Last post on the page. The homophobes have reared their ugly, ass-sniffing heads.
Mayabird is my girlfriend
Justice League:BotM:MM:SDnet City Watch:Cybertron's Finest "Well then, science is bullshit. "
-revprez, with yet another brilliant rebuttal.
Yet another tough guy xtian who thinks he calls them as he sees them
Those poop lovers aren't worth your time
edit: it would have been far more amusing if he just said "ur gay u gay homo " in honored internet tradition
"Right now we can tell you a report was filed by the family of a 12 year old boy yesterday afternoon alleging Mr. Michael Jackson of criminal activity. A search warrant has been filed and that search is currently taking place. Mr. Jackson has not been charged with any crime. We cannot specifically address the content of the police report as it is confidential information at the present time, however, we can confirm that Mr. Jackson forced the boy to listen to the Howard Stern show and watch the movie Private Parts over and over again."
Last post on the page. The homophobes have reared their ugly, ass-sniffing heads.
Just tell them that you think it's interesting how they leap to the conclusion that you're gay. Ask them if they look for gays wherever they go, and whether they're secretly hoping to find one.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing
"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC
"I do not believe Russian Roulette is a stupid act" - Embracer of Darkness
"Viagra commercials appear to save lives" - tharkûn on US health care.
It seems that the little hat fucker won't be making any posts for a while... when he DOES, however, I will inform the board in this topic, and we can all tear apart his "reasoning" together.
Mayabird is my girlfriend
Justice League:BotM:MM:SDnet City Watch:Cybertron's Finest "Well then, science is bullshit. "
-revprez, with yet another brilliant rebuttal.
Choice snipping from a conversation with an intelligent non-Christian from HSD:
fireofthedemon: logic is accepted on hsd
DPDarkPrimus: only if it is circular
fireofthedemon: nah, u just have to shove it down there effing throats
Mayabird is my girlfriend
Justice League:BotM:MM:SDnet City Watch:Cybertron's Finest "Well then, science is bullshit. "
-revprez, with yet another brilliant rebuttal.
I'm sure you can think of better ways to spend your birthday than arguing with dyspraxic fucktards like this guy!
First of all, "hate the sin and not the sinner" is not in the Bible. Second, yes, we should love our neighbor as we do ourself, but that doesn't apply all the time.
This makes me want to slap him with a cricket bat. Seriously, hypocritical cunts like that REALLY get on my tits. Its like saying "Oh yea, we just follow the bible when we feel like it. It says not to kill, but we've gotta kill gays and witches and then Jesus will come back and smite the ones me miss"
I can't debate with you reasonably if you don't accept the Bible as truth.
Two things, you can't debate the about the bible reasonably because it's a bunch of lies and contradictions and it isn't truth for the afore mentioned reason.
"I would, for instance, fellate a smurf before I pick death." Dylan Moran
"Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe." Albert Einstein EBC's Devonian Deviant | GALE's Supplementary Bi Brit | BoTM's Raw Recruit | GDC's Horny Delphinidae | I'm with RMA | CoIB Server wrote:[404] Error - File Not Found
The file that you were trying to access cannot be found on this server
Oops. Guess they nuked it...
Nope, they didn't: Server Is Having a Bad Day wrote:Ikonboard CGI Error Ikonboard has exited with the following error:
Can't open file (/home/hsdebate/cgi-bin/Database/active_sessions/active_sessions.db) for reading. File exists
This error was reported at: Sources/iDatabase/Driver/ line 124.
Please note that your 'real' paths have been removed to protect your information.
Ok, I'll give you another link for it and the space is between th "htt" and the "p://"
htt p://
"I would, for instance, fellate a smurf before I pick death." Dylan Moran
"Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe." Albert Einstein EBC's Devonian Deviant | GALE's Supplementary Bi Brit | BoTM's Raw Recruit | GDC's Horny Delphinidae | I'm with RMA | CoIB
I'm torn between joining the fight and helping you guys or not and avoiding all that idiocy and bigotry.
