A fun, fun debate!

SLAM: debunk creationism, pseudoscience, and superstitions. Discuss logic and morality.

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A fun, fun debate!

Post by DPDarkPrimus »

DaVinciinventer: Hello
DPDarkPrimus: hello
DaVinciinventer: your new to HSD...
DPDarkPrimus: yes
DaVinciinventer: Welcome
DaVinciinventer: how'd you find it?
DPDarkPrimus: a friend
DaVinciinventer: ah
DaVinciinventer: you debate? Or speech? :-)
DPDarkPrimus: i debate
DPDarkPrimus: i'm still an amatur, compared to my friends, but i can hold my own
DaVinciinventer: so your in NCFCA?
DPDarkPrimus: i'm more towards religous debates
DaVinciinventer: yeah.... but are you in NCFCA?
DPDarkPrimus: NCFCA stands for...?
DaVinciinventer: National Christian Forensic Communication Association
DaVinciinventer: I think :-P
DPDarkPrimus: since i am not a Christian, i am pretty sure i don't
DaVinciinventer: oh
DaVinciinventer: then what friend gave you the link to HSD?
DPDarkPrimus: a fellow atheist
DaVinciinventer: um
DaVinciinventer: atheist...?
DaVinciinventer: a sadist?
DaVinciinventer: are they the same?
DPDarkPrimus: you mean Adrian
DPDarkPrimus: ...
DPDarkPrimus: no
DaVinciinventer: yeah
DaVinciinventer: good
DaVinciinventer: wait
DaVinciinventer: but
DPDarkPrimus: atheist and sadist are completely seperate terms
DaVinciinventer: okay
DaVinciinventer: what is a atheist?
DPDarkPrimus: someone who doesn't have a religon, or believe in any god
DaVinciinventer: oh
DaVinciinventer: so you don't believe in anything?
DPDarkPrimus: not anything religious
DaVinciinventer: ah
DaVinciinventer: then what do you believe in?
DPDarkPrimus: it's not a belief as a religion, but i believe in science and the logical examination of the natural world
DaVinciinventer: you believe in evolution?
DPDarkPrimus: it is a sound theory, yes
DaVinciinventer: so you think we were formed by ROCKS?
DPDarkPrimus: ...
DPDarkPrimus: where in the theory of evolution does it say life came from rocks?
DaVinciinventer: well
DaVinciinventer: you guys say that
DPDarkPrimus: life was first formed by a combination of amino acids
DaVinciinventer: something exploded... and then earth cooled down
DPDarkPrimus: and NONE OF "us guys" say that
DPDarkPrimus: no, THE UNIVERSE came from rocks
DPDarkPrimus: life came from amino acids
DaVinciinventer: so
DaVinciinventer: your saying you came from a FISH?
DaVinciinventer: a MONKEY?
DPDarkPrimus: yes
DPDarkPrimus: ever notice how similar monkys and humans are?
DaVinciinventer: yes
DaVinciinventer: but where then are the creatures in between?
DPDarkPrimus: fossils
DPDarkPrimus: they died out because they couldn't evovle
DPDarkPrimus: whereas we did
DaVinciinventer: so
DPDarkPrimus: that is evolution for you
DaVinciinventer: you think pple were really once a fish?
DPDarkPrimus: not a fish, perhaps, but a creature from the sea
DaVinciinventer: ah
DaVinciinventer: how is it POSSIBLE that it culd change?
DPDarkPrimus: it isn't known whether humans evolved from a fish or some other sort of change
DPDarkPrimus: how is it possible?
DaVinciinventer: yes
DPDarkPrimus: genes. DNA.
DaVinciinventer: we haven't evolved some more
DPDarkPrimus: mutation
DaVinciinventer: yes
DPDarkPrimus: we are ALWAYS evolving
DaVinciinventer: how come we haven't evolved anymore?
DPDarkPrimus: we ARE
DPDarkPrimus: every generation, we evolve
DaVinciinventer: so your saying sooner or later we are going to be like something different?
DPDarkPrimus: however, due to our worldwide travel and such, we have slowed our own evolution down... and evolution takes hundreds or thousands of years, anyways
DPDarkPrimus: exactly what i am saying... (unless we die out as a species)
DaVinciinventer: okay...
DaVinciinventer: one second
DPDarkPrimus: sure
DaVinciinventer: debating TWO things at once
DPDarkPrimus: evolution happens quickest in seclusion, that is why humans are changing so slowly
DaVinciinventer: so then how old do you think the world is?
DPDarkPrimus: a few billion years, give or take
DPDarkPrimus: how about you?
DaVinciinventer: oh
DaVinciinventer: hmm
DaVinciinventer: well, it's been 2000 years since Jesus.... so maybe about 6000 or 5000
DPDarkPrimus: oh?
DaVinciinventer: yeah
DPDarkPrimus: what proof do you have that the universe (never mind the earth) is only 6000 years old?
DaVinciinventer: more or less....
DaVinciinventer: well...
DPDarkPrimus: not the Bible
DPDarkPrimus: scientific proof
DaVinciinventer: huh?
DaVinciinventer: um
DaVinciinventer: I'm slow cause I'm debating two pple
DPDarkPrimus: i'm sure
DaVinciinventer: um
DaVinciinventer: well, you see... there was the flood....
DaVinciinventer: and that is true
DPDarkPrimus: is it?
DPDarkPrimus: what proof of the flood?
DPDarkPrimus: wait
DaVinciinventer: many things
DPDarkPrimus: do you mind if i get some math calculations of the Biblical flood?
DaVinciinventer: like the BIG mountain range under the sea
DPDarkPrimus: wait a second, please
DaVinciinventer: huh?
DPDarkPrimus: Total surface area of Earth: 510,072,000 sq km
Highest elevation: 8.85 km


510,072,000 * 8.8 = 4,488,633,600

Or four and a half billion cubic kilometers of water required to cover the earth deeply enough to submerge all land. A cubic kilometer of water ought to weigh a billion tons, so:

4,488,633,600 * 1,000,000,000 = 4.48e+18

Or four and a half quintillion tons of matter striking the earth. Assuming a terminal velocity of nine meters per second, which is what I found for the speed of a downpour-level raindrop, we use...

KE = 1/2 * M * V^2

This gives us an energy release of roughly 1.81e+23 joules. There are 4.184e+12 joules in a kiloton, giving us an energy yield for the flood equal to...


