I would probably have to enact new legal codes to do away with my predecessors school vouchersCut all funding to religious schools
The US government is already constitutionally forbidden to fund religious schools. Do you merely intend to reaffirm already established laws forbidding such funding or do you wish to enact new legal codes that strengthen and expand these laws?
Removing in god we trust, and one nation under god from currency and the pledge. Because I get to select my cabinet members, they wil not be fundies etcRemove all forms of religion from the government
I would extend the same benifits to everyone. There are groups of people that are left out Bil of rights enforcment. I as a homosexual am not protected equally. I can be fired from my job for being gay, or denied housing for the same reason. Nearly al other groups are protected from such things but there are those that are not. I would essentialy increase enforcment, and where such laws do not exist, work to get them into existenceEqual civil rights for EVERYONE( the govenment should protect everybody regardless of ethnicity, religion sexual orientation etc, abd no matter what you are, there will always be some jackass in the bible belt that hates you)
utterly meaningless feel goodisms. The bill of rights already defends rights for everyone (supposedly). How do you actually intend to improve civil rights to protect everyone?
I would put pressure on the state governments to repeal laws that make no sense(like the californai law prohibiting hunting from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale)Get rid of all stupid laws
So which laws are stupid? Again, meaningless feel goodisim. Would you like to eliminate welfare? Would you like to eliminate the 13th Amendment because maybe you think it's kind of stupid? Where does it end?
Any school that accepts federal funds, must also accept certain federal guidlines, that course would be in the federal guidlines.Make evolution, a long full year course, on just evolution a mandatory class in all public and private schools
Agree with the sentiment, but the Federal government cannot set curriculum in public schools run by the states. curriculum is left up to individual states and districts to decide.
End all envolvment in Isreal, Money saved goes to education
and abandon our one true friend in the Middle East? Like it or not, Israel is the most democratic nation in the ME, and our support of Israel is essential in maintaining our ability to project power in the region.
Isreal is expansionist. They have done nothing for us, but cause trouble with other nations. I do not want to be involved in another one of their forrays int neighboring countries
Any school district or state that recieves federal funds for education ust respect federal guidlins on how the money is spent.Increase pay for teachers, and give more money to the public school system
Again, I agree with the sentiment, but like most education issues, teacher pay is primarily a state issue. The ability of the federal government to deal with this is limited.
Face it, in this country, the bill of rights has been tossed. Due to the patriot acts, and Total information awarness, our protection from searches and siezures...Gone. Our fredom to say whatever the fuck we want about our govenment or the people around us..,Gone. my emails are checked by government computers, our phone calls are monitored, and I cant threaten to kll someone without being arrest on felony charges. I would restore those fundamental rights including the right tio own whatever firearm you want back to the people.Give us back freedom of speech, and the rest of the bill of rights. I will have no fascists in my country
Again, no substance to this point. Sure, everybody likes freedom of speech, but there are alot of different ideas about how it should be governed. Which particular train of thought do you agree with? Do you want to give freedom of speech back to americans by giving everybody 15 minutes of radio or TV time for free?
By Pushing for federla funding into power-generation research.Decrease our dependence on petroleum
I would focus more on the funding. Anyone who can meet the entrance requirements shoul be able to attend an Ivy League school, Even if they are poverty stricken. This wouold of course require more governmental control over the universitiesAnyone, so long as they can make the grades, can get into college(like the german system)
Isn't that pretty much the case now? I can get into alot of places, but that doesn't mean I can actually GO to a lot of places. Or do you care more about funding? So do you intend to raise education taxes, or enact legislation that gives the government more widespread control over college education?
Tax the hell out of churches
I agree with the sentiment, but be more specific.
Property and income taxes, just like everyone else.