I would love for a mod to come in and slam down on the endless me-too whining in PST. Sonnenberg can't post a single review without it spiralling into three pages of people saying Voyager sucks over and over and over again. Same for JME2's book review threads, which are great threads for about two posts before someone rehashes all the old talking points of how much Trek sucks. It's extra annoying that many the people who do this have obviously rarely even watched the show.Pure Star Trek - What would happen if a forum became so inactive that any thread reply would be called necromancy in any other forum? I think PST almost got to that point once, and I secretly hoped it would get to that point because I wanted to know if Ghost Rider would get pissy at someone for replying to a thread that was over two weeks old and still in the top ten threads listed.
There have been times when I have seriously wondered why PST was still open. It has a bit more purpose now that the new movie is upcoming, but other than that it's just one huge "lol starfleet is fuct lol voyager sux lol" dogpile. I tried lampooning that attitude a few times and gave up.
I think PST is seriously the worst forum here. (Maybe SWvST is better? I don't know, I don't visit there - that place just seems totally obsolete any more.) It's seems like the same shit on different days every day, and it gets really old when it seems like half the participants seriously hate the material.
As much as I'm not a fan of it, I think we would get a lot more utility out of a 40K subforum than we do out of PST these days. Maybe PST should be closed, shuffled to an "archive" section, and all future Star Trek discussion can be lumped in with the rest of OSF.
I had high hopes for the rule addenda in PSW and PST about beating dead horses, but if it's not in any way enforced...
There's a bit of life in PST again with the new movie, but even in those threads there are people who come in with little more than vapid snipes. I've written up a post about INS but I'm afraid to post it since I know, know, it'll just end up being a four-page circle-jerk about how corrupt and evil the Federation is.
And that behaviour has become endemic on the board as a whole. As long as you agree with the majority opinion you can me-too and make snide comments all you want. Being constructive isn't a requirement any more, as long as you know the talking point du jour by rote and avoid the two or three mods who take their jobs seriously you can just spout off a couple of expletives and get a pat on the back for it. Participating in a thread on this board has become less about debating and more about being the first and loudest to latch onto a position.
The chest-beating about how this is a board where you can hold any opinion and be free to express it has been a joke for months. No-one stops to consider the other side's position any more, everyone just bunkers down and starts throwing insults around. I have been watching N&P for weeks during the election hoping for anyone to stop and ask themselves and the board at large why Republicans would still vote for McCain, instead of just going with the stock answer that they're scared retards; but the intellectual curiosity just isn't there. We are right, they are wrong, and that is all that matters. It seems like people have started to think that even considering the opposition's viewpoint will give them intellectual cooties.
So instead of approaching someone who fundamentally disagrees with you as a human being, asking them why they think the way they do and running the risk of realizing they may have a point, everyone just shuts out ideas they find unpalatable. It's frankly repugnant.
...yeah, what was the original question? I kinda went on a tangent there.