Forty three billion kilotons, or not quite three billion Hiroshima bombs
DaVinciinventer: jas
DPDarkPrimus: do you know why that is impossible?
DPDarkPrimus: other than the fact that there isn't enough water on the earth to flood all land
DaVinciinventer: um
DPDarkPrimus: The problem with the flood is that energy doesnt just disappear. Energy must be conserved. When a raindrop or any other moving object strikes another object the energy of that collision must go somewhere and often it becomes heat. In the case of the flood the combined kinetic energy of the raindrops striking the earth would be converted at least partially into heat and thus the temperature of the earth would be increased and unless the earth can radiate that energy over those 40 days at the same rate as it is absorbing that energy it will increase in temperature potentially to 100 C at which point the water on earth boils and everything living that wasnt already dead is poached.
DaVinciinventer: I didn't get that
DPDarkPrimus: read
DaVinciinventer: I wilol
DaVinciinventer: *will
DaVinciinventer: jas
DPDarkPrimus: all the energy of the rain would cause the world's temperature to raise so high that the water would boil, killing all life on earth
DPDarkPrimus: ALL LIFE
DaVinciinventer: okay
DaVinciinventer: you see
DPDarkPrimus: i do see
DaVinciinventer: before the flood, it rained from the ground
DPDarkPrimus: how does it rain from the ground?
DPDarkPrimus: that defies the definition of rain
DaVinciinventer: well... it comes up out of the ground
DaVinciinventer: well
DaVinciinventer: not rain
DaVinciinventer: but the water didn't come DOWN, it came up
DPDarkPrimus: where in the bible does it say that?
DaVinciinventer: huh... it doesn't... but some Christian Geologist or whatever have found that out
DaVinciinventer: and also
DaVinciinventer: ever heard of Noah?
DPDarkPrimus: find me the proof
DPDarkPrimus: yes, i have heard of Noah
DPDarkPrimus: can i post the measurements of his ark?
DaVinciinventer: lol
DaVinciinventer: I know... well, actually I forget :-P
DPDarkPrimus: it's in the BIble
DPDarkPrimus: just a sec
DaVinciinventer: yes
DaVinciinventer: it is
DPDarkPrimus: Make yourself an ark of gopher wood; make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and out with pitch. 15 This is how you are to make it: the length of the ark three hundred cubits, its breadth fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits. 16 Make a roof for the ark, and finish it to a cubit above; and set the door of the ark in its side; make it with lower, second, and third decks.
DPDarkPrimus: Genesis 5:14-16
DPDarkPrimus: Noah did this; he did all that God commanded him.
DaVinciinventer: let me read
DPDarkPrimus: Genesis 5:22
DPDarkPrimus: now, there was an experiment done by British scientists in 1910. they built a model of the ark to scale with those measurements... and the boat snapped in half when they put it in water
DaVinciinventer: lol
DaVinciinventer: what do you trust? Some British experiment or the real thing
DaVinciinventer: a LOT of expriments have been wrong
DPDarkPrimus: the "real thing"? there is no proof there was a "real thing"
DaVinciinventer: yes there is
DaVinciinventer: the Bible
DPDarkPrimus: the Bible has not been proven to be historically accurate
DPDarkPrimus: nor is it scientifically accurate
DaVinciinventer: oh yes it has
DPDarkPrimus: by WHOM? using WHAT EVIDENCE?
DPDarkPrimus: give me links, please
DaVinciinventer: I don't have the links :-P
DPDarkPrimus: then you are just saying words
DaVinciinventer: Okay
DPDarkPrimus: words that can have as much truth in them as your precious Bible
DaVinciinventer: then how can everything be SO perfect?
DPDarkPrimus: how is everything so perfect? there are millions of people dying of AIDS in Africa as we speak. in Thiland, girls 10 years old are sold into prostitution and raped daily. in the Middle East, people kill innocents because of religous beliefs. in America, 5% of the nation controls more than 50% of the wealth, while hundreds of thousands of people don't even have a house.
DPDarkPrimus: i hardly call that perfect
DaVinciinventer: brb
DPDarkPrimus: and that's not even counting all the black holes, colliding galaxies, etc, that are in the rest of the universe
DaVinciinventer: back.... let me read
DPDarkPrimus: sure, take your time, i'll brb too
DPDarkPrimus: getting a drink
DaVinciinventer: ROFL
DaVinciinventer: okay
DaVinciinventer: but
DaVinciinventer: I'm not talking about that kind of perfect
DPDarkPrimus: oh? then, please, how do you define perfect?
DaVinciinventer: I mean
DaVinciinventer: not that type of perfect
DaVinciinventer: but how is the body of a person SO perfectly formed?
DaVinciinventer: if it was by evolution?
DPDarkPrimus: perfectly formed?
DPDarkPrimus: you mean, all those people born with weak hearts, Down's Syndrome, deformed limbs, blindness, that?
DPDarkPrimus: or people who need glasses, or an inhaler, or a pacemaker?
DaVinciinventer: that is DNA disform
DaVinciinventer: but a healthy child
DPDarkPrimus: no
DaVinciinventer: how is it so perfectly formed?
DPDarkPrimus: quiet
DPDarkPrimus: you said the body of a person
DPDarkPrimus: you never said what sort of person
DaVinciinventer: lol
DaVinciinventer: I mean
DPDarkPrimus: and people who are my age, or older, start losing their eyesight
DaVinciinventer: yes, a heathly
DPDarkPrimus: if the body was perfect, then the eyes wouldn't weaken
DaVinciinventer: lol
DaVinciinventer: I don't mean it that way
DPDarkPrimus: you are contradicting yourself
DPDarkPrimus: what DO you mean, then?
DPDarkPrimus: and please, say what you actually mean this tiem
DaVinciinventer: the bones structer and all
DPDarkPrimus: there are plenty of people born with deformed bones
DaVinciinventer: I'm not talking about them
DaVinciinventer: they have bad DNA form and all
DPDarkPrimus: you know, it would be more effecient if our knees went the other way
DPDarkPrimus: if they were on the back of our legs
DaVinciinventer: like a flamingo?
DPDarkPrimus: no
DPDarkPrimus: to proportion
DPDarkPrimus: with us
DPDarkPrimus: not like a flamingo's
DaVinciinventer: huh?
DPDarkPrimus: but the knee joints would be the same
DPDarkPrimus: oh, and by the way
DPDarkPrimus: you lost
DPDarkPrimus: you mentioned DNA
DPDarkPrimus: DNA=evolution
DaVinciinventer: ROFL
DaVinciinventer: DNA isn't evolution
DPDarkPrimus: unless you think that every person born has the exact same DNA pattern?
DaVinciinventer: no
DPDarkPrimus: evolution
DaVinciinventer: God made each and everysingle snowflake different
DPDarkPrimus: actually
DPDarkPrimus: the freezing of water molcules makes snowflakes
DPDarkPrimus: but nice false analogy
DaVinciinventer: huh?
DPDarkPrimus: you said DNA changes affect the phenotype, thus, deformaties in babies
DPDarkPrimus: that is proof of evolution
DaVinciinventer: no
DPDarkPrimus: mutations in genes is evolution
DPDarkPrimus: mutations aren't always positive
DPDarkPrimus: but those negative mutations usually don't survive to reproduce
DPDarkPrimus: of course, due to human interferance, we keep humans with inferior genes alive, thus leading to slower evolution
DPDarkPrimus: you know, saying "no" doesn't make it wrong
DaVinciinventer: oh boy
DaVinciinventer: now I"m starting to get confused
DPDarkPrimus: that's the logic at work
DaVinciinventer: lol
DaVinciinventer: I have to debate two pple
DPDarkPrimus: not a valid excuse
DPDarkPrimus: you could have waited to debate me
DaVinciinventer: then can I?
DPDarkPrimus: sure, why not
DaVinciinventer: okay
DaVinciinventer: thanks!

To be continued, obviously.
Mayabird is my girlfriend
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"Well then, science is bullshit. "
-revprez, with yet another brilliant rebuttal.
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Dark Hellion
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Post by Dark Hellion »

He sounds no where near as stupid as the Gp4teenies, or most other fundies I have seen, including a girl I went to high school with, Ms. I don't believe in homosexuals (chuckle, chuckle a lot). He is trying to see your side and I think he will either see the light, or go into a fundie huddle mode. If the later, ignore him, they become almost unreachable gibbering idiots.
A teenage girl is just a teenage boy who can get laid.

We're not just doing this for money; we're doing this for a shitload of money!
Enforcer Talen
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

continued, same kid:

Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

One Winged Angel says:
Talen, he's still not convinced that The Bible tells of God's sadism
Enforcer Talen says:
he hasnt read it then
One Winged Angel says:
I agree
Furincer says:
wait.... I'm starting to get confused
One Winged Angel says:
May I ask your sex?
Furincer says:
oh... sorry, male
One Winged Angel says:
and your age?
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
I may want to keep that kept to myself for now... at least
Enforcer Talen says:
Enforcer Talen says:
my bet
One Winged Angel says:
That's alright
One Winged Angel says:
Wouldn't doubt it
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
when did enforcer join?
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
please scroll up...
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen: 13-
Enforcer Talen: my bet
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
there we go
One Winged Angel says:
now that we've cleared that up
One Winged Angel says:
You say God is not a sadist right?
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Let me find the exact definition...
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
it'll only take a second
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
The deriving of sexual gratification or the tendency to derive sexual gratification from inflicting pain or emotional abuse on others.
The deriving of pleasure, or the tendency to derive pleasure, from cruelty.
Extreme cruelty.
Enforcer Talen says:
someone who delights in pain
Enforcer Talen says:
owa, you want to handle this?
One Winged Angel says:
I should be able to take it from here
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
One Winged Angel says:
Could you begin it?
One Winged Angel says:
I've got a phone call
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
I'll make a starting comment...
One Winged Angel says:
The Bible is true right?
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
God sends people to Hell right?
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
he does not
One Winged Angel says:
please explain
One Winged Angel says:
*looks at watch*
Furincer says:
God GIVES us the CHOICE if we want to believe in him or not... he doesn't want robots and all... he gives us the FREE choice... and if you deny Him... I mean, do not believe in him, it is your own fault because you do not want to believe, so therefore satan takes you and grabs you and takes you to hell
Furincer says:
I'm debating two things
Furincer says:
at once
Furincer says:
and I'm slow also....
One Winged Angel says:
Firstly, does God not have the power to save us from hell?
Furincer says:
well, that is something hard to say
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
ARe you saying God does not have ultimate power?
Furincer says:
yes he does... but what I siad... he is GIVVING us a choice... he doesn't want robots
One Winged Angel says:
very interesting...
Furincer says:
he does
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
could we not have a choice
One Winged Angel says:
And still make the right one?
One Winged Angel says:
Could not God make us not notice it?
One Winged Angel says:
Could not God find a way?
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
reask the question please
One Winged Angel says:
Could God find a way that we could have free will, and still make right descisions always?
Furincer says:
that would be robotic
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
that would still be a flood
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
his other chat -amused-
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
my other debate
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Quite alright
One Winged Angel says:
yes, it's funny hahaha
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
where were we?
One Winged Angel says:
HOw is that robotic?
One Winged Angel says:
And what's wrong with robotic?
Furincer says:
one second....
One Winged Angel says:
*twirls chair in circles*
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
reading long statements on other debate...
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
it is robotic ...cause
Furincer says:
you see... they are still doing and don't have the free will of choice to do it...
One Winged Angel says:
I believe I already addressed that...
One Winged Angel says:
Couldn't they have free will
One Winged Angel says:
And still make the right choice?
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
that IS what robotic pretty much is
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
It is?
One Winged Angel says:
I thought robotic is when they have no choice
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
then it would be brainwashed
One Winged Angel says:
And you're telling me you aren't brainwashed already?
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
I have had the free choice
One Winged Angel says:
You do?
Furincer says:
and I choose God
One Winged Angel says:
If someone is pointing a gun to your head
One Winged Angel says:
And tell you to do something
One Winged Angel says:
Not really free will is it?
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
one second....
Furincer says:
let me think
Furincer says:
yes... it is free will
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
it's not
Furincer says:
you can either die, or do what he says
Furincer says:
yes it is
Furincer says:
just proved ya wrong
One Winged Angel says:
Your will isn't free
Enforcer Talen says:
dying is not a preferred option
One Winged Angel says:
You have two choices
Furincer says:
why do you say that
Furincer says:
well... let me think some more
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
If you have two choices
One Winged Angel says:
But can only make the right one
One Winged Angel says:
That's not free will
Furincer says:
you have the FREE will to die or do what he wants
One Winged Angel says:
so this can't be free either
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
another long statement
Furincer says:
by the other debate
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
hey, bossman. cyber64. I have used my isp tracking device to find out where you live, and unless you call me "the man", then I will go to your house, and flay you.
and then all my friends will call you evil cuz you didnt do what I said
Enforcer Talen says:
what do you do
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Talen are you god?
One Winged Angel says:
You have a strong resemlance to him...
Furincer says:
oh my
Enforcer Talen says:
I can make a sea turn red, and can take on iron chariots
Enforcer Talen says:
Enforcer Talen says:
that is your option
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
I have used my isp tracking device to find out where you live, and unless you call me "the man", then I will go to your house, and flay you.
and then all my friends will call you evil cuz you didnt do what I said

