The OFFICIAL frag thread

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The OFFICIAL frag thread

Post by Xisiqomelir »

Hey everyone (Einhander especially)! Feel free to post your logs/records/replays/reports of FRAGGING here! Doesn't matter which game, so long as there's FRAGGING! :twisted:

Here's an 8 v 4 Undeads and Evils log from Duris, a great PK MUD at port 6666

< 637h/637H 228v/233V Pos: standing >
Yzai leaves south.
Spirn leaves south.
You follow Yzai.

A Muddy and Ice Covered Beach Landing
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
Spirn Tarrasque of Legion of Hate (Shadow Beast)(medium)(F) stands in mid-air here.
Yzai Balor of Legion of Hate (Phantom)(medium)(F) stands in mid-air here.
Crynuss enters from the north.
Dijj enters from the north.
Khamul enters from the north.
Methic enters from the north.
Setebos enters from the north.

< 637h/637H 227v/233V Pos: standing >
Yzai leaves south.
Spirn leaves south.
You follow Yzai.

A Muddy and Ice Covered Beach Landing
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
Spirn Tarrasque of Legion of Hate (Shadow Beast)(medium)(F) stands in mid-air here.
Yzai Balor of Legion of Hate (Phantom)(medium)(F) stands in mid-air here.
Crynuss enters from the north.
Dijj enters from the north.
Khamul enters from the north.
Methic enters from the north.
Setebos enters from the north.

< 637h/637H 226v/233V Pos: standing >
Setebos stops using a small wooden horn.

< 637h/637H 230v/233V Pos: standing >
Setebos grabs a small wooden mandolin.
Yzai leaves west.
Spirn leaves west.
You follow Yzai.

Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
Spirn Tarrasque of Legion of Hate (Shadow Beast)(medium)(F) stands in mid-air here.
gsa p
Yzai Balor of Legion of Hate (Phantom)(medium)(F) stands in mid-air here.
Crynuss enters from the east.
Dijj enters from the east.
Khamul enters from the east.
Methic enters from the east.
Setebos enters from the east.

< 637h/637H 229v/233V Pos: standing >
Setebos starts playing a small wooden mandolin and wail aloud like a banshee.

< 637h/637H 229v/233V Pos: standing >
You group-say 'p'
Yzai leaves west.
Spirn leaves west.
You follow Yzai.

An Icy Trail
This trail moves out into the icy tundra and wilderness off to the west,
but seems to head back towards civilization towards the coast. There are
many foot prints in the snow as people have traveled all the way from
the southern deserts up to the castle of Ice Crag to visit as a guest of
Lord Strife himself. There are infact some very odd foot prints that
lead off to the west, some aren't even human.
Obvious exits: -East -West
Spirn Tarrasque of Legion of Hate (Shadow Beast)(medium)(F) stands in mid-air here.
Yzai Balor of Legion of Hate (Phantom)(medium)(F) stands in mid-air here.
Crynuss enters from the east.
Dijj enters from the east.
Khamul enters from the east.
Methic enters from the east.
Setebos enters from the east.

< 637h/637H 228v/233V Pos: standing >
Yzai leaves east.
Spirn leaves east.
You follow Yzai.

Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
Spirn Tarrasque of Legion of Hate (Shadow Beast)(medium)(F) stands in mid-air here.
Yzai Balor of Legion of Hate (Phantom)(medium)(F) stands in mid-air here.
*A Drow Elf (medium) Grave Robbers Filthy Bastards(B) stands in mid-air here.
*A Troll (large) DreadLord Filthy Bastards(F) stands in mid-air here.
*A Goblin (small) Grave Robbers Filthy Bastards(F) stands in mid-air here.
*A Goblin (small) Grave Robbers Filthy Bastards(F) stands in mid-air here.
Crynuss enters from the west.
Dijj enters from the west.
Khamul enters from the west.
Methic enters from the west.
Setebos enters from the west.

