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Go inside the USSR (56k warning)
Posted: 2008-05-16 02:25am
by MKSheppard
Aeroflot Brochure
EDIT: Renamed this to better reflect my modification of it into a general USSR photo thread
Posted: 2008-05-16 02:34am
by Sea Skimmer
Dangerously lacking in tail guns and glass nose navigator-bombardier position.
Posted: 2008-05-16 03:08am
by K. A. Pital
Cool! Where'd you get that Aeroflot brochure at Shep? I have some Soviet press stuff, perhaps I'll showcase some of it if I buy a scanner in summer.
Posted: 2008-05-16 06:47pm
by Kane Starkiller
Awwww those kids wearing the red scarf take me back to my childhood.
Back in the first grade schoolkids would wear the same red scarf and a blue hat swearing that:
"Today, when I become a pioneer I give my solemn pioneer word that I will study and work hard, and be a good comrade, that I will love our self governing homeland Socialist Federative Republic Yugoslavia, that I will develop brotherhood and unity and the ideas Tito fought for, that i will appreciate all people of the world that want freedom and peace"
We were called "Tito's Pioneers". I was the last generation, after that the war broke out.
Posted: 2008-05-16 11:06pm
by Stuart
Sea Skimmer wrote:Dangerously lacking in tail guns and glass nose navigator-bombardier position.
The last IL-86 I rode in still had chaff and flare dispensers on the inner engine pylons. The luggage system was great though, I stole it for the airliners in TBO.
Posted: 2008-05-17 01:19am
by K. A. Pital
Shep, that's not an Aeroflot building
that's a large Aeroflot
advertisment with a phone call number in the end
I'd add some stuff.
"Wedding House" (Civil Status Registration Office), Omsk, 1980s
In a bus
Workers celebrate accomplishing the works plan
Another neon ad, saying "Long live communism"
Soviet street illumination at night:
In the Metro
Hi girls!
Construction worker:
Lab guys (my father used to work in a similar lab)
Red Square Parade:
(Riga, 1980s) Private archive photo
A young girl with child
Picnic. 1969. Private archive photo
Demonstration. 1961. Private archive photo
Young guys. 1976. Private archive photo.
Probably the guy's wife and new small "Moskvich" car. Early 1980s. Private photo archive.
A flat
And I sincerely recommend this:
As a photo voyage into my nation
Posted: 2008-05-17 01:33am
by Zor
I did not know you guys made speedboats.
Posted: 2008-05-17 02:09am
by K. A. Pital
The USSR produced hundreds of thousands of speedboats each year, which were accessible to private citizens for leisure, travel, fishing and other activities. A park of several million speedboats, made of anticorrosive steels according to the designs from the the Alexeev "Central Hydrofoil Constructor Bureau", was created. In the early 1980s, due to eco-craze, an unwarranted ban resulted in a "kiss of death" for the speedboat industry.
Still hundreds of thousands of them remain and are refurbished, and new ones are slowly produced.
At peak years, the USSR had produced a good hundred thousand speedboat motors per year, for the riverfleet enthusiasts to use.
1977. A morning at Rikord island. A young captain prepares his meal - potatoes. Private collection.
1980. An enthusiast test a "Neptune" motor on an "Oka-4" speedboat. Private collection.
1974. A team of boaters on a "Kazanka-2M" speedboat prepare for a trip around the Gulf of Peter the Great. Private collection.
Posted: 2008-05-17 03:27am
by Adrian Laguna
It's interesting how a lot of these pictures wouldn't look out of place as being from the United States. I wonder how it would have affected the discourse if pictures like that, of simple every day lifestyle, had been made widely available for the public of both sides, especially to the ever-paranoid American public.
Posted: 2008-05-17 10:58am
by Shroom Man 777
I really love how you guys show "the other side". It's a refreshing take from what is otherwise an information landscape that is massively dominated by the West/America.
Posted: 2008-05-18 10:07am
by Simplicius
Those motorboats are just as hideous as the mass-market powerboats produced in the US. I guess the free market doesn't always triumph over all.
Posted: 2008-05-19 05:26am
by PeZook
Thanks for sharing those pictures ; It's always nice to see how people lived elsewhere.
Even in Poland, the recent trend is to show the USSR as some sort of dystopian 1984-esque Big Brother state full of ugly drab gray buildings and propaganda on every street corner. Comes with a change of politics, I guess.
Oh, and a lot of these speedboats found their way into Polish lakes and rivers, too. Water recreation was pretty big in the USSR.
Posted: 2008-05-19 06:48am
by K. A. Pital
Some more
private photos. I've been asked if I have some of my own - I do, and I'll probably show some of them in time.
1960s. Students of the Tomsk Polytechnical institute (my grandmother was learning there). FYI, Tomsk is far deeper into Northern Siberia than Omsk.
School, 1st grade. 1966.
Tourists in a foot travel, camping, Moscow region, early 1960s.
