Ran into some interesting statistics while reading The Millennial Project; Colonising the Galaxy in Eight Easy Steps (a great read). What caught my eye is that our world has an averged population growth rate of 2% (some areas higher, others lower), which amounts to a doubling of the world population every 35 years.
So I decided to make a little excel spreadsheet (god I love excel), and got the following;
Code: Select all
Year Population Planets
2000 6.00E+09 2.50E-01
2035 1.20E+10 5.00E-01
2070 2.40E+10 1.00E+00
2105 4.80E+10 2.00E+00
2140 9.60E+10 4.00E+00
2175 1.92E+11 8.00E+00
2210 3.84E+11 1.60E+01
2245 7.68E+11 3.20E+01
2280 1.54E+12 6.40E+01
- The starting year is 2000, with a population of 6 billion.
- I made the assumption that an Earth like planet can hold a maximum of 24 billion people, with changes in our dietry habits and energy production.
- So by the year 2070 we have effectively maxed out the Earth.
By the year 2280 we are going to need a nice little inter-stellar Empire going to sustain us with 64 planets (obviously assuming we don't first move into a 'Dyson Sphere' configuration with the bulk of humanity in space habitats than terrestrial proper).
Is there hope for our species?