Enforcer Talen says:
what do you do
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
just the man
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
who is bioman?
Enforcer Talen says:
did you call me the man?
One Winged Angel says:
Don't see the relation?
Furincer says:
another friend?
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
YOU are the bossman
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
Enforcer Talen says:
did you call me the man
Enforcer Talen says:
yes or no
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
I'm getting confused
Enforcer Talen says:
furincer, I am going to flay you unless you call me the man.

will you do it?
Enforcer Talen says:
yes. or no.
Furincer says:
what do I care if I call you the man?
Enforcer Talen says:
cuz if you dont, I flay you
One Winged Angel says:
flay? I thought it was slay...
Enforcer Talen says:
skin alive
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
what do I care if I DO call you the man?
One Winged Angel says:
Because if you don't
One Winged Angel says:
You get flayed!
Enforcer Talen says:
oh, if you do?
Enforcer Talen says:
well, nothing happens
Enforcer Talen says:
we're buddies
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
so, say it, or no?
Furincer says:
I still don't get you though?
Enforcer Talen says:
owa, take over
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
Let me explain this...
One Winged Angel says:
Talen is God
One Winged Angel says:
He gave you a choice
One Winged Angel says:
You take the choice or are tortured
Furincer says:
the problemo is
One Winged Angel says:
If you don't do what he says
Furincer says:
he isn't
One Winged Angel says:
Everyone calls you evil
One Winged Angel says:
I'm making a relation
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
no the won't
Furincer says:
he isn't God
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Talen is being compared to God
One Winged Angel says:
In this metaphor
Furincer says:
your confusing me
One Winged Angel says:
Do you understand?
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
I don't
Furincer says:

One Winged Angel says:
Let me explain
One Winged Angel says:
Do you understand his threat?
One Winged Angel says:
Do you understand everything he said?
Furincer says:
not really
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
He tells you
One Winged Angel says:
To call him "The Man"
One Winged Angel says:
If you don't
Furincer says:
yeah so?
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
He's going to torture you
Furincer says:
what do I care if I call him the man?
One Winged Angel says:
because if you don't
One Winged Angel says:
You get tortured
Furincer says:
but what do I CARE if I call him the man?
Furincer says:
when I do or don't
Furincer says:
who WOULD care?
One Winged Angel says:
He would!
Furincer says:
I mean...
One Winged Angel says:
And you would if you valued your life!
Furincer says:
yeah... you are a man
One Winged Angel says:
He's going to torture you
Furincer says:
your the man
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
And kill you
One Winged Angel says:
If you don't do it
Enforcer Talen says:
oh, and he's 11
One Winged Angel says:
Do you just understand that?
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
I mean
One Winged Angel says:
No wonder...
Enforcer Talen says:
his name is Mark
Furincer says:
what do I CARE, if I DO cal you the man?
One Winged Angel says:
Because then you don't get tortured and killed
One Winged Angel says:
If you do, nothing happens
One Winged Angel says:
If you don't, you're tortured and killed
Furincer says:
I'm not talking about if I DON"T say he is
Furincer says:
but if I DO?
Furincer says:
what would I CARE?
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
talen is a man...
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
so yeah, your da man
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
there are lots of da mans
One Winged Angel says:
He wants you to call him taht
Enforcer Talen says:
why did you say Im the man
One Winged Angel says:
So when you do
One Winged Angel says:
You're buddies now
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
so you think God is good and not a sadist?
Enforcer Talen says:
work with me
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
Were you going to go somewhere with this Talen, or should I continue?
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
So why did you call him the man?
Furincer says:
cause you are one
Furincer says:
your a man...
Furincer says:
and what do I really care if I do?
One Winged Angel says:
Ok, Talen is actually a girl
Furincer says:
it's not like I'm dening anything
Enforcer Talen says:
-shows off hair-
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
And he wants you to call him the man
Furincer says:
thought so
One Winged Angel says:
Why did you call him the man?
Furincer says:
it's not really much of a difference
One Winged Angel says:
Why did you?
Furincer says:
do you call girls also guys?
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
to a group of pple
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
Not to a group of people
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
He wants you to call him
One Winged Angel says:
The man
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
So if you don't call her the man
One Winged Angel says:
She tortures and kills you
One Winged Angel says:
If you do call her the man
One Winged Angel says:
She becomes best buddies with you
Furincer says:
it would be an inslut for me to call her one
One Winged Angel says:
Don't think about anything else
One Winged Angel says:
Just what I just said
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
Are you going to call her the man?
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
let me think

Furincer has left the conversation.

Furincer has been added to the conversation.

One Winged Angel says:
So, do you do it or don't you?
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
let me think
Furincer says:
and let me explain
Furincer says:
if I DID call you the man
Furincer says:
it would just be an insult to you
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
Don't think about that
Furincer says:
I am
One Winged Angel says:
Just think about the analogy
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
so basically, your saying, like dening my religion... by saying that he/she is God or something
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
no. just say Im da man
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
Just think about the analogy
One Winged Angel says:
Nothing else applies
One Winged Angel says:
Just concentrate
One Winged Angel says:
On the analogy
Furincer says:
I personally wouldn't really CARE, if I did call you one or not
One Winged Angel says:
Yes you do
One Winged Angel says:
You die if you don't!
Furincer says:
even if your a girl
Enforcer Talen says:
remember, mark nadal
Enforcer Talen says:
I know where you live
Furincer says:
that's what I"m saying
Furincer says:
why would I care if I called a girl a man then?
Furincer says:
or da man
Furincer says:
it's a title
One Winged Angel says:
I know
One Winged Angel says:
He wants it
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
then your da man
Furincer says:

One Winged Angel says:
why did you call me that?
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Because I told you that I'd torture you if I didn't?
Furincer says:
because you wanted me to... and what does it matter to you
Furincer says:
I mean, as I said, it would be mroe of an insult
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
if you put it into a different context I'd think different
Furincer says:
like if you said for me to deny my religion or something
Furincer says:
then no, I wouldn't do it
Furincer says:
and I would obivoiusly die
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
but God knows me... and I would be saved both ways, even if I did escape or if I died
One Winged Angel says:
It has nothing to do with your religion
Furincer says:
you would pretty much be doing me a favor
Furincer says:
cause I would got to Heaven
Enforcer Talen says:
no, you wouldnt
Enforcer Talen says:
you blasphemed
Enforcer Talen says:
you know thaty
Enforcer Talen says:
buh bye
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
You're not going to Heaven
Furincer says:
you wanted to "title
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
because you blasphemed
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
you wanted to be "titled" the man
One Winged Angel says:
You've never blasphemed before
Furincer says:
so it's not really my care if I title you "the man " or not
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
wait wait
Furincer says:
so yoursaying it's not a title you want
One Winged Angel says:
Forget about that
Furincer says:
you just want me to say that YOUR A MAN not a girl
One Winged Angel says:
Have you ever blasphemed before?
Furincer says:
then sure... then I wouln't say it
Furincer says:
I have no clue, I do'nt think so
Enforcer Talen says:
even if your heart
One Winged Angel says:
Do you know what blaspheming is?
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
somewhere inside your heads
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
considered to what?
Furincer says:
I know what it means... but sometimes I can get confused
Furincer says:

One Winged Angel says:
Have you ever said that you were god?
One Winged Angel says:
As a joke?
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
I'd never do that
Enforcer Talen says:
ever thot it
One Winged Angel says:
Has anyone you knew said that and you laughed?
Enforcer Talen says:
just for a second
Furincer says:
I don't like it when they say that
Furincer says:
because I know I'm not, and I don't want them to say I am, because I am not
One Winged Angel says:
Have you ever thought God did something mean to you?
Furincer says:
well... I know it's not God... it's satan being mean to me... I cry out to God for his help
Furincer says:
and I complain to him
Furincer says:
and I do think stuff is unfair... cause adam and eve sinned and brought it into this world
One Winged Angel says:
Have you ever said that it's God's fault in your mind?
Furincer says:
well... I might of just barely thought it... but I KNOW it's not
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
so I just deny that thought instantalniously
Furincer says:

