Now isnt this just fucking sick

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Now isnt this just fucking sick

Post by Alyrium Denryle »

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Post by XaLEv »

It's not real. It's only meant to piss people off.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

That has to be a sick joke site. No one is that fucking criminally sick, maybe Nazis, but they only attack humans, not cats and dogs.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

I sure hop it is a joke otherwise....
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Post by HemlockGrey »

It's a satire site.
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Post by RayCav of ASVS »

Satire sites still go to far. A lot of them are...well, how shall I put it? "The cure is worse than the disease"
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Post by RayCav of ASVS »

Not to mention most "satire sites" are more accurately "sick fantasy sites"
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Post by HemlockGrey »

...I think it's kinda funny, actually...
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Post by Datana »

There have been several attempts to shut Bonsai Kitten down; for a while about a year ago, they were moving almost every week. In most of these cases, the people complaining didn't get the joke (though PETA kept it up for a while anyway because people might take it seriously).
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Post by weemadando »

Its a joke, albeit a rather disturbing one. But I must admit I would make a site like this if only just to piss off PETA. :twisted:
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Post by elizabeth »

now here is something both actual and vomitous:

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Post by RayCav of ASVS »

elizabeth wrote:now here is something both actual and vomitous:

Image blocked out. Man, that's just too fucking sick - RayCav of ASVS

See above comment
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Post by Singular Quartet »

That was just what I didn't need to see. But know I know some of the basic principles of where they got the visuals for The Thing...[/url]
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Post by Mr Bean »

Bonsi-Kitty is a internet Myth, its over four years old fokes I'm suprized you don't already know about it

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Post by Virgil Caine »

RayCav of ASVS wrote:Man, that's just too fucking sick - RayCav of ASVS
Any particular reason? To be more blunt: you don't eat meat, do you? Or, if you do--have you any idea where it comes from?

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Post by RayCav of ASVS »

Virgil Caine wrote:
RayCav of ASVS wrote:Man, that's just too fucking sick - RayCav of ASVS
Any particular reason? To be more blunt: you don't eat meat, do you? Or, if you do--have you any idea where it comes from?

You're the one who likes furries, Al.....
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Post by Robert Walper »

I have yet to see convincing evidence for myself that this is "fake".

I do know that in other countries, China as an example, animals are horribly mistreated. I've seen the documentries on how some black bears are treated. They are stuck inside of cages for every minute of their fucking life, they are hand fed and only kept alive so certain bodily fluids can be extracted for "love potions", "health improvements" and other sick, unsubstantiated shit.

I wouldn't put this concept beyond the warped human mind to actually implement. Give me a gun, I'd shoot every fucking person I found who practices this concept. My only regret would be limited bullets.
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Post by Mr Bean »

I have yet to see convincing evidence for myself that this is "fake

It was featured on four years ago, what more evidence do you need?

Sure there is probably a sick bastard out there that tried it but its obvious its a joke and the sites author said as much if you agian check the list of hoaxs and look for that sites name

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Post by Virgil Caine »

RayCav of ASVS wrote: You're the one who likes furries, Al.....
True, but irrelevant.

I admit I have no idea why that picture is here, and I might agree with you that it's rather disturbing, but not for any special reasons.

Robert Walper wrote:I wouldn't put this concept beyond the warped human mind to actually implement. Give me a gun, I'd shoot every fucking person I found who practices this concept. My only regret would be limited bullets.
What concept? Killing animals and consuming their body parts for nourishment?

I'll grant you that the Chinese mistreatment (to put it mildly) of bears is reprehensible, but there's no reason save for Western morality that we should consider cute little puppy dogs sacrosanct while at the same time not thinking the same of chickens or pigs.

Or, would you take seriously someone saying of us, 'can you believe that they eat cows?' What if their religion venerated the cow? It's all part of a cultural bias, and there's no explicit reason why I should condemn this or what to kill the people who practice it, is there?

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Post by weemadando »

I'm opposed to animal cruelty, like the treatment of the afore-mentioned bears etc. But I love my meat. I've spent enough time working on farms to know the reality of it all, I've killed animals, skinned and gutted, butchered and then eaten them. So if someone wants to talk to me about cruelty, feel free, but I know the reality of the western farm and agricultural system. Though I will say that a lot of the asian ones are indeed sick.
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Post by RayCav of ASVS »

I have no beef in particular (hehe, I made a pun, hehe), I just think the pictures are sick. Really, there IS a difference between seeing a skinned cow with its eyes still intact and just seeing slabs of beef on a rack.
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Post by Virgil Caine »

Ah, wait. My mistake, Chief. I thought you were talking about the picture. If you're talking about the kittens instead...

You're right, it's not beyond the realm of possibility that someone might try it. However, I draw your attention to the following quotes.
At only a few weeks of age, a kitten's bones have not yet hardened and become osseous. They are extremely soft and springy. In fact, if you take a week-old kitten and throw it to the floor, it will actually bounce! We do not recommend that you try this at home. The kitten may bounce under the furniture and be difficult to retrieve, as well as covered in unsightly household dust
We would be happy to surgically restore the crisp angles to your cherished pet. In fact, you may have forgotten that we provide a lifetime warranty on the shape of your Bonsai Kitten. Please, pack the Kitten into the shipping container that we will send to you via special express, and we will contact you shortly with a time estimate for the repairs.
One of my favorite stories as a child was that of "Pretzel the Dachshund." How I wish I had good news for you, but alas I do not. Feline bones are unique in that, like their visual system, they are not fully-formed at birth. This is the reason why the technique is possible with a kitten. A puppy's bones, like that of a baby, are not rubbery at birth, hence, a puppy will not bounce, and the proverbial "bouncing baby boy" is more of an alliterative quip than a reality. Genetically-engineered hairless kittens sometimes come onto the market, but they are quite expensive. You might try checking e-bay or a similar auction service to see if they are available at a discount
We produced so many bonsais that the local animal shelter ran completely out of kittens, which almost put us out of business! We think you will be happy to hear that we are experimenting with a new type of cat product: MultiCat, which consists of pairs of larger old cats (not suitable for Bonsai process) sewn together to form a most unusual pet
and, finally
We at Bonsai Kitten firmly support your goal of preventing cruelty to animals. It is very important that all procedures be done using only USDA approved Bonsai Kitticulture techniques. Our charter firmly states that no kitten shall be subjected to inhumane treatments! You can rest assured, our kittens feel no pain using the proper procedures. If you have not been licensed to verify that you know the proper techniques then you should not try this at home! Remember, you cannot trim a kitten! We would like to invite you to our facility to play with our latest collection of tetrahedral kitties, and our dodecahedral cat that is the mother of them all. Edwin A. Abbott would be so very proud!
Those seem to be heavily satiric to me--it's possible that I'm wrong, and the authors actually will give you a tour of their facility, complete with dodecahedral cats. But I doubt it.

The Urban Legends Reference Pages ( has this to say on the issue:
Bonsai kittens are not real. Nobody is making bonsai kittens. Nobody is selling equipment to help people make bonsai kittens. The Bonsai Kitten web site is a joke, not an actual promotion for the making of bonsai kittens. Investigations by law enforcement agencies have already determined that no real cats were harmed in the creation of the pictures used on the Bonsai Kitten web site. Signing a petition to shut down the Bonsai Kitten web site will not prevent any kittens from being harmed, because no kittens were harmed in the first place.
(From this page)

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Post by RayCav of ASVS »

Snopes, hehe, great site, love their sex pages :D
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