What do you think of it? I'm Nick in the convo anyway, she logged straight off after this too.
Nick says:
Fisticuffs, unless there's a water cannon I refuse to turn my TV on...
Nick says:
I'm hoping the peace protests today involve one.

Yes, It Does Hurt When I Smile says:
y? after euro 2000 i think there fuckin awful - that was terrible what they did to the fans
Nick says:
The fans weren't exactly helping their cause by destroying shit. I have no sympathy for rioters. Just wait until VMAP comes out; microwave weaponry on a Landrover.
Yes, It Does Hurt When I Smile says:
Nick says:
Rioters don't achieve anything be they footie or whatever. Hell, I half expected riots after the Australia match, I noticed fans booing during the anthems.
Yes, It Does Hurt When I Smile says:
uve not bin 2 a footy match hav u? u obviously dont get it. they shouldnt b such rses but then they only do it coz the authorities r so heavy handed and dont 'control' the crowds they just lay into them with battons!!! its betta in england coz they dont do that here but on the continent they do and thats when the crowd fight back
Yes, It Does Hurt When I Smile says:
and it gets outta hand
Nick says:
I have seen them firsthand before when meeting a mate, I can't say it looked fun.
Yes, It Does Hurt When I Smile says:
i was at the everton v united match when there was some trouble and the police were fab
Nick says:
He's an avid Sheffield Wednesday fan and hates the police like nobodies business.
Yes, It Does Hurt When I Smile says:
didnt take it too far but got it under control and me and sarah were perfectly safe and didnt get hurt at all
Nick says:
Well that's a good thing.
Yes, It Does Hurt When I Smile says:
yeah but wednesday and millwall and leeds and cardiff fans r like that
Nick says:
The police are there to avoid trouble brewing, anyone who fights them for that deserves a baton to the head unless we're suddenly turning into some sort of fascist state.
Nick says:
i noticed
Nick says:
David loves to fight.
Yes, It Does Hurt When I Smile says:
every1 nos that - thats y u dont go to those home matches if ur an away supporter
Nick says:
I ain't going back there again, I'm sure they have an army to take on the police when they feel upto it. Seems sad that they have to ruin such a good occasion by rioting like that. Can't blame the cops for having a bad job holding them back.
Yes, It Does Hurt When I Smile says:
well then he can fight - but not all supporters r like that
Nick says:
I never expected they were, if they all were like that then footie would've been banned long ago as being hazardous for your health.
Yes, It Does Hurt When I Smile says:
well then dont put us down
Nick says:
I wasn't, I was putting rioters down.
Yes, It Does Hurt When I Smile says:
and dont preach bout something u dont no bout
Nick says:
Rioting I have seen many a time, it's not just football. It's quite simple; you break the law, you get punished. If you hate water cannon, don't break the law.
Yes, It Does Hurt When I Smile says:
oh bog off
Nick says:
What?! So the laws are there just as a handy reference? People moan when they break the law.