What is your 'real' personality?

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What is your 'real' personality?

Post by ray245 »

Well...I seem to remember someone here saying that he isn't like this in real life as compared to his board personality..

Like he's more shy or something in real life, but on forums he seems to be anther person...

Well...if no one can understand...nevermind. What I want to ask is, how would you describe your personality in real life, when interacting with your friends, parents, wife or children?

Edit: well...personally, I find myself to be a rather blur and lame person at times.

I could never mind my surroundings well...and my love of reading is a rather bad habit. I still remember myself banging into the wall while I was reading and walking at the same time.

Yes...I am that blur...my mistakes in this forums is rather minor compared to what I make in real life.

Other than that...I am willingly to make fun of my mistakes...cause I know I make a mistake...and that isn't something to be proud of.
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Post by chitoryu12 »

If you met me in real life, you would never think I was the same person as chitoryu12. Sometimes I go for hours without saying a word, and I'm more content to sit and read a book than talk. Normally, I only speak to comment on the current situation in a deep, usually sarcastic deadpan.
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Post by Dark Flame »

I'm pretty much the same, but I might be more confrontational in person. I usually don't have to be afraid of people smarter than me ripping apart everything I say.... :P
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Post by Erik von Nein »

Acerbic and abrasive. :lol:
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Post by Stark »

chitoryu12 wrote:If you met me in real life, you would never think I was the same person as chitoryu12. Sometimes I go for hours without saying a word, and I'm more content to sit and read a book than talk. Normally, I only speak to comment on the current situation in a deep, usually sarcastic deadpan.
No, this means I would identify you instantly. Why do you think this isn't how people already see you?

People don't stop at 'this shit online', they think 'what kind of person would do this shit online'. It's not always accurate, of course, but if you're noisy and loud that doesn't mean everyone is going to mumble 'he must be noisy and loud IRL he can't be compensating for anything and his insecurity doesn't leak through lol'.

Apparently I'm not the same in the flesh either, although I don't distort myself. I believe it's the simple action of the 'delay' in forum posts, allowing people to either stew on something or miss it and move on.
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Post by Zor »


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Post by Spin Echo »

Stark wrote:Apparently I'm not the same in the flesh either, although I don't distort myself. I believe it's the simple action of the 'delay' in forum posts, allowing people to either stew on something or miss it and move on.
I'm starting to come to the conclusion you don't actually exist. :P
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Post by Starglider »

Pretty similar to here I imagine, I'm outgoing, enthusiastic, quick to take charge, reductionist, decisive. But I don't swear regularly, toss insults at anyone who looks stupid or show as much aggression in arguments. I just do that here because it's the accepted board style and more entertaining for spectators.
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Post by Stark »

I'm tardy with PMs. :( Irritatingly I'm going to be far less shuffling-about for the next six months, right after I miss out on heaps of cool shit. Bah, bah I say.

Zor describing himself as 'eccentric' is so self-aggrandizing it makes me laugh. I'm sure he likes to think he's 'eccentric'. :)
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Post by SilverWingedSeraph »

I'm not much different in real life than I am on here. I usually don't contribute much to a discussion unless I feel it's necessary, and when I get into an argument with someone, I tend to verbally beat them into the dirt. I also swear quite frequently, and if I think someone is a stupid fucktard, four times out of five, I'll tell them so.

Obviously, this means I don't make many friends. :lol:
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Post by Soontir C'boath »

I am actually quite the same here as I am real life. I am quiet, I listen (not really but I look it), and I tend to chime in only when I actually have anything to say (which is not a lot). If I was to hang out in a group, I'd be the quiet dude that stays in the background.
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Post by Superman »

I think Ray thinks he's like some kind of message board super hero, and that he has a secret identity or something.

Ray, there's only room around here for one hero with a secret identity, and that's me, damnit! Well, Batman too. And stop with these introspective tard threads.
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Post by Stark »

Listen Supes, he believes in ghosts and desperately wants validation on his belief in reincarnation. That boy got problems.
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Post by General Zod »

If someone's personality is significantly different then the way they show on the board in real life, why would they come out and be honest about it if they're just putting up a facade the whole time? I mean, unless they're emo losers looking for pity or something.
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Post by Kathryn »

I think I act more shy in real life. I have a hard time talking to people, I just freeze up. It is nice here because you can think a lot longer before you have to respond.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

The thing is, almost everyone I've met after exchanging written communication with is different in person than they are in written medium. It's not an intentional thing; people just behave differently when there's not another person sitting across from them.

Anyway, I say a hell of a lot less in person. I also usually don't casually swear, but that's been slipping in more and more lately.
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Post by Stark »

I think it's the time thing (where you can sit on a post for some time before replying and edit your reply before posting) and simply that when people read, they create an image of how they see the writer. Simply using certain phrases or sentence structures you can directly influence how people see you through written words.
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Post by Elfdart »

I'm ornery and tactless in person.
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Post by Metatwaddle »

Elfdart wrote:I'm ornery and tactless in person.
Really? But you're so civil and kind here. :P

I'm pretty similar in person to the way I am here. I talk more in person, but I'm more willing to say what I think here- I don't see the point in taking on religious people or even agnostics (the sort who think religion is perfectly valid) in real life.

Also, I'm very silly IRL.
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Post by Galvatron »

I'm even cooler than SuperShadow.
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

Im much more outgoing. Real world, I have a whole row of credentials which make me self confident.

SDnet, Im small fish in the pond, cuz my majors dont apply to science/engineering.
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Post by Shinova »

It's easier to speak up here, obviously. Aside from that I think I'm pretty much the same off and online; on a different wavelength from everyone else, for better and for worse.
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Re: What is your 'real' personality?

Post by Superman »

ray245 wrote:Edit: well...personally, I find myself to be a rather blur and lame person at times.
:shock: Whaa?

Just when you think you know a guy...
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Post by Sarevok »

There is no real world. You are all scripts running on my forum simulation software. :d

As for me I am quite different in real life than here. I talk a lot more although I dont swear like in here. Not because I am being nice but I suck in my own native language when it comes to colorful vocabulary, as sad as it may sound. Since I spent my childhood in US and Ireland sometimes I feel like a fish out of water.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

I am a dork. Spanky would laugh at me. Hur hur hur.
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