I would have posted a link, but, unfortunately the New York times requires you to be registered to even view it.
For those of you who have a copy of the times or are registered with the NYT's website it is in the Editorial page.
Incredible Shrinking Y
Why, oh Y, are men so insecure?
The darlings have been fretting for some years now that they may be rendered unnecessary if women get financial and biological independence, learning how to reproduce and refinance without them. What if nature played a cruel trick and demoted men, so they had to be judged merely by their appearance, pliability and talent for gazing raptly at the opposite sex, no matter how bored?
New research on the Y chromosome shows that my jittery male friends are not paranoid; they are in an evolutionary shame spiral.
As Nicholas Wade wrote in The Times: "Although most men are unaware of the peril, the Y chromosome has been shedding genes furiously over the course of evolutionary time, and it is now a fraction of the size of its partner, the X chromosome. . . . The decay of the Y stems from the fact that it is forbidden to enjoy the principal advantage of sex, which is, of course, for each member of a pair of chromosomes to swap matching pieces of DNA with its partner."
Mr. Wade said that biologists in Cambridge, Mass., had made a remarkable discovery: "Denied the benefits of recombining with the X, the Y recombines with itself."
The ultimate guys' night out. Simply put, the Y chromosome figured out a Herculean way to save itself from extinction by making an incredibly difficult hairpin turn and swapping molecular material with itself.
Self-love as a survival mechanism: the unflinching narcissism of men may send women into despair at times, but it has saved their sex for the next 5 million or 10 million years.
But, according to Olivia Judson, science's answer to the sensual British cook Nigella Lawson, men may need more than narcissism to survive.
Dr. Judson, a 33-year-old evolutionary biologist at Imperial College in London who has written a book about animals in a Dear Abby style, or Deer Abby, under the pen name Dr. Tatiana, says the worm has turned. "For a long time, it was assumed that promiscuity was good for males and bad for females in terms of the number of kids they could have," she explains. "But it wasn't until 1988 that it really started to become evident that females were benefiting from having sex with lots of males, with more promiscuous females having more and healthier offspring."
In her book, Dr. Judson writes about powerful babes, noting that females in more than 80 species, like praying mantises, have been caught devouring their lovers before, during or after mating. "I'm particularly fond," she told me, "of the green spoon worm. . . . The male is 200,000 times smaller, effectively a little parasite who lives in her reproductive tract, fertilizing her eggs and regurgitating sperm through his mouth."
And then there's the tiny female midge, who plunges her proboscis into the male midge's head during procreation. As Dr. Judson told the journalist Ken Ringle, "Her spittle turns his innards to soup, which she slurps up, drinking until she's sucked him dry."
The Economist recently reported on a variation of the creepy-crawly girl-eats-boy love stories. The male orb-weaving spider kills himself before the female has a chance to. Biologists now believe that the male orb-weaver dies when he turns himself into a plug to prevent other males from copulating, thus ensuring his genes are more likely to live on.
In a new book called "Y: The Descent of Men," Steve Jones, a professor of genetics at University College in London, says males, always a genetic "parasite," have devolved to become the "second sex."
The news that Dolly the sheep had been cloned without masculine aid sent a frisson through the Y populace, he writes, because men began to fear that science would cause nature to return to its original, feminine state and men would fade from view.
The Y chromosome, "a mere remnant of its once mighty structure," is worried about size. "Men are wilting away," Dr. Jones writes. "From sperm count to social status and from fertilization to death, as civilization advances, those who bear Y chromosomes are in relative decline."
Perhaps that's why men are adapting, becoming more passive and turning into "metrosexuals," the new term for straight men who are feminized, with a taste for facials, grooming products and home design.
Better to be an X chromosome than an ex-chromosome.
An "Interesting" NYT Editorial
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The "pussification of men," stems from the leftist lie of the infiinitly mutable human mind, and the evils of masculinity. Also the alarming trend of Narcissism. Being dismissed as superfluous, without cultural importance, leads to the pursuit of hedonism/narcissism in men. Men grow old, but stay self centered little boys.Why should they mature, as their mature qualities are bad, unneeded, or just plain bad.
