Okay I have two questions:
1.) Would it be possible to extend the "auto-lock" to page 4? Would that somehow cause problems? What would the problems be? Alternately, can the parameterrs for auto lock be changed (IE rather than reaching a certain page, can it auto-lock after a certain number of days?) Can the board be modified to do so? Can someone be bothered to come up with it?
2.) Why are people unwilling to at least TRY it. This isnt a democratic board and this is hardly a place where something that gets done remains permanant if the staff really hates it. It's in the rules (which I admit amuses me that people complain about something the mods are doing - I guess the Senate isn't doing its job right to draw ire
) that "I feel like it" can pretty much be a reason. At least for Mike, although quite likely anyone else so long as he doesn't care.
Anyhow, why not lift the rule on a probationary basis? I dont know how long would be a good testing period, a month or six months or whatever, but if it actually makes things better in testing (something I am all in favor of) and noone abuses it it could continue. The condition for this is essentially a one strike policy - it gets abused once, then its back in place automatically. No vote, no appeal, nothing.
There would be some conditions I would attach to this also (IE some idiot newbie fucking up wouldn't count, and we put someone who is NOT in favor of keeping it locked or has a vested interest in unlocking it in the arbiter's position, etc.)
Now, it may actually work if we lift it, it may backfire. We wont know until we try. And if it backfires.. well.. we can just put the rule back like I said. I see no harm in at least giving them one chance.