Something you just don't find everyday

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Something you just don't find everyday

Post by Hethrir »

Not that all of you care, but today when i was looking through a book store with a friend, i came across a very valuable find; an inter-linear Greek/NT with a new literal English translation and AKJ in another column! It uses the "Nestle Greek test" for the "New Literal Translation," which (Nestle that is) is used in a few modern translations.

Looking inside reveals a forward and preface, and the AKJ to the left, and the Nestle Greek text on right, and the NLT underneath with the italicised added words for flow. It was published in 1966 and has the previous owners notes inside.

Regardless of anything, this truely is something you just don't find everday! Oh, and it cost the measely sum of $10 :D
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Post by NapoleonGH »

AKJ what is this? seems like KJV but different, what do the initials stand for?
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Post by Hethrir »

Authorised King James
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