"Men and women are the same, with different plumbing, and cultural baggage." LIE!
http://www.abc.net.au/science/bernie/br ... size.htmge.
This should put this lie to bed early.
The maleable man theorey is quite popular with socialists, and commies. With just the right amout of "education," the type of man that could make the failed systems work could be "created."
Of course, it is never the system, but the people that are not "Up to" the task of glorious collectivism.
This kind of crap is straight feminazi lies. "A woman without a man, is like a fish without a bicycle." Not only are men not needed by women, but have no conceivable use for them! (If you are a lesbian, that is!)
Men are "inferior," violent, and just plain old bad, when they act like men.
Men need to be more like women. Gaack!
I wonder, if using the principal of symmetry, (sauce for the goose, is sauace for the gander) men's advocacy groups started propaganda campaigns about how foolish the feminine desire to nurture, bond,and have children is?
"Having feelings for me, after living together for 4 years, shows her primative feminine flaws. Her unwillingness to lay down with any man she finds attractive shows narrow mindedness, and selfishness. Her jealousy when I cheat on her is proof of her badness. Her dislike of bloodsports and intensly competative physical games shows her squeemish weakness. Get tough or die, bitches."
I can already hear the storm brewing.
The reverse has been happening to men, since the 70s.
The best thing that happens to a man, is to find a woman, that he feels he must be his best to deserve.
From "As Good as it Gets," with Jack Nickolson, to Hellen Hunt.
"You make me want to be a better man."
Barbarians settle down and become city dwellers, once the feminine influence motivates them.
We used to slay dragons, build castles, and write great poems for our women.
As for this overuducated FOOL, "Sperm is cheap, eggs are precious."
Acting like a man, will not make you react like a man.
When gay men, and lesbians have the same level of promiscuity, I will listen a little closer.
"Men and women are the same, with different plumbing, and cultural baggage." LIE!
http://www.abc.net.au/science/bernie/br ... size.htmge.
This should put this lie to bed early.
The maleable man theorey is quite popular with socialists, and commies. With just the right amout of "education," the type of man that could make the failed systems work could be "created."
Of course, it is never the system, but the people that are not "Up to" the task of glorious collectivism.
This kind of crap is straight feminazi lies. "A woman without a man, is like a fish without a bicycle." Not only are men not needed by women, but have no conceivable use for them! (If you are a lesbian, that is!)
Men are "inferior," violent, and just plain old bad, when they act like men.
Men need to be more like women. Gaack!
I wonder, if using the principal of symmetry, (sauce for the goose, is sauace for the gander) men's advocacy groups started propaganda campaigns about how foolish the feminine desire to nurture, bond,and have children is?
"Having feelings for me, after living together for 4 years, shows her primative feminine flaws. Her unwillingness to lay down with any man she finds attractive shows narrow mindedness, and selfishness. Her jealousy when I cheat on her is proof of her badness. Her dislike of bloodsports and intensly competative physical games shows her squeemish weakness. Get tough or die, bitches."
I can already hear the storm brewing.
The reverse has been happening to men, since the 70s.
The best thing that happens to a man, is to find a woman, that he feels he must be his best to deserve.
From "As Good as it Gets," with Jack Nickolson, to Hellen Hunt.
"You make me want to be a better man."
Barbarians settle down and become city dwellers, once the feminine influence motivates them.
We used to slay dragons, build castles, and write great poems for our women.
As for this overuducated FOOL, "Sperm is cheap, eggs are precious."
Acting like a man, will not make you react like a man.
When gay men, and lesbians have the same level of promiscuity, I will listen a little closer.
"It is happening now, It has happened before, It will surely happen again."
Oldest member of SD.net, not most mature.
Brotherhood of the Monkey
"It is happening now, It has happened before, It will surely happen again."
Oldest member of SD.net, not most mature.
Brotherhood of the Monkey