My First Wall of Ignorance

SLAM: debunk creationism, pseudoscience, and superstitions. Discuss logic and morality.

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My First Wall of Ignorance

Post by acesand8s »

I've encountered my first wall of ignorance in a debate on evolution on another forum. Any advice on how to breach it? I have the facts that destroys her argument, but they don't seem to enter her thick skull. Here is an excerpt that shows what I'm up against.

Me: The Second Law of Thermodynamics does not contradict evolution. The law says entropy increases over time, relative decreases in entropy are aceeptable as long as there is a larger increase.

Her: Too many big words yes it does contradict evolution.

Note: She is the one who brought up the 2nd Law. After this I bring up the fact that life is not a closed system. She does not respond but continues to use the 2nd Law as a refutation of evolution.

Also, because scientists cannot precisely duplicate the creation of the universe and life in a lab, then the Big Bang and Abiogenesis theories are incorrect.

She believes that if the Earth were one centimeter closer to the sun, it would not have been possible for life to evolve.

She has a tendency to completely disregard my arguments as 'impossible' and provide no further proof.

She then ends by saying she will pray for me. I must admit, I never knew how annoying that could be until now.

So, any recommendations? Should I keep dismanteling her incredibly incorrect information or is it simply a lost cause?

Edit: Should I go on the offensive and try to disprove creationism?
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Post by Vendetta »

Her: Too many big words yes it does contradict evolution.
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Re: My First Wall of Ignorance

Post by Warspite »

acesand8s wrote: Me: The Second Law of Thermodynamics does not contradict evolution. The law says entropy increases over time, relative decreases in entropy are aceeptable as long as there is a larger increase.

Her: Too many big words yes it does contradict evolution.

Note: She is the one who brought up the 2nd Law. After this I bring up the fact that life is not a closed system. She does not respond but continues to use the 2nd Law as a refutation of evolution.
So, you're debating an high-school kid who doesn't understand the basic concepts of thermodynamics, heh? Get her to prove why the 2nd Law disproves evoloution, keep asking for proof, if her WoI is strong, your battering ram should also be.

Also, because scientists cannot precisely duplicate the creation of the universe and life in a lab, then the Big Bang and Abiogenesis theories are incorrect.
(On a side note, scientists are able to recreate the conditions after the Big Bang down to the millionth of second after the event, is that close enough? Besides, science is not about absolutes, it's about aproximations.)
She believes that if the Earth were one centimeter closer to the sun, it would not have been possible for life to evolve.

Oh, yeah, belief doesn't count. Hard evidence is what we want.
She has a tendency to completely disregard my arguments as 'impossible' and provide no further proof.
She's stupid.
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Post by Sir Sirius »

1. Insult her.
2. Inform her of the Burden of Proof (it rest on the one making a claim) in this case, she must back up her claim that ToE violates the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, if she doesn't do that, she has just effectively conceded the debate.
3. Insult god.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Sir Sirius wrote:1. Insult her.
2. Inform her of the Burden of Proof (it rest on the one making a claim) in this case, she must back up her claim that ToE violates the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, if she doesn't do that, she has just effectively conceded the debate.
3. Insult god.
4. Repeat steps 1 and 3 as seen fit.
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Post by Dark Hellion »

Try insulting someone on Gp4teens. That will get you banned fast.
Hi Acesand8s. I am mynamedidntwork.
It makes you wanna scream right.
Worst thing was I almost typed a post "you stupid fucking little kids, if you pull your fucking bibles outta your asses and actually used your fucking brains for once, instead of hiding behind the gilded edges you wouldn't be fucking morons like you are now"
Luckily I deleted it and can go back to debating the little pukes and laughing at there pathetic idiocy.
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Re: My First Wall of Ignorance

Post by EmperorMing »

acesand8s wrote:...

Her: Too many big words yes it does contradict evolution.

:shock: :shock: Egads!!! What planet is *she* from?!?!

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Post by acesand8s »

Well, I decided to take each of her 'arguments' and simply say "prove it". And, Dark Hellion, that was a very indepth and meaningful statement. So true too. :D
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Post by Utsanomiko »

On, I simply responded to someone's "I will pray for you" bullshit with this:
I wrote:I would prefer if you had asked for my permission before you go off and pray for me. Some people find such statements extremely rude.
He later PMed me with an apology. :D
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

-makes note of that-

they are always praying for me >_<

oh, and amusing event ofthe day? calling my fundy sis a closet atheist.

-has fun with this-
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Post by Arrow »

Well, you could do what the US military does when it needs to break a wall of ignorance. Forget logic and use superior firepower.

