In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by Eframepilot »

My condolences.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by Tiriol »

My condolences. I didn't know him very well, but even I could see the brilliant wit behind the avatar icon and the level of commitment he had for LadyTevar and vice versa. The board will be that much poorer without Martin. My sincerest condolences, once again. May he rest in peace.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by blahface »

I don't visit this board regularly and I didn't know SirNitram very well, but it is because of posters like him that I feel like I am getting something out of coming here. This is a great loss for the board and I can't imagine what a loss it must be to his family and friends. It is so tragic and frustrating for someone to pass away at such a young age.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by SAMAS »

Goddamnit, I barely knew the guy, and it still hurts. :(

But it really reminds me of this article I skimmed in an old Readers' Digest about how even the strangers you regularly pass by in your daily life are still a part of it.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by Alex Moon »

My condolences to Lady Tevar and to SirNitram's whole family. I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by Crayz9000 »

Although I never got the chance to meet him at any of the ASVS/SDN meetups, I still have great memories of the STGODs we participated in. He was an excellent writer with a terrific wit and without too much hyperbole I believe I can say the world is diminished by his passing.

Lady Tevar, you have my deepest condolences for your loss. Although my wife and I have only been married half as long as you and Nitram were, we've known each other for eighteen years and I can't even fathom what it would be like without her. I would try to say more, but I find myself at a loss for words.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by Dass.Kapital »

As a very small time poster and more of a lurker I have never interacted with SirNitram, however Lady Tevar has offered myself much in the way of support when my time had more space for offering up the smattering of words I called writing.

I do remember reading his words and know they brought me knowledge and pleasure.

Would that I could offer more than words upon a screen for your loss Lady Tevar. My thoughts go out to you and yours.

Sincerely to Lady Tevar and family, my deepest condolences.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by irishmick79 »

I used to post more regularly, and have since become more of a lurker. SirNitram was always one of the more interesting posters, even if I didn't always agree with him, and his presence (as well as many, many others) helped to draw me to this community. That, and his screen name made me feel stupid because it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that it was his first name spelled backwards...

That aside, my condolences and sympathies to SirNitram and Tevar.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by avatarxprime »

I don't really know what else to say other than my condolences to Lady Tevar and SirNitram's family. I didn't interact with him much, but from what I gathered from his posts he was a witty guy with a good sense of humor about himself and knew how to cut to the heart of a matter. He will be missed.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by RecklessPrudence »

Whoa... I'm almost entirely a lurker, for years before I even registered, and lately have mostly been back on occasion to check on a few stories I like, but...

I didn't interact with SirNitram much, but every time I saw his avatar on a post I knew I was going to be reading a good one. As shallow as this may seem considering I never even exchanged posts with him, some of his posts - some of his opinions, and his excellent ways of presenting them; they left me with a deep respect for the man. I believe I've even got something in my sig derived from one of his posts, or his old sig - I'm sorry, I forget what exactly I stole the bit about the Autistic Conspiracy from.

LadyTevar, as little as this may do, my condolences for your loss. Hug your kittens and remember the good times.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by CJvR »

Sir Nit is gone!?!? That's just... wrong!
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by Alyeska »

Reading through the Sweevo thread in Memorium. I gasped for breath when I saw all the members we lost posting in one thread. :cry:

Losing my father 5 years ago changed me. I react to emotional moments far more than I used to. And this last week has brought back all sorts of memories over the years. We have a short time in this world. Cherish your friends and family.

Its my moms birthday on Saturday, and I intend on giving her a very big hug.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by Isil`Zha »

I don't check this forum very often, but I came back to find this. :( That really sucks, what an awful set of circumstances - my deepest condolences to you, Tevar.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by Pelranius »

My condolences.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by Serafina »

My late condolences. Martins quote in my signature means quite a lot to me, so i'll miss him as a person who could say such things.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by Col. Crackpot »

Crap... just saw this. Terrible news... :cry:

Rest in Peace Nitram. Maybe we didn't always see eye to eye, but I always had tremendous respect for your rapier wit and burning intolerance for injustice. Lady Tevar, please accept my heartfelt condolences.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by montypython »

It's always a shock when something like this happens. My condolences to LadyTevar and family.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by Darth Yan »

Wow. I....never knew him that well but it's still sad. My heart goes out to Tevar and the rest of his family.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by Nova Andromeda »

Lady Tevar, you have my deepest sympathies. SDnet won't quite be the same without SirNitram. I've been on the board for a long time and the black mage avatar is a fixture. Like many of us here, he was also a proper geek before it was popular/sexy. I cannot imagine having to carry on and raise my kitties without their Mommy :(.

I hope time dulls your pain and new happiness finds you.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by Darth Lucifer »

I'm sorry in posting late, I can only echo the sentiments already said by all. He was one of the first forum mods here I had the pleasure of dealing with years ago and I always loved reading his posts. He was intelligent, well-versed, and articulated himself very well with authority and a razor-sharp wit.

All my Heart and Blessed Be, Tevar.

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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by That NOS Guy »

I apologize for the late post, work considerations.

I only talked to Nit once, and it's stuck to me this day. It's funny to think that this was almost a decade ago, but I asked him a rather dumb question in retrospect and got a pretty good response in light of it. In my dark hours, in my trying times, it sticks with my like some sort of lighthouse in the horizon. The fact that one conversation with the man is enough to affect a life, that's the sign of a superb person. The world just got a little darker without him.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by Phantasee »

Ah, shit.

I'm sorry, Tev.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by Shannon »

Oh, hell. You go away for a bit and this happens.

My deepest condolences, Lady Tevar. I think someone else already mentioned how lost they'd feel without their partner and having been married for 16 years I feel the same way. I can only imagine what you're going through. SirNitram was a guy with a very sharp mind and I envied the clarity of his posts. I often find myself re-reading his posts in Fantasy.

May he Rest in Peace.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by The Nomad »

Wow. Words fail me. RIP SirNitram. My condolences to his kin and LadyTevar.
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Re: In Memoriam: Martin Kemmish / SirNitram

Post by seanrobertson »

Sweet Lady Tev, Kathy,

Please accept my sincerest condolences. Martin was a good man. I'll never forget him.

Yours, Sean
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