One Winged Angel says:
Now we're getting somewhere
Furincer says:
: ticks toungue out::
One Winged Angel says:
Just thinking it that one second
One Winged Angel says:
Is blaspheming
Furincer says:
but I deny it
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
You go to Hell
Furincer says:
and I'm sorry
Enforcer Talen says:
One Winged Angel says:
It doesn't matter
Enforcer Talen says:
oops, you lose
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
It's unforgiveable
Furincer says:
it is forgivible
One Winged Angel says:
I spent all that time on the analogy and this is all we needed
Furincer says:
no.. I pretty much have NEVER said that
Enforcer Talen says:
no, its unforgivable
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
nope, said it once
Furincer says:
then you don't know much
One Winged Angel says:
you do it once
Enforcer Talen says:
your getting hellfire
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
yes... and if I ever did, I would ask Jesus for my forgivenice and he would forgive me
Enforcer Talen says:
no, he wouldnt
Furincer says:
you don't know how awesome God is
Enforcer Talen says:
One Winged Angel says:
It doesn't matter
Furincer says:
you don't know much then
Enforcer Talen says:
you dont read your bible
Furincer says:
yes it does matter
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
and it says
Furincer says:
in there... that he will forgive our sins
Furincer says:
the man on the cross next to him
Furincer says:
had done everything evil and bad
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
He had not done everything evil and bad
Furincer says:
and he even laughed at Jesus on the cross
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
he then said he was sorry
One Winged Angel says:
That's not true
Furincer says:
and asked for God
One Winged Angel says:
If you look closely
Furincer says:
and God gave him life
One Winged Angel says:
The two different Gospels
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Say two different things
One Winged Angel says:
One says that he mocked him
Enforcer Talen says:
"But unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven."
One Winged Angel says:
The other says he didn't
One Winged Angel says:
Look in Matt.
One Winged Angel says:
I think it's that one...
Enforcer Talen says:
no forgiveness
Enforcer Talen says:
you burn
Furincer says:
but he THEN saw
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
I'm sorry
Furincer says:
Jesus told him that day, because he was sorry, and had repented, that he would go to Heaven
Enforcer Talen says:
"But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation."
Furincer says:
and if you ever make it there, you will see him
Enforcer Talen says:
"Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come."
Enforcer Talen says:
you blasphemed
Enforcer Talen says:
its unforgiveable
One Winged Angel says:
And these are from the New testament am I right?
Enforcer Talen says:
hellfire for you
Furincer says:
yes it is
Furincer says:
Jesus said so
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
Then the Bible must be wrong
Furincer says:
there is a lot of confusion the Bible to whom reads it
Furincer says:
like many a places
One Winged Angel says:
It's no confusiong
Furincer says:
one place says to not marry
Furincer says:
another place says TO marry
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
hm. contradictions
One Winged Angel says:
You're right
One Winged Angel says:
The Bible is wrong
Furincer says:
yes, cause they are in context
Furincer says:
it is the WORD OF GOD
One Winged Angel says:
And could you give me proof where it says not to marry?
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
That was kinda random
Furincer says:
do you know how big it is
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
I do
Furincer says:
but I do know it says that stuff somewhere
Furincer says:
one place says not to marry, then another to
Furincer says:
but they are in different context
Enforcer Talen says:
fur - you arent forgiven
Furincer says:
and all
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
you will burn
One Winged Angel says:
The Bible is wrong
Furincer says:
yes, there are MANY wrong things in the Bible
Furincer says:
David and Basheeba (spl)
Furincer says:
that was wrong of him
Furincer says:
many things
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
but it is the WORD OF GOD
One Winged Angel says:
There's a difference from someone else doing something wrong
One Winged Angel says:
And the Bible lying
Furincer says:
oh my
Furincer says:
has satan sure whispered in your ear
Furincer says:
no offence
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
but the Bible is GODS WORD
One Winged Angel says:
Satan has never done anything REALLY wrong
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
now your going down
Furincer says:
you just lost it
Furincer says:
because of those words
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
I did?
One Winged Angel says:
What did he do?
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
fur, you going to hell
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
you blashphemed
Furincer says:
we will see
One Winged Angel says:
Please tell me
One Winged Angel says:
Wait Talen
Enforcer Talen says:
so we see each other down there
One Winged Angel says:
I wanna know what he did
Furincer says:
when did I blashpemed?
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
Tell me
One Winged Angel says:
When you said it was God's fault
One Winged Angel says:
That's blasphemy
Furincer says:
oh.. I'm not sure IF I HAVE
One Winged Angel says:
you said earlier you did
Furincer says:
I can't remember every single thought
Furincer says:
I said I MIGHT of have
One Winged Angel says:
Now you're lying...
Furincer says:
but even if Id id
Furincer says:
I new that was wrong
One Winged Angel says:
It doen't matter!
Furincer says:
and it was satan giving me a bad thought
Furincer says:
it was satan
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
who gave me the thought
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
it was you
Enforcer Talen says:
you burn
Enforcer Talen says:
no excuses
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
god punishes the wicked
Enforcer Talen says:
thats you
Furincer says:
believe what you WANT
Enforcer Talen says:
I believe the bible
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
Please tell me
One Winged Angel says:
What did Satan do wrong?
Furincer says:
onloh my
One Winged Angel says:
I've always wondered this
Furincer says:
*oh my
Furincer says:
read the Bible..
Enforcer Talen says:
I have
One Winged Angel says:
I have
Enforcer Talen says:
every day
Furincer says:
I don't even need to explain
One Winged Angel says:
You tell me what he did that was wrong
Enforcer Talen says:
more then you
One Winged Angel says:
Much more...
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
he was a worshiper in Heaven to God
Furincer says:
and he was greedy... and thought he should be God... so God casted him out of heaven
One Winged Angel says:
So God's not greedy?
Furincer says:
and some other angels which turned into demons
Enforcer Talen says:
god is very greedy
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
God doesn't think he's better than everyone else?
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
he wasnt even elected
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
no he wasn't elected, because he is God
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
he is JESUS
One Winged Angel says:
Satan has done no more than God
Enforcer Talen says:
a lot less
Furincer says:
they are different but they are the same
One Winged Angel says:
If it doesn't count as a sin on God's side
Enforcer Talen says:
god kills many more
Furincer says:
you still don't get it
One Winged Angel says:
It doesn't count as a sin on Satan's side
One Winged Angel says:
problem solved
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
SATAN desives us ALL
One Winged Angel says:
What else has he done wrong my little friend?
One Winged Angel says:
He does?
Enforcer Talen says:
what has he done?
One Winged Angel says:
You're right
Furincer says:
lol, we all sin
Furincer says:
we are human
One Winged Angel says:
He's decieving you right now
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
and Adam and Eve through satan has brought sin into the world
One Winged Angel says:
Is deciet in itself
One Winged Angel says:
Uh no
One Winged Angel says:
Satan gave them the fruit
One Winged Angel says:
But who created the tree?
Furincer says:
I have sinned many times
Furincer says:
but I accepted GOD
One Winged Angel says:
Doesn't matter
Enforcer Talen says:
why should I be blamed for some middle easterner who hadnt even discovered turbans?

-moved to other chat, in progress-
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Post by StarshipTitanic »

Good! Confusion means he might be thinking for himself...
"Man's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me...God has not been proven not to exist, therefore he must exist." -- Academician Prokhor Zakharov

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Post by Enforcer Talen »

Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
and he has forgiven me becaues I have asked him
Furincer says:
it does matter
One Winged Angel says:
It's time for a team debate
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
We're gonna smack you down
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
just watch it
Tyler Durden says:
did you mean to say presence?
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
DarkPrimus says:
i beleive you mean presence
Furincer says:
DarkPrimus says:
damn, beat me to it
Tyler Durden says:
i got skills
One Winged Angel says:
you just type fast
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
I'm quite scared
Tyler Durden says:
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
oh, well you will be scared of God
One Winged Angel says:
Oh yes
One Winged Angel says:
He's going to send me to Hell
Enforcer Talen says:
you soundlike a 6 yr old
Tyler Durden says:
hard to be afraid of your imagination
One Winged Angel says:
Send me death threat emails
Furincer says:
it is your choice
Enforcer Talen says:
my brutha is going to beat you up!
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
I'm not that type of person
Enforcer Talen says:
yes, you are
Tyler Durden says:
how about i put a gun in your mouth and say you can either love me or die
Furincer says:
I'm trying to show you that there is a God
Furincer says:
and he is good
Tyler Durden says:
is that free will?
DarkPrimus says:
but there isn't
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
oh, well you will be scared of God
Furincer says:
and you can accept him
DarkPrimus says:
and if he is, he is evil
DarkPrimus says:
i am scare of your stupidity
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
fuck that noise
Furincer says:
you don't understand
Furincer says:
God is great
Tyler Durden says:
somehow you do, with your superior intellect
One Winged Angel says:
a great murderer
Furincer says:
and he is so great, he is so powerful
Enforcer Talen says:
god is evil
Tyler Durden says:
try starting with evidence and working your way up
Furincer says:
that you get scared
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
I'm already scared!
Tyler Durden says:
amused is the word
Enforcer Talen says:
very amused
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Tyler Durden says:
you're a silly little fundy
Furincer says:
I may try and die to show you God
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
Don't do that
Furincer says:
I mean
Furincer says:
you may kill me in trying
One Winged Angel says:
You'll find yourself in a very hot place
Furincer says:
but I have told you about God
Tyler Durden says:
you seem to be paranoid
Furincer says:
if you do not accept him
Tyler Durden says:
we aren't threatening you
Furincer says:
then you do not
Furincer says:
but I have showed you him
DarkPrimus says:
you haven't
Tyler Durden says:
do not even know who you are, mark nadal
Enforcer Talen says:
furincer, accept alexander as god
DarkPrimus says:
i don't see him
Enforcer Talen says:
he conquered persia
Enforcer Talen says:
he is most great and amazing
DarkPrimus says:
Tyler Durden says:
he loves all
One Winged Angel says:
oh yes
Enforcer Talen says:
and he wont kill you if you dont worship him
One Winged Angel says:
He does
Furincer says:
alexander is not God
Enforcer Talen says:
yeah, alex loved everyone
Enforcer Talen says:
sure he is
One Winged Angel says:
Well although this is much fun
Enforcer Talen says:
he had temples and everything
One Winged Angel says:
It goes slightly against my personal rules of debate
Furincer says:
I really hope you see God someday
One Winged Angel says:
I'll leave this up to you guys
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
it would be sad if satan could desieve you so bad
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
And Furincer
One Winged Angel says:
You need serious help
Tyler Durden says:
like how he is deceiving you into really bad spelling?
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
I just don't really care about spelling righ tnow
Furincer says:
and I'm trying to type
Furincer says:
so I goof
Furincer says:

Tyler Durden says:
i know, it was just a funny way to spell decieve
DarkPrimus says:
i would love to stay, but i need to eat
DarkPrimus says:
send me a transcript
Enforcer Talen says:

DarkPrimus has left the conversation.

Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
I have yet to see a memo from satan
Furincer says:
I am standing my ground
Enforcer Talen says:
Im looking

Tyler Durden has left the conversation.

Furincer says:
and I won last time, because of God
Enforcer Talen says:
but I havent seen one
Enforcer Talen says:
no, you didnt
Enforcer Talen says:
youve lost every point
Enforcer Talen says:
people laugh at you
Furincer says:
no they don't
Furincer says:
they now respect me
One Winged Angel says:
yes they do
Enforcer Talen says:
yes, they do
Enforcer Talen says:
Enforcer Talen says:
not respect
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
meet my gang
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
oh no
Furincer says:
and knowers of GOD
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
they remind me of jawas
One Winged Angel says:
is knowers a word?
Furincer says:
they respect me, and will help me
Enforcer Talen says:
short, unintelligent
Enforcer Talen says:
stay with old tech
Furincer says:
a lot will laugh at me
Furincer says:
but what do I care?
Furincer says:
I'm telling you guys about God
Enforcer Talen says:
and Im telling you about science
Enforcer Talen says:
Ill take medicine over prayers any day
Furincer says:
then be decieved
Furincer says:
prayer is good
Enforcer Talen says:
prayer does nothing
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
oh my
Enforcer Talen says:
Ive been healed by medicine
Furincer says:
you haven't seen anybody
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
Ive seen a lot of people
Furincer says:
the dead have been rissen
Furincer says:
the blind can see
One Winged Angel says:
they have!?
One Winged Angel says:
This wasn't on the news!
Furincer says:
the lame can walk
Furincer says:
the deaf can hear
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
because of God, he is good
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
Tod Bently
Furincer says:
the fresh fire team
Enforcer Talen says:
why were they blind in the first place?
Furincer says:
what's his name... Benny Henn
Enforcer Talen says:
why did god create leprosy?
Enforcer Talen says:
why did he create cancer?
Furincer says:
he didn't create it
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
yes, he did
Furincer says:
it is a desiese of satan
Enforcer Talen says:
no, god creates everything
Enforcer Talen says:
satan only destroys
Enforcer Talen says:
you know the mantra as well as I
Furincer says:
: igh::
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
what's that?
Enforcer Talen says:
look it up
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
why isnt aids cured
Enforcer Talen says:
right now
Furincer says:
I don't care
Enforcer Talen says:
god = evil
Enforcer Talen says:
very simple
Enforcer Talen says:
or he doesnt exist
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
my preference
Furincer says:
I hope you meet God
Furincer says:
:: cry ::
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
I pity you
Enforcer Talen says:
Ill run him over in my volvo
Enforcer Talen says:
I laugh at you
Furincer says:
and I feel sad for you
Enforcer Talen says:
I hope you grow up
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
I'll take humility
Enforcer Talen says:
Ill take pride
Furincer says:
I hope you SEE
Enforcer Talen says:
I have earned my place
Furincer says:
in what?
Enforcer Talen says:
skip the conversion, kid, I was a christian longer then youve been alive
Furincer says:
you don't understand what I have been doing
Furincer says:
how old do you think I am
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
and I also feel sad, that I see God, but you think he is bad
Enforcer Talen says:
how do you know you see him?
Enforcer Talen says:
has he come in through the door?
Enforcer Talen says:
sent an email?
Furincer says:
because I've read his word
Enforcer Talen says:
so have I
Enforcer Talen says:
more then you
Furincer says:
he has to many
Enforcer Talen says:
why doesnt he cure aids?
Furincer says:
God LITERLY ENTERED into Tod Bentlys room
Furincer says:
at a hotel
Enforcer Talen says:
very simple question
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
of what?

Tyler Durden has been added to the conversation.

Enforcer Talen says:
God LITERLY ENTERED into Tod Bentlys room
Enforcer Talen says:
I want proof
One Winged Angel says:
Tyler Durden says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
because he did
Tyler Durden says:
thats an odd claim
Tyler Durden says:
how does he do this without a body?
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
I'm not quite sure
Furincer says:
but those who walked past the DOOR of his room
Furincer says:
got healed
Furincer says:
because God was in there
Enforcer Talen says:
Tyler Durden says:
and that proves god how?
Enforcer Talen says:
One Winged Angel says:
This would be on the news
Enforcer Talen says:
One Winged Angel says:
If that really happened
Furincer says:
it did
Enforcer Talen says:
owa, there is a dragon under my bed
Enforcer Talen says:
and when I sleep on the bed for 9 hrs
Enforcer Talen says:
I am healed of all weariness
Enforcer Talen says:
you cant see him tho
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
The dragon must be holy
One Winged Angel says:
Do you think
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
If I walked past your room
One Winged Angel says:
I'd be able to see
Furincer says:
you guys are sultan
Furincer says:
very sultan
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
learn your latin
Furincer says:

Enforcer Talen says:
learn your logic
Furincer says:
means foolish
One Winged Angel says:
I rule Arabian countries
Enforcer Talen says:
and science
Enforcer Talen says:
christian debate teams dont handle well in the real world
Tyler Durden says:
or even on the internet
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
One Winged Angel says:
Because they learn to rely on a book
One Winged Angel says:
Instead of real proof
Furincer says:
I have handled really well
Enforcer Talen says:
sure you have
One Winged Angel says:
you're 11!
Furincer says:
the book of truth
Furincer says:
it is proof
Enforcer Talen says:
no, it isnt
One Winged Angel says:
You've never been in the real world
Tyler Durden says:
because they have the ultimate appeal to authority
Furincer says:
and I obivoulsy know more about real then you
Furincer says:
there is a GOD!
Tyler Durden says:
real what?
Enforcer Talen says:
prove it
One Winged Angel says:
Tyler Durden says:
real stupidity?
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
no, I am!
Furincer says:
no you arent
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
prove it
One Winged Angel says:
I'm more attractive than you
Furincer says:
you are not God
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Prove it
Enforcer Talen says:
I got more powers then anyone in the 5th century bc
Enforcer Talen says:
Im a god
Furincer says:
no you are not
Enforcer Talen says:
oh? I can fly across continents
Furincer says:
do you really think you are?
One Winged Angel says:
I have more powers than those in the 5 and a half century BC
Furincer says:
then come to me right now
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Waste of time
Mithaw says:
To anyone in the 5th century bc era...he would be....
Enforcer Talen says:
right, like Im going to spend 300 bucks to meet you
Furincer says:
and then I smack you with the message of the Gospel
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
youve recieved the smackdown already
Enforcer Talen says:
you just are too stupid to notice
One Winged Angel says:
We've curb-stomped you already
Furincer says:
I will stand my ground
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
good movie
Enforcer Talen says:
its fiction tho
Furincer says:
it is not a movie
Enforcer Talen says:
just so you know
One Winged Angel says:
*steps around Furincer*
Furincer says:
it is a book
Enforcer Talen says:
lord of the rings
Furincer says:
and has been made into a movie
Enforcer Talen says:
One Winged Angel says:
It is a move dolt
Tyler Durden says:
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
see? he's even getting his quotes wrong
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
read the book
Furincer says:
it says
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
I read it in weekends
Furincer says:
ah good
One Winged Angel says:
Have you only seen the movie?
Furincer says:
well maybe then I'm wrong
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
but he says enough like it
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
not the second one yet though
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
provide proof that god exists
Enforcer Talen says:
without using the bible
Enforcer Talen says:
one peice
Furincer says:
the Bible is the proof
Enforcer Talen says:
thats all I ask
Enforcer Talen says:
I dont believe it
One Winged Angel says:
How do you know the bible is true?
Enforcer Talen says:
its fairy tells
Enforcer Talen says:
prove me wrong
Furincer says:
read it
Furincer says:
it is the truth
One Winged Angel says:
We have
Enforcer Talen says:
Ive read every word
Enforcer Talen says:
its nonsense
One Winged Angel says:
prove that it's true
Tyler Durden says:
talen knows it better than you
Tyler Durden says:
im sure of that
Furincer says:
read through the centruies of HISTORY
Enforcer Talen says:
thank you tyler
One Winged Angel says:
Talen, let me get your post...
One Winged Angel says:
The trial
Enforcer Talen says:
dude, its made up
Furincer says:
all those dudes... Marten Luther
Furincer says:
and em all
Enforcer Talen says:
no way they could slaughter that many people and animals
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
simply not enough population
One Winged Angel says:
He found all of this on his own
Furincer says:
meet God then
One Winged Angel says:
http://www.kgivler.com/teens/tboard/vie ... php?t=3375
Enforcer Talen says:
martin luther was a godswhore
Enforcer Talen says:
you have no idea
One Winged Angel says:
And you said he didn't know...
Enforcer Talen says:
he was a fucker
Furincer says:
watch your language
Enforcer Talen says:
he hated owmen
Tyler Durden says:
remember when we did that thing about the sacrifices they said they did?
Enforcer Talen says:
hated jews
Enforcer Talen says:
hated reason
Enforcer Talen says:
oh, and I can swear as I like
Furincer says:
Tyler Durden says:
not you fundy
Enforcer Talen says:
we arent in a theocracy yet, boyo
Enforcer Talen says:
yeah, I do
Furincer says:
I am a boy
Enforcer Talen says:
have a copy of it?
Tyler Durden says:
what were the verses for that?
Enforcer Talen says:
1 kings, I think
Tyler Durden says:
i dont know if i do
Enforcer Talen says:
its in my animal cruelty list
Furincer says:
Okay, I have showed you God... he is true, and good
One Winged Angel says:
No you haven't
Tyler Durden says:
please point
Enforcer Talen says:
I have showed you fiction
Enforcer Talen says:
he is sadistic, he is false
Furincer says:
and I'm tired of all this, your bad words, and satan is decieving you
One Winged Angel says:
Give me proof that the Bible is true
Furincer says:
so I have to say
Furincer says:
good bye
Enforcer Talen says:
oh, no, not bad words
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
One Winged Angel says:
Satan is decieving you!
Furincer says:
and that you meet God
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
damn, dont you know?
Furincer says:
he is to you
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
You're going to hell...
Enforcer Talen says:

