EmperorSolo51 wrote:Satanism, its self, suggests that we should be more absorbed in the material world in order to gain enlightenment. Such absorbtion into the material world only creates Greed and Jealousy. This in turn leads to man fighting over things that only have value in the here and no and are of no use when we die.
The counter argument being: When you die you are dead, so all you've got is the material world. You got to work with what you got, even philosphically. Since you have no idea what happens when you die, what point is there to put
any value in the spiritual world to distract from what you objectively know to exist?
Besides, you act like belief in the spiritual frees you of fighting over things. Historically, you can't possibly believe that. Adding a spiritual hereafter just gives people even more reason to fight with each other, because now they fight and murder and war on each other over details of the spiritual world and "who's right", even though they themselves don't even know if their own philosophy is right. Fighting over land and resources is one thing, you
know those exist. Adding the spiritual just adds religious fanaticism to the Greed and Jealousy, which objectively makes it worse.
The problem I have with Wicca is the fact is it's tagline is this "An it harm none, do what thou wilt". This means of of course, that if it doesn't harm anyone, you can do it. This kind of "do you what willl attitudes abdicates any moral Authority placed upon a person that you would find in Judaism,Islam or Christianity, which stresses you should pay a penance for what you have done even it's a transgression against yourself and go out of your way to correct your mistakes. Wicca lacks this spiritual love of God to his children in the form of devine forgiveness and redemption.
Soo... you're cavaet about Wicca is that they don't subject themselves to arbitrary rules? Aside from the fact that Wiccans do have spiritual love and divine forgiveness/redemption (just not yours), what precisely is wrong with the idea you outlined? If you aren't objectively hurting anyone, one what basis is something wrong? No one is damaged, nor their property, or anything else. Adding Religious Rules without an objective basis of harm against yourself or your fellow man or society does what exactly? All it seems to do is give people who follow those arbitrary rules a thing to inflict their idea of Right and Wrong on others.
As for abdicating a Moral Authority. That's bunk. At best, it abdictates some sort of divine authority figure and Wiccans don't even do that, as they have a couple of gods who they believe make rules for them.
Incidently, if we are going to argue this, I'm going to have to insist that anything presented in this argument has to have some objective proof to it. That is, if you are going to claim your God thinks this this and that, you've got to actually demonstrate that's true in an objective way.