< 637h/637H 231v/233V Pos: standing >
A Goblin snaps into visibility.
Spirn places a red-bladed dagger with a silver hilt in the back of A Goblin, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
Spirn places a black bladed dagger with a silver hilt in the back of A Goblin, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
A Goblin pales as a potion of bigby's clenched fist thrown by Crynuss hits him in the face.
Crynuss's fist beats the life out of A Goblin, blood pours from his body!
A Goblin pales as a smelly potion of gaseous cloud thrown by Dijj hits him in the face.
Dijj creates a gaseous cloud with a wave of his hand, directing it at A Goblin and causing him to choke painfully.

< 637h/637H 231v/233V Pos: standing >
Yzai attacks A Goblin. [4 hits]
Spirn attacks A Goblin. [0 hits]
A Goblin starts casting an offensive spell.

< 637h/637H 231v/233V Pos: standing >
A Goblin pales as a potion of bigby's clenched fist thrown by Crynuss hits him in the face.
Crynuss's fist beats the life out of A Goblin, blood pours from his body!
Setebos group-says 'p ne'

< 637h/637H 231v/233V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell called 'power word stun'.
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 637h/637H 231v/233V Pos: standing >
cast 'greater heal undead' yzai
A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'power word stun'
Spirn attacks A Goblin. [0 hits]

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Yzai's malevolent scimitar with a strange Black stone is damaged from the massive blow!
Yzai's concussion blast rips into A Goblin, shattering his soul!
Yzai attacks A Goblin. [4 hits]
You start chanting...
Setebos snaps into visibility.
Setebos places a dwarven-made platinum knife in the back of A Goblin, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
Yzai clambers to her feet.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
A Goblin completes his spell...
A Goblin utters the word 'pawwzf'
Khamul snaps into visibility.
A Goblin creates a hammer out of thin air that smashes into Khamul, bits of flesh and bone fly everywhere!
A Goblin attacks Spirn. [1 hits]

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Methic attacks A Goblin. [0 hits]

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Setebos keeps wailing a dirge of uncovered secrets..
A Goblin pales as a smelly potion of gaseous cloud thrown by Dijj hits him in the face.
Dijj, with a wave of the hand, creates a gaseous cloud and directs it at A Goblin, killing him - perhaps he should have held his breath?
A Goblin is dead! R.I.P.
get all corpse
put all backpack
put all.coins backpack
You receive your share of experience.
You just gained 0.12 frags!
You feel the bloodlust in your heart as you hear the death cry of A Goblin.
A Goblin stops following A Goblin.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Casting: greater heal undead *

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Khamul starts casting a spell.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Casting: greater heal undead

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
A Goblin starts casting an offensive spell.
A Goblin snaps into visibility.
A Goblin pales as a potion of bigby's clenched fist thrown by Crynuss hits him in the face.
Crynuss's fist beats the life out of A Goblin, blood pours from his body!
A Drow Elf leaves west.
Setebos starts casting an offensive spell.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Khamul completes his spell...
Khamul utters the words 'ofzahzf pzar jioculoae'
A Troll gets a bunch of stuff from the corpse of Ulunn.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Setebos completes his spell...
Setebos utters the words 'bigbys clenched fist'
Setebos's fist beats the life out of A Goblin, blood pours from his body!

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Saving Azcre.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
There's too much blood flying around for you to do that!

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
A Goblin deflects Methic's blow and strikes back at him!
Methic attacks A Goblin. [0 hits]
Spirn places a red-bladed dagger with a silver hilt in the back of A Goblin, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
You don't have anything to put in it.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
A Goblin completes his spell...
A Goblin utters the words 'bigbys clenched fist'
A Goblin's fist beats the life out of Setebos, blood pours from his body!
A Goblin attacks Methic. [0 hits]
You put 0 platinum, 0 gold, 0 silver, and 0 copper coins into a large leather backpack.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
A Goblin pales as a smelly potion of gaseous cloud thrown by Dijj hits him in the face.
Dijj creates a gaseous cloud with a wave of his hand, directing it at A Goblin and causing him to choke painfully.
Setebos gets something from the corpse of Ulunn.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Spirn attacks A Goblin. [0 hits]
A Goblin pales as a potion of bigby's clenched fist thrown by Crynuss hits him in the face.
Crynuss's fist beats the life out of A Goblin, blood pours from his body!
Methic starts casting an offensive spell called 'disintegrate'.
Methic snaps into visibility.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
A Goblin attempts to flee.
A Goblin leaves west.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Yzai dances an acrobatic maneuver in battle, and trips up A Troll!