Furincer has left the conversation.

One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
This day is Fantastic!
Myers Briggs: ENTJ
Political Compass: -3/-6
"I really hate it when the guy you were pegging as Mr. Worst Case starts saying, "Oh, I was wrong, it's going to be much worse." " - Adrian Laguna
Enforcer Talen
Posts: 10285
Joined: 2002-07-05 02:28am
Location: Boston

Post by Enforcer Talen »

Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
and he has forgiven me becaues I have asked him
Furincer says:
it does matter
One Winged Angel says:
It's time for a team debate
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
We're gonna smack you down
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
just watch it
Tyler Durden says:
did you mean to say presence?
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
DarkPrimus says:
i beleive you mean presence
Furincer says:
DarkPrimus says:
damn, beat me to it
Tyler Durden says:
i got skills
One Winged Angel says:
you just type fast
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
I'm quite scared
Tyler Durden says:
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
oh, well you will be scared of God
One Winged Angel says:
Oh yes
One Winged Angel says:
He's going to send me to Hell
Enforcer Talen says:
you soundlike a 6 yr old
Tyler Durden says:
hard to be afraid of your imagination
One Winged Angel says:
Send me death threat emails
Furincer says:
it is your choice
Enforcer Talen says:
my brutha is going to beat you up!
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
I'm not that type of person
Enforcer Talen says:
yes, you are
Tyler Durden says:
how about i put a gun in your mouth and say you can either love me or die
Furincer says:
I'm trying to show you that there is a God
Furincer says:
and he is good
Tyler Durden says:
is that free will?
DarkPrimus says:
but there isn't
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
oh, well you will be scared of God
Furincer says:
and you can accept him
DarkPrimus says:
and if he is, he is evil
DarkPrimus says:
i am scare of your stupidity
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
fuck that noise
Furincer says:
you don't understand
Furincer says:
God is great
Tyler Durden says:
somehow you do, with your superior intellect
One Winged Angel says:
a great murderer
Furincer says:
and he is so great, he is so powerful
Enforcer Talen says:
god is evil
Tyler Durden says:
try starting with evidence and working your way up
Furincer says:
that you get scared
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
I'm already scared!
Tyler Durden says:
amused is the word
Enforcer Talen says:
very amused
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Tyler Durden says:
you're a silly little fundy
Furincer says:
I may try and die to show you God
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
Don't do that
Furincer says:
I mean
Furincer says:
you may kill me in trying
One Winged Angel says:
You'll find yourself in a very hot place
Furincer says:
but I have told you about God
Tyler Durden says:
you seem to be paranoid
Furincer says:
if you do not accept him
Tyler Durden says:
we aren't threatening you
Furincer says:
then you do not
Furincer says:
but I have showed you him
DarkPrimus says:
you haven't
Tyler Durden says:
do not even know who you are, mark nadal
Enforcer Talen says:
furincer, accept alexander as god
DarkPrimus says:
i don't see him
Enforcer Talen says:
he conquered persia
Enforcer Talen says:
he is most great and amazing
DarkPrimus says:
Tyler Durden says:
he loves all
One Winged Angel says:
oh yes
Enforcer Talen says:
and he wont kill you if you dont worship him
One Winged Angel says:
He does
Furincer says:
alexander is not God
Enforcer Talen says:
yeah, alex loved everyone
Enforcer Talen says:
sure he is
One Winged Angel says:
Well although this is much fun
Enforcer Talen says:
he had temples and everything
One Winged Angel says:
It goes slightly against my personal rules of debate
Furincer says:
I really hope you see God someday
One Winged Angel says:
I'll leave this up to you guys
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
it would be sad if satan could desieve you so bad
One Winged Angel says:
One Winged Angel says:
And Furincer
One Winged Angel says:
You need serious help
Tyler Durden says:
like how he is deceiving you into really bad spelling?
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
I just don't really care about spelling righ tnow
Furincer says:
and I'm trying to type
Furincer says:
so I goof
Furincer says:

Tyler Durden says:
i know, it was just a funny way to spell decieve
DarkPrimus says:
i would love to stay, but i need to eat
DarkPrimus says:
send me a transcript
Enforcer Talen says:

DarkPrimus has left the conversation.

Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
I have yet to see a memo from satan
Furincer says:
I am standing my ground
Enforcer Talen says:
Im looking

Tyler Durden has left the conversation.

Furincer says:
and I won last time, because of God
Enforcer Talen says:
but I havent seen one
Enforcer Talen says:
no, you didnt
Enforcer Talen says:
youve lost every point
Enforcer Talen says:
people laugh at you
Furincer says:
no they don't
Furincer says:
they now respect me
One Winged Angel says:
yes they do
Enforcer Talen says:
yes, they do
Enforcer Talen says:
Enforcer Talen says:
not respect
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
meet my gang
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
oh no
Furincer says:
and knowers of GOD
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
they remind me of jawas
One Winged Angel says:
is knowers a word?
Furincer says:
they respect me, and will help me
Enforcer Talen says:
short, unintelligent
Enforcer Talen says:
stay with old tech
Furincer says:
a lot will laugh at me
Furincer says:
but what do I care?
Furincer says:
I'm telling you guys about God
Enforcer Talen says:
and Im telling you about science
Enforcer Talen says:
Ill take medicine over prayers any day
Furincer says:
then be decieved
Furincer says:
prayer is good
Enforcer Talen says:
prayer does nothing
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
oh my
Enforcer Talen says:
Ive been healed by medicine
Furincer says:
you haven't seen anybody
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
Ive seen a lot of people
Furincer says:
the dead have been rissen
Furincer says:
the blind can see
One Winged Angel says:
they have!?
One Winged Angel says:
This wasn't on the news!
Furincer says:
the lame can walk
Furincer says:
the deaf can hear
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
because of God, he is good
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
Tod Bently
Furincer says:
the fresh fire team
Enforcer Talen says:
why were they blind in the first place?
Furincer says:
what's his name... Benny Henn
Enforcer Talen says:
why did god create leprosy?
Enforcer Talen says:
why did he create cancer?
Furincer says:
he didn't create it
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
yes, he did
Furincer says:
it is a desiese of satan
Enforcer Talen says:
no, god creates everything
Enforcer Talen says:
satan only destroys
Enforcer Talen says:
you know the mantra as well as I
Furincer says:
: igh::
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
what's that?
Enforcer Talen says:
look it up
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
why isnt aids cured
Enforcer Talen says:
right now
Furincer says:
I don't care
Enforcer Talen says:
god = evil
Enforcer Talen says:
very simple
Enforcer Talen says:
or he doesnt exist
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
my preference
Furincer says:
I hope you meet God
Furincer says:
:: cry ::
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
I pity you
Enforcer Talen says:
Ill run him over in my volvo
Enforcer Talen says:
I laugh at you
Furincer says:
and I feel sad for you
Enforcer Talen says:
I hope you grow up
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
I'll take humility
Enforcer Talen says:
Ill take pride
Furincer says:
I hope you SEE
Enforcer Talen says:
I have earned my place
Furincer says:
in what?
Enforcer Talen says:
skip the conversion, kid, I was a christian longer then youve been alive
Furincer says:
you don't understand what I have been doing
Furincer says:
how old do you think I am
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
and I also feel sad, that I see God, but you think he is bad
Enforcer Talen says:
how do you know you see him?
Enforcer Talen says:
has he come in through the door?
Enforcer Talen says:
sent an email?
Furincer says:
because I've read his word
Enforcer Talen says:
so have I
Enforcer Talen says:
more then you
Furincer says:
he has to many
Enforcer Talen says:
why doesnt he cure aids?
Furincer says:
God LITERLY ENTERED into Tod Bentlys room
Furincer says:
at a hotel
Enforcer Talen says:
very simple question
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
of what?