1977. First year after graduating, the classmates' meet again.
1981. The campus of Ulyanovsk State Polytechnical Institute.
1985. Engineers working in agriculture ("potato trips" were common for all Soviet citizens, from students to scientists, to the fields for potato cultivation).
1988. People relax on a dacha in Ryazan region.
End of 1950s, picnic with a patephone!
1967. Private photo, at the October Revolution Day demonstration, so no "propaganda smiles"
1949. "Relatives Day" (when you recall the dead and visit their graves to maintain them in good shape)
Early 1950s. Soviet newsmaker girls. Private collection.
1960s. Vietnamese students of MGU take photo of their kids, apparently.
1969. Snezhnogorsk H.E.P.S. builders (the middle guy looks brutal hehe)
June 1986. Poltava, School #26, physics exam for school graduation.
July, 1983. VIII Spartakiade of nations of USSR. Repetition for the sportsmen teams.
Posted: 2008-05-19 08:11am
by The Grim Squeaker
First of all, amazing photos, some of these look like something out of Life magazine. (Even if no-one here actually took them
). It's nice to see a human slice of things, and not just displays of heavy industry (Although that part of the pictures is even more interesting for someone as relatively unsaturated as me).
Secondly, to avoid being completely fluffy,
Stas, this sounds odd but, in the first picture of your newer batch, of the Tomsk Polytechnical institute students, deep up northern Siberia, where are the dark skinned people from?
Posted: 2008-05-19 08:57am
by [R_H]
DEATH wrote:
Secondly, to avoid being completely fluffy, Stas, this sounds odd but, in the first picture of your newer batch, of the Tomsk Polytechnical institute students, deep up northern Siberia, where are the dark skinned people from?
Probably Africans studying at the studying in the Soviet Union?
Posted: 2008-05-19 08:58am
by PeZook
[R_H] wrote:
Probably Africans studying at the studying in the Soviet Union?
I'd bet Somalia, there were plenty of Somali students all over the USSR.
Posted: 2008-05-19 02:06pm
by Wanderer
Stas, a question if I may.
What the Fuck is the deal with those
lurid, ugly as fuck crime against humanity, white hairbowsschool girls wore and still wear today at School Ceremonies?
I'll think I'll wash my eyes out with acid. When my wife first showed me them, I knew what was meant by the Evil Empire.
Posted: 2008-05-19 07:48pm
by Kane Starkiller
You were looking at their hairbows?
Posted: 2008-05-19 07:58pm
by RogueIce
Wanderer wrote:Stas, a question if I may.
What the Fuck is the deal with those
lurid, ugly as fuck crime against humanity, white hairbowsschool girls wore and still wear today at School Ceremonies?
I'll think I'll wash my eyes out with acid. When my wife first showed me them, I knew what was meant by the Evil Empire.
I had no idea Kirsten Dunst went to high school in Russia...
Seriously, the girl on the right in the first picture looks so much like her (as MJ in Spiderman) I thought it was from a movie or something.
Good to know there were Damn Hippies in the Soviet Union, too.
Posted: 2008-05-19 08:30pm
by Wanderer
Kane Starkiller wrote:You were looking at their hairbows?
Brings back bad memories I rather not remember or discuss
Posted: 2008-05-19 10:47pm
by K. A. Pital
What the fuck is the deal with those lurid, ugly as fuck crime against humanity, white hairbows school girls wore and still wear today at School Ceremonies?
Harmless tradition
now go away
Posted: 2008-05-20 09:11am
by Shroom Man 777
Oh my god. Step aside, Japanese schoolgirls! Wet and wild Natashyas! Woohoo!
Seriously, wow. Those are some fine looking women. Hot Natashyas, not like the ugly Olgas capitalist pig dog propaganda would let you believe. Hot Momma Russia!
Posted: 2008-05-20 11:35am
by K. A. Pital
Family album pt.1 - about me and my family
Excuse the shitty quality in some photos, I don't have a scanner, but me and Anya will probably get one this summer.
My dad in the army (tankist) and mom:
Dad likes tanks and hueg engineering equipment:
Little soviet citizen is born:
My late great-grandmother. Born in 1917 and lived to almost 90 years. Orders: veteran of labour, veteran of the war rear, and many others.
Little soviet is afraid, does not want to watch TV. Mom is sewing. You could order "BURDA" fashion magazines in the USSR, and make your own cloth. Note the huge heating radiators, a feature which is ever present in all Russian homes.
My grandfather, a German deportee to Siberia.
My little sister.
Posted: 2008-05-20 11:48am
by [R_H]
Stas Bush wrote:Note the huge heating radiators, a feature which is ever present in all Russian homes.
Same thing over here. The older radiators, like the ones in my grandmother's apartment look like those too. The newer ones are flat and squared off instead of round.
Stas Bush wrote:My grandfather, a German deportee to Siberia.
Was he a Wolgadeutscher?