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Another mod for Fanfics

Posted: 2008-11-25 01:56pm
by Mayabird
I don't know where Stravo's at or what he's doing (probably important legal stuff) but he's not around. The fanfics forum doesn't have many problems with flamewars or general asshattery, but there are a lot of completed works (and good ones, like many of the TGG stories and Publius's Gotham Nights fic) that are just getting lost and unread as they go off page one. We really should get someone to transfer more of them to the Completed or Cleaned Up subforum so people can keep reading them.

I don't have many suggestions off the top of my head for who might be good except for Steve (Big Steve formerly of SB) if he wants it.

Re: Another mod for Fanfics

Posted: 2008-11-25 02:00pm
by Coyote
I'll mention something to the Steveman.

Re: Another mod for Fanfics

Posted: 2008-11-25 02:09pm
by Dalton
Ugh, I must apologize to Noble Ire - I never put the rest of his fic in there. Indeed, I do have to agree with another mod for Fanfics - I know Stravo is very busy.

Re: Another mod for Fanfics

Posted: 2008-11-25 03:01pm
by Coyote
Count Chocula asked me what the criteria are for being a Mod in Fanfics: maybe a description of the duties would be a good thing.

I haven't been to FF for awhile, but I hear there's quite a backlog of projects there. I haven't heard back from Steve yet.

Re: Another mod for Fanfics

Posted: 2008-11-25 03:30pm
by The Duchess of Zeon
Well, I volunteered for it precisely so I could do this, and because I think I'd be a genuinely good replacement in the fairly straightforward job of handling the fanfic forum--there isn't much in the way of fighting there, and I'd be happy on request to immediately get cleaned up fanfics up for people to read. It's really up to the administration on when and who gets in there to support/replace Stravo in the role, though, so while the suggestion is greatly appreciated, the Senate's hands are somewhat tied.

Re: Another mod for Fanfics

Posted: 2008-11-25 03:46pm
by Dalton
Moderation of Fanfics should be pretty easy - aside from the usual gig of quashing flamewars and keeping threads in check and free of spam, the Fanfics Moderator would also gain access to Completed and Cleaned-Up fanfics and be expected to maintain that forum as well, copying or moving threads as necessary. With that in mind, the moderator would likely be able to change the author of a post, so that fics in C&C would be attributed to the proper person.

Re: Another mod for Fanfics

Posted: 2008-11-25 04:46pm
by Coiler
Marina, Steve, and Publius would all make excellent fanfiction moderators, in my humble opinion.

Re: Another mod for Fanfics

Posted: 2008-11-25 04:47pm
by Rogue 9
Could there perhaps also be someone to admit people to the Writer's Guild? I know Red Imperator is also busy, and my application has been in his inbox unread for the better part of a year, and from reading the thread in Fanfics, I know I'm not alone.

Re: Another mod for Fanfics

Posted: 2008-11-25 06:45pm
by The Duchess of Zeon
Rogue 9 wrote:Could there perhaps also be someone to admit people to the Writer's Guild? I know Red Imperator is also busy, and my application has been in his inbox unread for the better part of a year, and from reading the thread in Fanfics, I know I'm not alone.

It would seem reasonable to give the moderator(s) of the fanfiction forum mod privileges in the Writer's Guild as well.

Re: Another mod for Fanfics

Posted: 2008-11-25 07:14pm
by Surlethe
Marina, I think, would be an excellent choice to moderate Fanfics.

Re: Another mod for Fanfics

Posted: 2008-11-25 09:07pm
by Coyote
Marina and Publius, as well as Steve, would be good choices too.

Re: Another mod for Fanfics

Posted: 2008-11-25 09:36pm
by Steve
Given the quantity of popular fics that need cleaning up and transfer, at least two new mods are likely needed. And if you want me, I'm fine with it. :)

Re: Another mod for Fanfics

Posted: 2008-11-25 09:44pm
by Mr Bean
I can back Steve or Publius(Another Mod for the Mess mwahhaa!)

Re: Another mod for Fanfics

Posted: 2008-11-25 09:47pm
by Mr. Coffee
I'd like to nominate Dutchess of Zeon as a potential new mod for FF as well. She's active not just on the board in general, but she's contributed a few good reads to Fan Fics as well.

Re: Another mod for Fanfics

Posted: 2008-11-25 09:53pm
by The Duchess of Zeon
Thank you all for your endorsements of my abilities in this regard. I'd suggest directly that there is enough work for Steve and I to share moderatorial duties in fanfics. Since Red Imperator is a supermod and extremely busy elsewhere, letting Stravo concentrate on the Pure Star Trek board seems reasonable, since he's almost never around anyway (or else we'd not be having this discussion), and RI and Stravo are the only two mods assigned to Pure Star Trek (granted it doesn't really need anymore).

Re: Another mod for Fanfics

Posted: 2008-12-08 02:23pm
by Mayabird
A bump.

Is anything going to happen for this, or will it get rolled into the "new board-wide mods" deal? While I agree with that, I still think there should be one person who specializes in moving good fics to the completed fanfics subforum, someone who wouldn't be too busy with other more time-dependent duties to check out recommendations from random people.

...heck, it's not modest of me, but I'd even volunteer for it if the other people mentioned can't or won't. I don't have that much going on right now.

Re: Another mod for Fanfics

Posted: 2008-12-08 02:54pm
by Coyote
Mayabird wrote:A bump.

Is anything going to happen for this, or will it get rolled into the "new board-wide mods" deal?
I've set up Vote threads for the following categories:

General, Board-wide Mods
Fiction Only Mods (both "all Fiction" and "Specific Forum" choices)
The "All-Non-Fiction" area Mods
The "Specific Non-Fiction" choices.

It should be delightfully confusing! :D

The one addressed in this thread --for Fanfics specifically-- would be the "ALL FICTION" vote thread.