Tyler Durden has been added to the conversation.

Enforcer Talen says:
God LITERLY ENTERED into Tod Bentlys room
Enforcer Talen says:
I want proof
One Winged Angel says:
Tyler Durden says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
because he did
Tyler Durden says:
thats an odd claim
Tyler Durden says:
how does he do this without a body?
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
I'm not quite sure
Furincer says:
but those who walked past the DOOR of his room
Furincer says:
got healed
Furincer says:
because God was in there
Enforcer Talen says:
Tyler Durden says:
and that proves god how?
Enforcer Talen says:
One Winged Angel says:
This would be on the news
Enforcer Talen says:
One Winged Angel says:
If that really happened
Furincer says:
it did
Enforcer Talen says:
owa, there is a dragon under my bed
Enforcer Talen says:
and when I sleep on the bed for 9 hrs
Enforcer Talen says:
I am healed of all weariness
Enforcer Talen says:
you cant see him tho
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
The dragon must be holy
One Winged Angel says:
Do you think
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
If I walked past your room
One Winged Angel says:
I'd be able to see
Furincer says:
you guys are sultan
Furincer says:
very sultan
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
learn your latin
Furincer says:

Enforcer Talen says:
learn your logic
Furincer says:
means foolish
One Winged Angel says:
I rule Arabian countries
Enforcer Talen says:
and science
Enforcer Talen says:
christian debate teams dont handle well in the real world
Tyler Durden says:
or even on the internet
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
One Winged Angel says:
Because they learn to rely on a book
One Winged Angel says:
Instead of real proof
Furincer says:
I have handled really well
Enforcer Talen says:
sure you have
One Winged Angel says:
you're 11!
Furincer says:
the book of truth
Furincer says:
it is proof
Enforcer Talen says:
no, it isnt
One Winged Angel says:
You've never been in the real world
Tyler Durden says:
because they have the ultimate appeal to authority
Furincer says:
and I obivoulsy know more about real then you
Furincer says:
there is a GOD!
Tyler Durden says:
real what?
Enforcer Talen says:
prove it
One Winged Angel says:
Tyler Durden says:
real stupidity?
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
no, I am!
Furincer says:
no you arent
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
prove it
One Winged Angel says:
I'm more attractive than you
Furincer says:
you are not God
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Prove it
Enforcer Talen says:
I got more powers then anyone in the 5th century bc
Enforcer Talen says:
Im a god
Furincer says:
no you are not
Enforcer Talen says:
oh? I can fly across continents
Furincer says:
do you really think you are?
One Winged Angel says:
I have more powers than those in the 5 and a half century BC
Furincer says:
then come to me right now
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Waste of time
Mithaw says:
To anyone in the 5th century bc era...he would be....
Enforcer Talen says:
right, like Im going to spend 300 bucks to meet you
Furincer says:
and then I smack you with the message of the Gospel
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
youve recieved the smackdown already
Enforcer Talen says:
you just are too stupid to notice
One Winged Angel says:
We've curb-stomped you already
Furincer says:
I will stand my ground
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
good movie
Enforcer Talen says:
its fiction tho
Furincer says:
it is not a movie
Enforcer Talen says:
just so you know
One Winged Angel says:
*steps around Furincer*
Furincer says:
it is a book
Enforcer Talen says:
lord of the rings
Furincer says:
and has been made into a movie
Enforcer Talen says:
One Winged Angel says:
It is a move dolt
Tyler Durden says:
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
see? he's even getting his quotes wrong
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
read the book
Furincer says:
it says
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
I read it in weekends
Furincer says:
ah good
One Winged Angel says:
Have you only seen the movie?
Furincer says:
well maybe then I'm wrong
Enforcer Talen says:
Furincer says:
but he says enough like it
Furincer says:
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
Furincer says:
not the second one yet though
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
provide proof that god exists
Enforcer Talen says:
without using the bible
Enforcer Talen says:
one peice
Furincer says:
the Bible is the proof
Enforcer Talen says:
thats all I ask
Enforcer Talen says:
I dont believe it
One Winged Angel says:
How do you know the bible is true?
Enforcer Talen says:
its fairy tells
Enforcer Talen says:
prove me wrong
Furincer says:
read it
Furincer says:
it is the truth
One Winged Angel says:
We have
Enforcer Talen says:
Ive read every word
Enforcer Talen says:
its nonsense
One Winged Angel says:
prove that it's true
Tyler Durden says:
talen knows it better than you
Tyler Durden says:
im sure of that
Furincer says:
read through the centruies of HISTORY
Enforcer Talen says:
thank you tyler
One Winged Angel says:
Talen, let me get your post...
One Winged Angel says:
The trial
Enforcer Talen says:
dude, its made up
Furincer says:
all those dudes... Marten Luther
Furincer says:
and em all
Enforcer Talen says:
no way they could slaughter that many people and animals
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
simply not enough population
One Winged Angel says:
He found all of this on his own
Furincer says:
meet God then
One Winged Angel says:
http://www.kgivler.com/teens/tboard/vie ... php?t=3375
Enforcer Talen says:
martin luther was a godswhore
Enforcer Talen says:
you have no idea
One Winged Angel says:
And you said he didn't know...
Enforcer Talen says:
he was a fucker
Furincer says:
watch your language
Enforcer Talen says:
he hated owmen
Tyler Durden says:
remember when we did that thing about the sacrifices they said they did?
Enforcer Talen says:
hated jews
Enforcer Talen says:
hated reason
Enforcer Talen says:
oh, and I can swear as I like
Furincer says:
Tyler Durden says:
not you fundy
Enforcer Talen says:
we arent in a theocracy yet, boyo
Enforcer Talen says:
yeah, I do
Furincer says:
I am a boy
Enforcer Talen says:
have a copy of it?
Tyler Durden says:
what were the verses for that?
Enforcer Talen says:
1 kings, I think
Tyler Durden says:
i dont know if i do
Enforcer Talen says:
its in my animal cruelty list
Furincer says:
Okay, I have showed you God... he is true, and good
One Winged Angel says:
No you haven't
Tyler Durden says:
please point
Enforcer Talen says:
I have showed you fiction
Enforcer Talen says:
he is sadistic, he is false
Furincer says:
and I'm tired of all this, your bad words, and satan is decieving you
One Winged Angel says:
Give me proof that the Bible is true
Furincer says:
so I have to say
Furincer says:
good bye
Enforcer Talen says:
oh, no, not bad words
One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
One Winged Angel says:
Satan is decieving you!
Furincer says:
and that you meet God
Furincer says:
Enforcer Talen says:
damn, dont you know?
Furincer says:
he is to you
Furincer says:
One Winged Angel says:
You're going to hell...
Enforcer Talen says:

Furincer has left the conversation.

One Winged Angel says:
Enforcer Talen says:
This day is Fantastic!
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Post by kojikun »

theyre so stupid. lol. ignore them :)
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Found out during the second debate... the fucktard is eleven...

And he thinks he can hold his own in a debate? (Sadly, he did about as good as the average fundie.)

I'll be posting exerpts from the obscenely long 2 on 2 debate sometime tomorrow/Monday. It is VERY long, so it'll take a while to sift out the treasure from the trash.

Or, if you're impatient, you can view the full transcript here: http://www.geocities.com/darkprimus0071/tagteam.htm

EDIT: The jist of it:

[lots of unimportant small talk]
[lots of time wasted with the YECs trying to get our thoughts on the Big Bang and what evolution actually is, neither of which was on topic, and from which we eventually moved onto the Bible]

