What part of they have to made some contribution thus they get noticed, thus they get inducted do you not get?ray245 wrote:Sure, the older or regular members can remember the postive contribution a Horseman has made. However, what about the newer members? We have a long discussion on how are we going to ensure newbies can be more willingly to bring forth their view points. A newbie will not have knowledge about a Horseman past, and if the Horsemen is given the post as a moderator, what it will do is discouraging newer members to post.Ghost Rider wrote:What you believe and what is are not the same thing. I stated what the Horsemen are, and by most accounts those chosen are at least decent or they would've never gotten noticed. I mean does this have to honestly be spelled out?!ray245 wrote:Doesn't that undermine the respect the Mods have, to be good debaters themselves? I believe that the potential Moderators have to be a good debater and a good flamer. A moderator needs to judge a debate and control or salvage the debate if it is getting out of hand.
If not, they will not be able to command any respect as a moderator if they are unable to debate in a proper manner.
I'm not breaking it any further down because really if you didn't read or understand when I said the Horsemen are first flamers, second Mod possibles then I have nothing more to say that will get through to you.