My ideas for American Idol.

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Anarchist Bunny
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My ideas for American Idol.

Post by Anarchist Bunny »

Several of my friends and I entirely watch the first few episodes of American Idol just to laugh are asses off at the peole that suck, while I don't think this as more than one season with this series, I think that they could make even more money off of this with a few simple changes.

One, have two shows, one targeting the people that like the raping of the music industry crap, and one that just has the awful people that tried to audition and two, on the rejects show, replace the other two judges besides Simon with George Carlin and Triumph the INsult Comic Dog. I think that show would be absolutly halarious.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

My idea for American Idol is to line up the producers against the wall and have them all shot. I think my idea is better than your idea.
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Post by Kuja »

I think judges should have shotguns leaning against the table when the wannabes walk in. That'll scare them pretty good. :twisted:
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Post by Joe »

My idea for American Idol is to get rid of the other two judges, get rid of all the talented performers, and just make the show about Simon verbally insulting the shitty performers and then kicking their asses. Man, would that be sweet.

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Anarchist Bunny
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

Did you not read my post? Thats my idea, but it also includes George Carlin and Triumph
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

what, you normally watch the show to find the idol?
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Post by Joe »

anarchistbunny wrote:Did you not read my post? Thats my idea, but it also includes George Carlin and Triumph
No, but in my idea he physically assaults the bad ones (only the males, of course).

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Post by Enforcer Talen »

bahh, if we want physical violence we can watch wwf. i want to see those idols break down and cry.

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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

Enforcer Talen wrote:bahh, if we want physical violence we can watch wwf. i want to see those idols break down and cry.

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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

I don't know why we're giving contracts to amateur singers. They'll only last for a few years tops. I agree that it's better if they only let the bad ones in, and have three judges verbally abuse them.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

They dissapate pretty quickly don't they?
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Post by Durandal »

I think that one in every hundred performers should be randomly seeded with a schizophrenic lune who's been given a straight-edged razor and the idea that Simon is his evil half.

I'm sure Simon would be much more careful about his comments, and it'd be fun watching him stammer to think up ways to nicely let the applicants down.
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Post by EmperorMing »

They need a pr0n version of American idol:


or something similar... :twisted:

Edit: Can you imagine the auditions for that... :twisted: :twisted: 8)

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Post by RedImperator »

Instead of wasting time with medleys and blatent Ford plugs, why not have hidden camera footage from the contestants' bedrooms. Once you're in the later rounds of the contest, it's all hotties. You know they're fucking each other.
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