You realise that my argument was:
It wasn't only the oil nor the threat to SA, but a combination of factors.
Are you really arguing against that or are you just nitpicking for fun?
Mr Bean wrote:Up untill Saddam invaded Kuwait what had he truely done to any American Allies or Intrests?
Causes of the war or not there acutal happens to BE a Single cause for the 91, a Singel Justifcation though there might have been a thousand good ones
This Country has had a long standing Policy of Mutal Defense of Allies, if we are attack they will send aid and help, and if they are, we shall do the same in turn, there is not if's ands or buts associate with this. Legaly and moraly its quite simple
Attack an Ally of the US and we will respond
If your sitting in a middle of a desert it does not matter, if that desert happens to have large amounts of oil under it fine thats nice, but that does not change the bases reason.
By the way one last thing I left out, How many Iraq'y Generals did we capture?
If one is planning a suprise attack on another country typcialy those sorts of things don't filter down to the man on the ground until a week before....
We KNOW very much way Saddamn invaded Kuwait and stoped simple because what he did while he was there. He was considating his hold on the Country before moving on SA and his evntual target according to the Defecters after the fact was Isreal but, intellgently he did not want to have the Countries behind him rebel after the Tanks left the streets and he be shut in, Thefore he needed a definate supply line and bases to operate from, Somthing the Iraq's could not do at a moments notice.
Did you actually read my posts? Your arguments are against someone like Ted, not against me.
If you really look at my posts you'd see that I said that the threat against SA was real
until US put in ground troops there. I'm not arguing against the threat, I'm arguing that after the US put troops in SA Iraq wouldn't dream of attacking, hence no more threat. That is why more conditional reasons would have to apply for the coalition of nations to attack. Many of the countries in the coalition which attacked had no formal defence agreement with SA or Kuwait.