. The last thing we need in this society is somebody with kleptomaniacal tendencies, and she's almost past her prime in terms of bearing children. So, errrm, verily didst the Lord striketh her down.
verilon wrote:
[*]Neil (35 years old) - He sells drugs on the street and is a compulsive gambler. He is a Desert Storm veteran.[/list]
And verily didst the Lord striketh him down because He needs to narrow the list down to five and Neil mayest be the warlord type, and the Lord knows that there shalt be more than enough of those.
My strongest picks are:
Monica - Law and order.
Maria - Reasonably learned and in the prime of her life.
Darius - Community-minded, still inside the prime of his life.
Charles - Knowledge of agriculture. (Kinda iffy though.)
Betty - Knowledge of works and infrastructure.
If I had to make substitutions, I might substitute in Nick or Phoebe due to their potential as laborers and breeders. Catherine might make a fair substitution as well.