Other than that, I don't think your going to get through.
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Post by Dark Hellion »

Arrow, you ever seen Evangelion. You know their AT fields. Well tanks shells and nukes would bounce off these kids wall of ignorance the same way. If they weren't so stupid, they could use them to take over the world.
Alas, they are just idiots.
The best part is when they start losing debates they cry about how we sent all these older people over, when many of their christian members couldn't be less than 30 themselves.
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Post by acesand8s »

The fucking idiot has her head so far up her fucking ass that she can see the fucking airpocket that is the inside of her fucking head! Alright, I just had to blow off some steam.

I state:
You state this one of your posts, "According to the theory and probability fact that Carbon 14 has not yet reached it's point of equilibrium there were no millions of years so here your entire post looks foolish to say the least." I showed why the C14 equilibrium argument is incorrect. This means that there was billions of years for life to evolve. Every other dating technique available has given us about a 4.5 billion year old earth. I can list each of these methods and the approximate age of the earth they give if you want. Additionally, the changing rate at which the sun creates C14 in the atmosphere does not interfere with the amount of C14 in fossils. Therefore, C14 dating is accurate.
She, in all her wisdom, replies:
once again I still think you're wrong
I state:
Second, evolution as a religion. You stated, "So it doesn't take faith to believe something that is theory by fragmentary evidence? I think it takes more faith to believe that everything just happened to come together than that God put it together for a purpose." The answer is no. There is no faith involved whatsoever in evolution. You accept that it fulfills the requirements of a scientific theory or it doesn't.
She replies:
I still think it takes faith.
To this:
Your statement that if the earth were one centimeter closer to the sun it would burn up is a gross exaggeration and a straw man argument.
She replies:
naw it's science
I mean really, I didn't think even the American educational system could produce this level of stupidity. It's almost a work of art...that naturally should not be allowed to breed in any way. Stupidity like this should be pitied from a distance. But don't touch. For the sake of humanity, don't touch.
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Post by Enforcer Talen »


just dont get addicted to debating. :lol:
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Post by Dark Hellion »

Stay here with us Acesand8s, its safer, except for the occation railgun slug to the head.
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Post by Arrow »

Dark Hellion wrote:Stay here with us Acesand8s, its safer, except for the occation railgun slug to the head.
Well that's why Mike installed the respawn points. Although they don't seem to work for some people. I wonder why...

But back on topic. You're not going to get to through to her (well, at least with out doing some brain washing of your own, but that's more trouble than its worth). You should just let it drop.
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Post by darthdavid »

Due to fluke conditions high tide caused thousands of starfish to wash up upon a beach. A man walking up to the beach saw a little girl picking up star fish and throwing them back into the ocean to save them before they died. The man asked the girl why she was doing it, she'd never save all of them so why bother? Because i won't save any if I don't.

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Post by Tom_Aurum »

Ahh yes.... netkids. Idiotic, 133t speaking morons. They make me wish we were in more dangerous times... times when sending someone to the guillotine for stupidity was acceptable. Anyways.
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Post by Dark Hellion »

They don't speak 133t, the speak stupid. 133t can be entertaining, thirteen year old girlspeak is just really, really, really fucking annoying.
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Post by Gambler »

Dark Hellion wrote:They don't speak 133t, the speak stupid. 133t can be entertaining, thirteen year old girlspeak is just really, really, really fucking annoying.
Tell me that, thirteen year old girlspeak is the reason I have left every other board I have visited. It's like a deadly virus for a forum, when one does get infected by thirteen year old girls it shortly after dies in a fire of spamm and chaos and everybody leaves, only the viruses remain in their new chatboard.
At least I know I am save here in a saveheaven against ilogic, stupidity and girly speak spammfests :D
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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

1: It's 1337!
2: Say this the earth's orbit is an ellipse, at the aphelion during the year the earth is 53 million miles closer to the sun than at the perihelion. The habitable zone in the Sol system is roughly marked by the orbits of Venus and Mars.

Or if you want another option, give us a link, broken by spaces, and we'll invade.
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Post by acesand8s »

SyntaxVorlon: I can't believe I forgot that orbits are ellipses. I've definately been spending too much time on RR, HSD, and gp4t.

Oh, does anyone know the passage where God can't hurt iron chariots?
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

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Post by Dark Hellion »

No l33t is stuff like ph43r m1 l33t b33r dr1nk1n' sk1llz.
Thirteen year old girlspeak is.... watevr, jes luvs u, so dunt forgt it. pray n be saved. lolzors.
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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

Dark Hellion wrote:No l33t is stuff like ph43r m1 l33t b33r dr1nk1n' sk1llz.
Thirteen year old girlspeak is.... watevr, jes luvs u, so dunt forgt it. pray n be saved. lolzors.
Garggh, crush world.
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