WE, however, do meddle in the affairs of others.
What part of [ ,, N() ] don't you understand?
Skeptical Armada Cynic: ROU Aggressive Logic
SDN Ranger: Skeptical Ambassador EOD
Mr Golgotha, Ms Scheck, we're running low on skin. I suggest you harvest another lesbian!
SyntaxVorlon wrote:I'm torn between joining the fight and helping you guys or not and avoiding all that idiocy and bigotry.
I'd say avoid personaly, if you start to win the argument they'll just end it with a "Well, your opinion doesn't matter because your going to hell."
Think it sounds stupid? I've seen it once at least.
"I would, for instance, fellate a smurf before I pick death." Dylan Moran
"Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe." Albert Einstein EBC's Devonian Deviant | GALE's Supplementary Bi Brit | BoTM's Raw Recruit | GDC's Horny Delphinidae | I'm with RMA | CoIB
SeebianWurm wrote:Primus put 3 spaces in the sure you removed all of them?
There was a third space!!? LOL!
Dorsk 81 wrote:
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:<SNIP Error Messages>
Ok, I'll give you another link for it and the space is between th "htt" and the "p://"
htt p://
Well that one worked!
/me poaches Kentucky(FriedChicken)Fan's sig line. After all, I AM in Dixie...
EDIT: Found a much better sig line in a Slashdot story about poems having sex
Last edited by Einhander Sn0m4n on 2003-07-25 03:53am, edited 2 times in total.
between the "//" and "home", "debate" and ".com/" and between ".com/" and "phorum".
"I would, for instance, fellate a smurf before I pick death." Dylan Moran
"Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe." Albert Einstein EBC's Devonian Deviant | GALE's Supplementary Bi Brit | BoTM's Raw Recruit | GDC's Horny Delphinidae | I'm with RMA | CoIB
Just out of curiosity, what is it with putting spaces in URLs on this board? If you're afraid of stretching the page, why not just use [url] tags?
"Stop! No one can survive these deadly rays!"
"These deadly rays will be your death!"
- Thor and Akton, Starcrash
"Before man reaches the moon your mail will be delivered within hours from New York to California, to England, to India or to Australia by guided missiles.... We stand on the threshold of rocket mail."
- Arthur Summerfield, US Postmaster General 1953 - 1961
Drooling Iguana wrote:Just out of curiosity, what is it with putting spaces in URLs on this board? If you're afraid of stretching the page, why not just use [url] tags?
No direct links.
"I fight with love, and I laugh with rage, you gotta live light enough to see the humour and long enough to see some change" - Ani DiFranco, Pick Yer Nose
"Life 's not a song, life isn't bliss, life is just this: it's living." - Spike, Once More with Feeling
Drooling Iguana wrote:Just out of curiosity, what is it with putting spaces in URLs on this board? If you're afraid of stretching the page, why not just use [url] tags?
It's an invasion risk. If you link to a site the administrators can trace it. IIRC that's how WCOTC found us.
". . . I can barely describe how disgusting you are to me.
"The bible belt is alive and well, and it still beating its children."
god, but that thread fucking pisses me off. Im staying out of it, cuz otherwise Id start flaming, and he'd take in pride.
fucking twit asinine buttmunch.
This day is Fantastic!
Myers Briggs: ENTJ
Political Compass: -3/-6 DOOMerWoW
"I really hate it when the guy you were pegging as Mr. Worst Case starts saying, "Oh, I was wrong, it's going to be much worse." " - Adrian Laguna
h0rus wrote:
I always assumed you were gay. It may be a case of a false memory or something.
I'll take that as a misunderstanding because of your n00bness.
If you think someone is gay, see if they are in GALE. Simple as that.
Mayabird is my girlfriend
Justice League:BotM:MM:SDnet City Watch:Cybertron's Finest "Well then, science is bullshit. "
-revprez, with yet another brilliant rebuttal.