Averting the 1990-1991 Persian Gulf War
Posted: 2009-03-23 02:09am
If Iraq did not invade Kuwait in 1990 (ideally, not ever), one obvious and positive consequence would be the US leaves Iraq alone instead of enforcing an embargo that results in mass starvation, or invading Iraq in 2003 (ideally, POTUS will never be motivated to invade). The question is, what can convince Saddam Hussein that attacking his Sunni and Arab neighbor is a bad idea?
Some possibilities I thought of:
1) The Shia Islamists epic fail and the Shah remains firmly in power. Saddam sees no political turmoil severe enough to give him an opportunity to sieze Iran's oil fields, and the Iran-Iraq War doesn't occur. Iraq is free of the financial drain of fighting that war, and its government leaders less motivated to sieze other nations' oil fields to refill their own coffers.
2) The Soviet War in Afghanistan or the Iran-Iraq War makes the Saudi government extremely worried about a Soviet or Iranian invasion, and the Saudi military undergoes a Reagan-era US-style expansion. Saddam sees the Saudi military rapidly becoming a match for his own military (he allegedly planned to sieze Saudi oil fields after the conquest of Kuwait), assumes the Saudi government will not sit on their hands if he attacks Kuwait, and cancels whatever plans he has to invade.
3) The CIA learns about Iraqi plans, and POTUS orders the US Ambassador to Iraq to tell Saddam, "We know you're planning to invade Kuwait. Don't. That is a very bad idea." USN warships and amphibious assault ships make port calls to Kuwait in the spring or summer of 1990, convincing Saddam the US military will intervene if Iraq invades.
4) The Soviet government becomes suspicious when Saddam goes shopping for a humongous amount of military hardware after the ceasefire is declared with Iran. The KGB investigates, learns about the planned invasion, and the General Secretary orders the Soviet Ambassador to Iraq to tell Saddam, "We know you're planning to invade Kuwait. Don't. Chances are, the Americans know too, and if the US military intervenes on Kuwait's behalf, there is nothing we can do to help you." The Soviets threaten to withdraw all the advisors and aid they provided Iraq, and Saddam gives in to their demands.
Another bonus of averting the Persian Gulf War: US troops never find reason to set foot on Saudi Arabia. Mecca remains free of "infidels," and Osama bin Laden's only reason to hate Americans is because of US support of Israel.
Some possibilities I thought of:
1) The Shia Islamists epic fail and the Shah remains firmly in power. Saddam sees no political turmoil severe enough to give him an opportunity to sieze Iran's oil fields, and the Iran-Iraq War doesn't occur. Iraq is free of the financial drain of fighting that war, and its government leaders less motivated to sieze other nations' oil fields to refill their own coffers.
2) The Soviet War in Afghanistan or the Iran-Iraq War makes the Saudi government extremely worried about a Soviet or Iranian invasion, and the Saudi military undergoes a Reagan-era US-style expansion. Saddam sees the Saudi military rapidly becoming a match for his own military (he allegedly planned to sieze Saudi oil fields after the conquest of Kuwait), assumes the Saudi government will not sit on their hands if he attacks Kuwait, and cancels whatever plans he has to invade.
3) The CIA learns about Iraqi plans, and POTUS orders the US Ambassador to Iraq to tell Saddam, "We know you're planning to invade Kuwait. Don't. That is a very bad idea." USN warships and amphibious assault ships make port calls to Kuwait in the spring or summer of 1990, convincing Saddam the US military will intervene if Iraq invades.
4) The Soviet government becomes suspicious when Saddam goes shopping for a humongous amount of military hardware after the ceasefire is declared with Iran. The KGB investigates, learns about the planned invasion, and the General Secretary orders the Soviet Ambassador to Iraq to tell Saddam, "We know you're planning to invade Kuwait. Don't. Chances are, the Americans know too, and if the US military intervenes on Kuwait's behalf, there is nothing we can do to help you." The Soviets threaten to withdraw all the advisors and aid they provided Iraq, and Saddam gives in to their demands.
Another bonus of averting the Persian Gulf War: US troops never find reason to set foot on Saudi Arabia. Mecca remains free of "infidels," and Osama bin Laden's only reason to hate Americans is because of US support of Israel.