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Methic stops chanting abruptly!

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Khamul starts casting a spell.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Setebos keeps wailing a dirge of uncovered secrets..

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Your group consists of:
( Head) 949/932 hit, 309/309 move, 469/522 mana Yzai
(Front) 648/648 hit, 268/270 move, 1/522 mana Methic
(Back ) 591/591 hit, 265/265 move, 61/522 mana Khamul
(Front) 417/516 hit, 305/305 move, 544/544 mana Setebos
(Front) 742/675 hit, 225/225 move, 491/491 mana Crynuss
(Front) 750/719 hit, 290/290 move, 515/515 mana Dijj
(Back ) 637/637 hit, 233/233 move, 490/490 mana Azcre
(Front) 588/581 hit, 325/325 move, 497/497 mana Spirn

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
A Troll snaps into visibility.
Yzai's concussion blast rips into A Troll, shattering his soul!
Yzai attacks A Troll. [6 hits]

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Khamul completes his spell...
Khamul utters the words 'ofzahzf pzar jioculoae'
Khamul reaches out at Setebos, touching him.
Setebos appears to gain power from the sudden deadly chill around him.
Spirn places a red-bladed dagger with a silver hilt in the back of A Troll, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
Spirn places a black bladed dagger with a silver hilt in the back of A Troll, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
A Troll attacks Spirn. [0 hits]
Methic stops using a large leather backpack.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Methic puts some coins into a large leather backpack.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Setebos puts some coins into a large leather backpack.
Methic straps a large leather backpack to his back.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Setebos attacks A Troll. [0 hits]
Spirn attacks A Troll. [1 hits]

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
A Troll pales as a potion of bigby's clenched fist thrown by Crynuss hits him in the face.
Crynuss's fist beats the life out of A Troll, blood pours from his body!
A Troll pales as a smelly potion of gaseous cloud thrown by Dijj hits him in the face.
Dijj creates a gaseous cloud with a wave of his hand, directing it at A Troll and causing him to choke painfully.
Methic gets a bunch of stuff from the corpse of Ulunn.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Yzai attacks A Troll. [6 hits]

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Spirn attempts to flee.
Spirn leaves south.
fh setebos

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
A Troll pales as a smelly potion of gaseous cloud thrown by Dijj hits him in the face.
Dijj creates a gaseous cloud with a wave of his hand, directing it at A Troll and causing him to choke painfully.
Setebos starts casting an offensive spell called 'bigbys clenched fist'.
Khamul puts some coins into a sack of species holding.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Spirn enters from the south.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Spirn places a red-bladed dagger with a silver hilt in the back of A Troll, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
Spirn places a black bladed dagger with a silver hilt in the back of A Troll, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
You feel your skin soften and return to normal.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Setebos completes his spell...
Setebos utters the words 'bigbys clenched fist'
Setebos's fist beats the life out of A Troll, blood pours from his body!
Setebos attacks A Troll. [1 hits]
A Troll pales as a potion of bigby's clenched fist thrown by Crynuss hits him in the face.
Crynuss's magic fist punches A Troll into so much pulp!
A Troll is dead! R.I.P.
get all corpse
put all backpack
put all.coins backpack
You receive your share of experience.
You just gained 0.12 frags!
You feel the bloodlust in your heart as you hear the death cry of A Troll.
A Troll stops following A Goblin.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Setebos keeps wailing a dirge of uncovered secrets..

