The Explanations I gave Before:
Here's some more: May be RedundantThere are many atrocities that aren't attributed to Religion, and can be attributed to human Behavior.
1. Survival/Competition- This is a big one, Humans kill the weaker ones, or the less technically advanced to survive in a new surrounding. Modern Man did this nearly 20,000 give or take, to the Neanderthals when they first came to Europe. So did the Europeans when they butchered the Native Americans. (religion eventually did come to play)
2. Xenophobia- Humans More often than not aren't too tolerant of different looking people. Most of the world governments in the past were not at all tolerant of anyone that was different. With the Exception of Some African tribes and Native Americans, to a degree. Long before the Native Americans (at most 10,000 years) Arfican/Aboriginals reached the Americas (mostly S America), then the Native Americans wiped them out in a war. There Evidence in caves that support this, and a human skull that Predates all Native American activity there by many milennia.(that is another story) Today, there is still evidence of xenophobia in the world. There are some people who haven't seen Black people or white people and are frightened of their appearance. On the Flip side humans also are intrigued by the Unknown and want ot know more about it a conquer it.
Humans are not that much different than animals, well kill, we have sex and many other things. Because Humans are more sentient, intelligent, and aware (of both ourselves and our surroudings). That's what keeps us from being as savage and territorial, or from wiping each other off the face of the Earth. So we can overcome some of the Negative aspects of our Human nature.
Oh and here's a definition of Human Nature from:'ll do what I can in explaining it again. There are two examples of some natural Human characteristics (many can be attributed to animal too) that can very much be the direct root to many atrocities. Think of many of the first encounters that Humans of different races 10,000 years or so ago, More often than not wars were the end result of contact with strangers, Humans in the past were far less sophisticated when deal with out siders, they were more animalist and followed the whole Kill or be Killed mentality
Survival/Competion: Humans move into an area and directly, cause the extinction or subjugation of another Group. For Survival and competition. Lower lifeforms do the same thing all the time. Humans did this Neanderthals thousands of years ago
Xenophobia: Humans More often than not aren't too tolerant of different looking people. The Neandethals were different in appearance, so humans wiped them out. The Native American and Africans were different and lived differently so they were subordinated or wiped out. I've stated this Before.
Well That what I have For Now, I'd rather have a more objective, friendlier debate, but if any flaming start I'm respond in kind.Human Nature is dedicated to advancing the interdisciplinary investigation of the biological, social, and environmental factors that underlie human behavior. It focuses primarily on the functional unity in which these factors are continuously and mutually interactive, including evolutionary, biological, and sociological processes as they interact with human social behavior; biological and demographic consequences of human history; cross-cultural, cross-species, and historical perspectives on human behavior; and the relevance of a biosocial perspective to scientific, social, and policy issues.
Frequently cited and highly rated, the journal features major overviews and statements of biosocial interpretation and research as well as news briefs highlighting recent conferences and research reports.
Abstracted in Sociological Abstracts (SA); Psychological Abstracts (PA, PsycINFO); BIOSIS; Social Science Citation Index (SSCI); Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences; Cited in Magazines for Libraries (Katz)