Emily J Duncan: In other words, either all of it is true, or none of it is true
[lots of stuff]
DPDarkPrimus: you say that
DPDarkPrimus: but does the Bible?
DaVinciinventer: there are lots of contradictions in it
DPDarkPrimus: whoops
DPDarkPrimus: that means some of the BIble is wrong
EquisEtc: oopsie
EquisEtc: then its all wrong
DPDarkPrimus: and since it's all or nothing, it's nothing
EquisEtc: by emily's words, the bible is completely wrong
[a little exchange about why "damned" is not a bad word]
DaVinciinventer: but we have proved to you it is real
DaVinciinventer: but it is proving stuff by them
DPDarkPrimus: how else are we to prove it?
DaVinciinventer: you have to read it and understand it... not just flilp a page back and forth
DPDarkPrimus: nonono
DPDarkPrimus: you said "all the bible is true or all the bible is false"
DPDarkPrimus: not "except for this page, and this page"
DaVinciinventer: yeah so?
EquisEtc: so if any is wrong
DaVinciinventer: no no
EquisEtc: its all wrong
DPDarkPrimus: so you proved the Bible is wrong
DaVinciinventer: it is ALL true
DPDarkPrimus: stop lying to yourself
Emily J Duncan: and which part is wrong?
DaVinciinventer: huh?
DPDarkPrimus: all of it
DaVinciinventer: no no
DPDarkPrimus: you said yourself emily
DaVinciinventer: it's all true
EquisEtc: by your own reasoning
DPDarkPrimus: either it is all true or it's all wrong
DaVinciinventer: it is all true
EquisEtc: you said ALL TRUE or ALL WRONG
DaVinciinventer: but you see
DaVinciinventer: let me explain
EquisEtc: you said that some of it is wrong
DaVinciinventer: and it is all true
EquisEtc: thus its ALL WRONG
[lots of bullshit]
[lots more bullshit]
[even more bullshit]
DPDarkPrimus: i am going to say this as politely as possible
DPDarkPrimus: shut
DPDarkPrimus: up
DPDarkPrimus: seriously
DPDarkPrimus: you killed your own arguement
DaVinciinventer: some parts the bible (as an IE.) is talking about a something bad... and other times it's talking about something good
DPDarkPrimus: there is no way you can salvage it
EquisEtc: that is irrelevant, davinci
DPDarkPrimus: right now, you are just digging a larger hole for yourself
DaVinciinventer: your not understanding what i"m trying to say
DPDarkPrimus: ...would you like to know what i am going to do with this chat?
DPDarkPrimus: i am going to save it
DaVinciinventer: so?
DPDarkPrimus: and whenever i want to have a good laugh
DaVinciinventer: it might show THEM they are wrong
DaVinciinventer: good
EquisEtc: who is them?
DaVinciinventer: good
DPDarkPrimus: i will read your replys
DaVinciinventer: cause many pple respect me
DaVinciinventer: brb
EquisEtc: what are you smoking?
Total Owage: Is this debate over?
DPDarkPrimus: it's totally over
DaVinciinventer: nope
EquisEtc: you lost
DPDarkPrimus: DaVinci is just trying to convince himself
DaVinciinventer: oh... so your giving up?
Total Owage: badly
EquisEtc: concession unbelievably accepted
DaVinciinventer: we have not lost yet
DPDarkPrimus: lol
Total Owage: There's nothing you can do anymore
DPDarkPrimus: nice wall of ignorance
Total Owage: Da Vinci
Total Owage: It's over
DaVinciinventer: yes?
Total Owage: You lost
Total Owage: badly
DaVinciinventer: no we didn't
Total Owage: Your argument
DPDarkPrimus: yes, you did
DPDarkPrimus: DaVinci
EquisEtc: try again when you know what you're talking about
Total Owage: Has been ripped to shreds
DPDarkPrimus: you are 11 years old
DaVinciinventer: you guys have not fully PROVEN against us that the BIble is false
Total Owage: There is no repairing it
DPDarkPrimus: that's right
DPDarkPrimus: you had proven it was
DaVinciinventer: I know what I"m talking about... the Bible.. you don't
DPDarkPrimus: i know what I'm talking about
DPDarkPrimus: you obviously don't know about the Bible
EquisEtc: we QUOTED IT
Total Owage: Alright
Total Owage: Buddy
DaVinciinventer: yes
EquisEtc: you just said "i think it says this"
DaVinciinventer: and so have we
Total Owage: Let me say something to you
DPDarkPrimus: since you can't find any Bible verses to back up your claims
[lots of other shit, I invite in Utsanomiko to observe]
DaVinciinventer: but wait till God comes
DPDarkPrimus: i'm waiting
Total Owage: me too
DaVinciinventer: I hope you accept him before you die
DPDarkPrimus: i haven't been smote yet
[a bit of laughing]
DaVinciinventer: give me REAL proof that evolution is true
Emily J Duncan: Wait a second...
DPDarkPrimus: we did
[more idiocy]
DPDarkPrimus: if god was real
DPDarkPrimus: he would hate you for being so stupid
[DaVinci tries to give us Pascal's Wager]

DaVinciinventer: I obiviously can't change yoru opinion
DaVinciinventer: but maybe somebody else can
EquisEtc: yes you can
EquisEtc: use evidence
DPDarkPrimus: i haven't seen anything worth even considering changing my opinion
DaVinciinventer: so the debate is over eh?
DPDarkPrimus: it's been over for 30 mins
EquisEtc: you lost
DPDarkPrimus: and you lost
DaVinciinventer: you may think that
DPDarkPrimus: badly, i might add
DaVinciinventer: but I have always one
DPDarkPrimus: ...
DaVinciinventer: *won
[both fundie idots leave]
DPDarkPrimus: run away, fucker
Tonberi Muyo: Damn.
EquisEtc: jesus fucking christ
EquisEtc: why did they pick to debate evolution
Total Owage: dunno
Total Owage: Morons
EquisEtc: if they didnt want to talk about evolution?
[small talk]
EquisEtc: i havent seen a wall of ignorance that big since dark star
DPDarkPrimus: Tim Jones?
EquisEtc: i dont know his name
Tonberi Muyo: TJ and DS are different people.
DPDarkPrimus: no, i meant, TJ was as ignorant as DS

And finally:
DPDarkPrimus: and i feel so giddy
DPDarkPrimus: ah, the rush of victory
Tonberi Muyo: for beating an 11-year old?
Tonberi Muyo: LOL
DPDarkPrimus: a 16 year old to
DPDarkPrimus: look, i offered him the chance to pick a second to take his place

I hate you too, Utsano. :roll:
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Post by SeebianWurm »

When they both used Pascal's wager one after the other is just funny and sad.
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Post by Lonestar »

Jeebus, don't you people have work?
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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

I have an idea, get a website, and place the txt files there, then link to that website when you post this stuff, that would make this a WHOLE lot more readable.
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Post by Utsanomiko »

DPDarkPrimus wrote:And finally:
DPDarkPrimus: and i feel so giddy
DPDarkPrimus: ah, the rush of victory
Tonberi Muyo: for beating an 11-year old?
Tonberi Muyo: LOL
DPDarkPrimus: a 16 year old to
DPDarkPrimus: look, i offered him the chance to pick a second to take his place

I hate you too, Utsano. :roll:
Hey, like I said, gloating over winning a religious debate with a christian homeschool kid is like goating over winning an environmental debate with someone who thinks clouds are made of cotton. You mostly got the kid to shout the obligatory "god loves you!" and run away. Still fun, though.

Though I would have just sat there repeating "that's not evolution, moron" untill they finally got a single fact right. :P
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

It takes a lot of effort not you bang your head on your keyboard when dealing with people like that, Uts. Remember, that debate went on for a good two hours, and then a bit afterwards.

EDIT: Oh say! Guess what happened on homeschooldebate .com? Somebody just said that if God said so, they would kill defenseless babies! Thank you, Mike, for first bringing that great analogy to my attention... :twisted:
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Post by master_yoda »

*Wipes a tear from his eye* Ah, fundies. Where would the world be without them??
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Post by neoolong »

master_yoda wrote:*Wipes a tear from his eye* Ah, fundies. Where would the world be without them??
A better place? :D
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Post by Darth Gojira »

neoolong wrote:
master_yoda wrote:*Wipes a tear from his eye* Ah, fundies. Where would the world be without them??
A better place? :D
Yes, but think of the comedy we would have lost! The debates against utter morons! :D
Hokey masers and giant robots are no match for a good kaiju at your side, kid
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Do you not believe in Thor, the Viking Thunder God? If not, then do you consider your state of disbelief in Thor to be a religion? Are you an AThorist?-Darth Wong on Atheism as a religion
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Post by Yuri Prime »

hmmm... sorry I was gone all day. That looked like a fun one.
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Post by God Emperor »

Ill run him over in my volvo
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I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
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Post by Baron Mordo »

Good gravy. Beating up on an eleven year old? I thought you guys were above that.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Baron Mordo wrote:Good gravy. Beating up on an eleven year old? I thought you guys were above that.
I didn't know he was eleven until the 2 on 2 debate. It's his own fault, he wanted to debate, even after I offered him the chance to pick a second, and told him that he shouldn't be debating at his age.

Oh, and HSD deleted some of my posts yesterday! From a thread "Most Christlike Figure"...

I said: "By Christlike, you mean someone who can't be proven to ever have existed, whose followers blew his achievements rediculously out of proportion, and who said he was right because his dad told him so?"

To which a fundie says they are talking about the "Holy Jesus Christ", and that I am trying to get off topic.

My reply: "Oh no, we are talking about the same person. Thanks for clearing that up. Carry on."
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

God Emperor wrote:
Ill run him over in my volvo
My favorite line. :lol:
hehe. . . I was inspired.
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Post by Arrow »

I've never debated fundies. My friends are either atheist, agnostic or some what religious and very capable of thinking. It astounds me that there people that stupid, nay ignorant, in this world.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Arrow Mk84 wrote:I've never debated fundies. My friends are either atheist, agnostic or some what religious and very capable of thinking. It astounds me that there people that stupid, nay ignorant, in this world.
I've debated idiot creationists face-to-face on many occasions. They are often Jehovah's Witnesses, who tend to be the most aggressive (not to mention stupid).
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

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Post by Kitsune »

Darth Utsanomiko wrote: Hey, like I said, gloating over winning a religious debate with a christian homeschool kid is like goating over winning an environmental debate with someone who thinks clouds are made of cotton. You mostly got the kid to shout the obligatory "god loves you!" and run away. Still fun, though.

Though I would have just sat there repeating "that's not evolution, moron" untill they finally got a single fact right. :P
Well, It may also point out about home schooling
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Post by NapoleonGH »

have you noticed that these people are always "debating two things at once"?
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