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Saving Azcre.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
You get a marble flask from the corpse of Vartek.
You get a soldiers quiver from the corpse of Vartek.
You get an earring of megwandir from the corpse of Vartek.
You get a translucent eyepatch from the corpse of Vartek.
You get a malevolent scimitar from the corpse of Vartek.
You get a scimitar named 'Woundhealer' from the corpse of Vartek.
You get a bracer bearing the Longhollow symbol from the corpse of Vartek.
You get a bracer bearing the Longhollow symbol from the corpse of Vartek.
You get a fine dragonscale belt from the corpse of Vartek.
You can't carry any more.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Spirn attempts to flee.
Spirn leaves east.
Khamul gets a bunch of stuff from the corpse of Vartek.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
cast 'greater heal undead' setebos
Setebos gets some stuff from the corpse of Vartek.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Spirn enters from the east.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Yzai gets a bunch of stuff from the corpse of Vartek.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
You put 9 items into a large leather backpack.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
You put 0 platinum, 0 gold, 0 silver, and 0 copper coins into a large leather backpack.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
Khamul puts a bunch of stuff into a sack of species holding.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Khamul puts some coins into a sack of species holding.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Casting: greater heal undead *

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Setebos keeps wailing a dirge of uncovered secrets..

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Casting: greater heal undead
Yzai puts a bunch of stuff into a silvery-blue backpack.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Spirn gets some stuff from the corpse of Ulunn.
Yzai puts some coins into a silvery-blue backpack.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Crynuss gets a bunch of stuff from a large leather backpack.
Yzai group-says in magic 'loot'
Khamul puts some coins into a sack of species holding.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Setebos puts a bunch of stuff into a large leather backpack.

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
<> group

Crynuss group-says in common 'nice'

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Your group consists of:
( Head) 979/932 hit, 309/309 move, 469/522 mana Yzai
(Front) 648/648 hit, 270/270 move, 1/522 mana Methic
(Back ) 591/591 hit, 265/265 move, 61/522 mana Khamul
(Front) 535/516 hit, 305/305 move, 544/544 mana Setebos
(Front) 742/675 hit, 225/225 move, 491/491 mana Crynuss
(Front) 781/719 hit, 290/290 move, 515/515 mana Dijj
(Back ) 637/637 hit, 233/233 move, 490/490 mana Azcre
(Front) 599/581 hit, 325/325 move, 497/497 mana Spirn

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
<> l

Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
The corpse of a Troll is lying here.
The corpse of a Goblin is lying here.
A few drops of blood are scattered around the area.
Spirn Tarrasque of Legion of Hate (Shadow Beast)(medium)(F) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Setebos Hezrou of Legion of Hate (Shadow Beast)(medium)(F) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Methic Hezrou of Legion of Hate (Phantom)(medium)(F) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Khamul Marilith of Legion of Hate (Lich)(medium)(B) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Dijj -SuperFly- Legion of Hate (Lich)(medium)(F) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Crynuss Glabrezu of Legion of Hate (Lich)(medium)(F) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Yzai Balor of Legion of Hate (Phantom)(medium)(F) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Setebos keeps wailing a dirge of uncovered secrets..

< 637h/637H 233v/233V Pos: standing >
Methic drops a superior electrum tower shield.
Yzai group-says in magic 'nie work'
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Post by Exonerate »

Erm, is this CircleMUN based? I could pull some GW-based ones... Hehe. Doing like 6k damage a hit, and 12 hits a round. Against other players.

I got a screenshot of a TFC game... ... enshot.gif
I only played like half of that game, so I probably would've had a higher score :D

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Post by Shinova »

Well, I don't have any screencaps, but I've managed to pull out second in several InstaUnlagged games in Quake 3 (rail-gun only). The only reason I pulled out second was cause the guy in lead was ridiculously good. Score would end up something like this:

(Note: I don't know their exact names)

Fort-Worth 30
glide 22
Everyone else

"glide" is me. Fort-Worth is the guy who rails people almost upon seeing them, and does that annoying Visor taunt right afterwords after every kill, or when he's just running around.



