What beast would guard your fortress?

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Post by Crayz9000 »

antitrek wrote:I'm suprised no-one has mentioned this

moat :A colony of luaggages Now thats feirce! :shock:
The best part is that they're indestructable.
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Post by Hitch Hiker »

Yes they are Indestructable and can swallow anything thrown at them

i would choose

at the gate A Battalion of Welsh Dragons
and also in the moat the Lochness Monster
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Post by phongn »

Hitch Hiker, please do not resurrect months-old threads.
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Post by Captain tycho »

Moat Guard:I don't know the name of it, but it has thousands of tentacles with metal razor blades implanted into them and armored skin.

Gate guard: Do you need ro ask? Algammon the Black will do. (lord of the dragons, for those of you who don't know) :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by ArmorPierce »

You're a n00b so know the rule, resurrecting threads from the dead. The funny part is that you're not allowed to make threads on topics already covered by a thread.
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Id take the Omega Weapon from FF*, the Emerald and Ruby Weapons fom FF7, and if all else failed, Ten thousand koopas and goombas.
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Post by paladin »

Moat guard: Killer rabbit from Holy Grail

Gate guard: The Black Knight from Holy Grail
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Re: What beast would guard your fortress?

Post by Enforcer Talen »

Sea Skimmer wrote:So you've become an evil overlord. You have a fortress of doom similar to mine and now you need something to guard it.

There are two categories, moat guard and gate guard. The moat guard is whatever you place in your moats or equivalent. It must be non sentient. The gate guard may be sentient.

In both cases it must be some creature or beast that's power comes completely or primarily from its biological aspects. A troll with a ax is okay for gate guard, a big mecha with live pilot is not is not.

So what do you chose?
jachyra for moat guard. balrog for gate guard.
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Post by Soontir C'boath »

Let's see....first of all I would have a moat full of pits around my fortress. Each one with a sarlaac. :twisted:

As for a gate guard....I would say Atma Weapon from FF6.

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Post by Darth Yoshi »

What the hell? This is supposed to be a dead thread. And haven't you people already posted in this thread?
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Post by XaLEv »

It was dead. That it is now being posted in, on topic, shows that there is interest in it, so it is no longer dead.
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Post by Sr.mal »

Moat: Xenomorphs from Aliens

Gate: Darkstar using his wall on ignorance, none shal pass
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

XaLEv wrote:It was dead. That it is now being posted in, on topic, shows that there is interest in it, so it is no longer dead.
I see. In that case, I keep the X as my moat guardians, and change the gate guardian to the Omega Pirate from Metroid Prime. He's huge, with a shockwave attack, back-mounted artillery, and can regenerate in the presence of Phazon radiation.
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