Eulogy for pets

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Eulogy for pets

Post by Lagmonster »

My cat died this morning. Didn't think it'd make me so upset, since I work in a field that kills and dissects cute little creatures all the time. But, well, it did. Anyway, you don't have to read this, because it's going to be about a dead cat, but it makes me feel better writing it out.

Known affectionately around the house as the 'little giant', Romeo was a brown and black tabby adopted at the age of three from the Ottawa Humane Society. He measured almost two and a half feet long from nose to haunch, and was extremely muscular to boot. A bit of a mutant, and far from the runt of the litter, which is what I liked most about him from the start.

He was a hand-licker and followed me or my wife around the house like a pup, which in my experience is unusual for cats, and was the greatest user of my lap on cold winter mornings, often shoving our other, smaller cats out of the way on his dash to my chair once he'd seen that I had sat down for a read in front of the fireplace.

His death was peaceful, in his sleep, and is being attributed to complications of a gastrointestinal nature which arose in under a fourteen-hour period. I intend to have him brought in to be checked for fatal diseases, for the safety of my other cats.

I miss him a lot.
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Post by Tsyroc »

Sorry for your loss.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

What sucks about pets is that they die. Brings back memories about my first pet (a cat) that was there all my (it was older than me) till it died from old age.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

You have my condolences.

*Checks out the big redwood tree, that my parent's planted on top of a dog, and have burried a few cats and another dog at it's base.*

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Post by Dalton »

My aunt had a dog named Max for at least ten years. He would always run up to the back gate to greet us. He loved licking hands and faces. He was a good dog, but eventually got old and had to be put to sleep since he was in so much pain.

The loss of a pet can be as devastating as the loss of a relative.
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Post by Lord Pounder »

as a keeper of Gerbils i have seen many beloved pets die and it's never easy. You have my condolences.
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Post by Faram »

Sorry for your loss.

When my cat died 10y ago I was heartbroken and I never got a new one because of that.

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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

You have my condolences. My turtles may outlive me, so...I may not have to see their deaths
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Post by Zaia »

Lagmonster, I am so sorry. I have two cats who are getting old (16 and 14 years of age), and I'm going to fall to pieces when they go. Cats are fabulous people, aren't they? It's really hard when they leave you. *hug*
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Post by Stormbringer »

I'm sorry man. It's always a bummer when your pets die.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Many heartfelt condolences Lag. I've lost too many pets. I die a little every time.
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Post by jaeger115 »

:cry: How come I never had any pets? :cry:
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Post by Darth Wong »

The death of a pet is always a terrible loss, made all the more aggravating by the fact that some people out there think you shouldn't take it seriously.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

*Pats Lagmonster on the back*

Sorry your cat died, when my black cat died unexpectedly 4-5 years ago I was really sad. I had lost another cat just the winter before. Only now am I willing to think about getting another, but luckilly the neighbors cat comes over every day so its a good substitute.
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Post by Shinova »

Last edited by Shinova on 2003-01-13 01:25am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by One True Spoon »

It is always hard to lose a pet, because they learn all of their idiocincracies from you that you can't replace. My pet cat died of a tumor on his spine. Near the end he could hardly walk, so we put him down.
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Post by Edi »

My condolences, Lagmonster. Losing a pet always hurts, my family's had five pet rabbits during the course of twenty years, and it always hurt when one of them died. Pets are part of the family, so of course it hurts, there's something seriously wrong if it doesn't.

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Post by Lagmonster »

Thanks all.

He was my favorite, and still young. We figured out that he died of kidney failure, but we don't know why. At least my other two cats (and, I suppose, my fish) aren't in danger of contracting anything.

We already plan to adopt a new cat from the Ottawa humane society. When you lose one life, it always feels good to introduce yourself to another, if that's not too mushy a thought.
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