"You have been fragged by Fort-Worth for second place"


However, in some other servers, I've managed to pull first. YAY :mrgreen:

However, most of the time, I just suck. :cry:
What's her bust size!?

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Post by Hyperion »

Exonerate wrote:Erm, is this CircleMUN based? I could pull some GW-based ones... Hehe. Doing like 6k damage a hit, and 12 hits a round. Against other players.

I got a screenshot of a TFC game... ... enshot.gif
I only played like half of that game, so I probably would've had a higher score :D
With a deathcounts like that? Fuggin' camper... :evil:
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Post by Shinova »

To Exonerate: CAMPER!!!! *lobs grenade into Exonerate's hiding place*
What's her bust size!?

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Post by Exonerate »

What do you mean camper, I was running back and forth the bases grabbing the flag...

Half of my team's score was made by me alone.

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Post by Exonerate »

Shinova: I made railgun kills on sight too :D

Played my friend, he couldn't even survive more than one second once I saw him.

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Post by Shinova »

Exonerate wrote:Shinova: I made railgun kills on sight too :D

Played my friend, he couldn't even survive more than one second once I saw him.
Would your screenname happen to be something like "Fort-Worth"?

*Hand inches toward railgun*
What's her bust size!?

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Post by weemadando »

I wish I had some of my old Rainbow Six, Rogue Spear and Ghost Recon MP screenshots sitting around.

Some of them were helluva funny.
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Post by Exonerate »

Shinova wrote:
Exonerate wrote:Shinova: I made railgun kills on sight too :D

Played my friend, he couldn't even survive more than one second once I saw him.
Would your screenname happen to be something like "Fort-Worth"?

*Hand inches toward railgun*

Too late :wink:
I don't have Quake, I just played it at my friend's house. We were playing Corkscrew, a sniping mod... One hit kill railguns only :D

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Post by Lagmonster »

I used to play deathmatch Half-Life when it first came out, before CounterStrike ruined everything. I was a die-hard camper before 'camping' was even a WORD. People HATED me. In one team-match game, it got so bad that the enemy team THEMSELVES camped out at the crossbow spawn point so I wouldn't get it. Those were the days.

I still camp, actually. I know this will piss off a lot of you bare-balls Rambos out there who think that the best way to win in combat is the Starship Troopers method, but frankly, it's not MY fault if the enemy just keeps on SAUNTERING past my crosshairs. I once went through my entire ammo supply of sniper rounds in Unreal Tournament on this ONE GUY before he must have thought to himself, "Gee, MAYBE I should try a DIFFERENT route to the flag, or, like, you know, try and counter-snipe that guy in the tower that keeps PINNING MY HEAD TO THE WALL EVERY TEN SECONDS."
Note: I'm semi-retired from the board, so if you need something, please be patient.
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Post by weemadando »

Lagmonster wrote:I used to play deathmatch Half-Life when it first came out, before CounterStrike ruined everything. I was a die-hard camper before 'camping' was even a WORD. People HATED me. In one team-match game, it got so bad that the enemy team THEMSELVES camped out at the crossbow spawn point so I wouldn't get it. Those were the days.
Dude, camping was a word back in the days of DOOM DM...

And yes, CounterStrike did ruin everything. We must destroy them, incinerate them, man after man, village after village, town after town...
I still camp, actually. I know this will piss off a lot of you bare-balls Rambos out there who think that the best way to win in combat is the Starship Troopers method, but frankly, it's not MY fault if the enemy just keeps on SAUNTERING past my crosshairs. I once went through my entire ammo supply of sniper rounds in Unreal Tournament on this ONE GUY before he must have thought to himself, "Gee, MAYBE I should try a DIFFERENT route to the flag, or, like, you know, try and counter-snipe that guy in the tower that keeps PINNING MY HEAD TO THE WALL EVERY TEN SECONDS."
I'd really love to see you try and pull that against myself and some other friends in Ghost Recon or OpFlash. In that you have to snipe properly, not camp. Otherwise you can expect an indirect fire 40mm round to be landing within a few centimetres of your position.

