There's nothin to love about this movie. I watched 2 months ago, I heard bad things about it, but I decide to evaluate bad movie for myself every now and then and sometimes end up enjoying some of them. As for Halloween 3, WHY DIDN'T ANYBODY WARN ME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

What I hated:
-The Plot was very poorly explained
-You don't give a shit about the characters
-That fuckin' commercial song!
-Robots very poorly explained and conceived
-That Fuckin' Commercial song!!
- No Michael Myers
-Everything else bad that I didn't mention.
I heard that the had nothing to do with Michael Myers and was a Twilight Zone style horror movie. I wasn't dissapointed when I sat my ass down to view it, but I grew to hate the movie by the minute about 45 minutes in. How can you even call the movie Halloween 3!??!?! and again why didn't anybody warn me!?!?!?!

Stupid risks are what make life worth living.-Homer Simpson
-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
-Bullshit! I'll bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose! - Sgt. Hartman
-I'll bet your the kind of guy who would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the Goddamn common courtesy to give him a reacharound!- Sgt. Hartman