Let's try it from a slightly different angle. Why should I let your perception of my perception of Biblical inerrancy influence me? Over my life I've read through the Bible far more than ten times, in four different languages (English, French, German and Dutch). I've been going to church twice a sunday for nearly 25 years, listening to sermons every time (fairly dry, half-hour essays that were actually researched (no touchy-feelly, or hellfire and brimstone sermons in my federation)). I have had religious (Bible) classes all through Elementary and Secondary school, and (just to establish my intelligence, if my language skills hadn't proved that already) managed to complete a B.Eng. degree in University.
In short, why should these kind of arguments, almost certainly based on a lesser knowledge of the Bible, hold any water with me (or with other Christians)? Especially ones based on 30/10 does not equal pi?
I suppose you want my explanation for the 5% error in circumference? Probably nobody took a tape to it, and the writer didn't feel like calculating out using (16/9)^2, the contemporary Egyptian estimate for pi. Even that is a trivial calculation, but there's a reason why everybody's using our current Arabic Numeral system. Compared to anything that came before, it rocks. And the Hebrews didn't have that advantage... I imagine they'd much rather estimate using 3. That's a trivial calculation in any system.
By the way, you people forgot to mention (in this thread, at least) the flat earth, the pillars of the earth, and the motion of the sun. They're much better proofs of Biblical scientific errancy than this. And why God didn't correct those scientific errors, as well as the pi error of this thread? They're all tied together, and if you want it, I can explain in another post.
Henk G.
Sindai wrote:You don't seem very familiar with the way this type of debate usually goes.
Oh, but I am. There's a huge long debate, eventually degenerating into a flame war (looks like Master of Ossus and Sn0m4n got an early start on that part), with neither side having convinced the other, but both being sure they won.
P.P.S. I will agree (with most of the rest of you) that there's lots of
interesting theories (and some just plain bad science) making the rounds of the fundy community. However, it doesn't mean they're all wrong, nor that fundies are, as a rule, stupid.