That and the fact that we've learnt that patience is your friend. Its better to spend 5 minutes crawling in long grass to get somewhere than 30seconds sprinting headlong into machinegun fire.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Damint I wish I had my old HL TFC screenshots, I had 117-9 Screenies, Once playing Sniper, Once Playing Engineer(2Fort-I built my gun right in the middle of the %#% bridge as a joke, instead it slaughtered people left and right for five full minutes with me running around grabing downed pacs and repairing it while shotguning down anyone who came to close

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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Damnit. The one multiplayer game I really, truly 0wnz at (RtCW) was just borrowed by my friend a few hours ago. :(

Oh well, I'll get screenshots later.
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Post by beyond hope »

Lagmonster wrote:I used to play deathmatch Half-Life when it first came out, before CounterStrike ruined everything. I was a die-hard camper before 'camping' was even a WORD. People HATED me. In one team-match game, it got so bad that the enemy team THEMSELVES camped out at the crossbow spawn point so I wouldn't get it. Those were the days.

I still camp, actually. I know this will piss off a lot of you bare-balls Rambos out there who think that the best way to win in combat is the Starship Troopers method, but frankly, it's not MY fault if the enemy just keeps on SAUNTERING past my crosshairs. I once went through my entire ammo supply of sniper rounds in Unreal Tournament on this ONE GUY before he must have thought to himself, "Gee, MAYBE I should try a DIFFERENT route to the flag, or, like, you know, try and counter-snipe that guy in the tower that keeps PINNING MY HEAD TO THE WALL EVERY TEN SECONDS."
One of my most bitter complaints about UT 2003 is that they replaced the sniper rifle (the best weapon in the game IMHO) with the "lightning gun"... same exact weapon except with a highly visible bolt to make life difficult for those of us who prefer brains over a full frontal assault.
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Post by Exonerate »

Hehe, I was quite good at sniping in UT too... On my first online game, I managed to pull off a score of like 80. I was sniping enemies with my shock rifle :D

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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

I went out to dinner with a buddy on Saturday. We talked about the good old days of Quake I and 56K modems. Ive since forgotten the names of the maps, but still have some great memories of intense battles for rocket launcher spawn points.

One of the best multi-frags I ever saw was on the map where there is a lightening gun at the bottom of some water. Above the water is a bridge which you can run across. There also was a room nearby with a RL.

Anyway, one day I was at the bottom of the pool and someone triggered the lightening gun. I was the only survivor and I had 1 health. There were gibs floating down all over the place. After that one, a big game of grab the lightening gun first began. It was great.
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Post by Lagmonster »

weemadando wrote:Dude, camping was a word back in the days of DOOM DM...
Well, yeah. Take the steam out of my motor, will ya? :P
I'd really love to see you try and pull that against myself and some other friends in Ghost Recon or OpFlash. In that you have to snipe properly, not camp. Otherwise you can expect an indirect fire 40mm round to be landing within a few centimetres of your position.
I haven't played that game. I'm onto Battlefield 1942 right now, and I play Tribes 2 like a maniac. Essentially, I believe in two prinicples: Anything that emits wide-range area-effect explosive damage is good, and that anything that let's me hit something instantly and from the other side of the map is good. Preferably, I'd combine both, like some of the insane mutators for UT let you do.
That and the fact that we've learnt that patience is your friend. Its better to spend 5 minutes crawling in long grass to get somewhere than 30seconds sprinting headlong into machinegun fire.
It varies by game. In things like UT and Quake where you can leap tall buildings and absorb truly heinous amounts of damage, sprinting around like a lunatic often works if for no other reason than to be on the move from the twenty or so nuclear rockets, BFG blasts and screen-wide energy balls that are flitting about the screen like buzzards with a purpose. But the minute you get to sprawling, multi-objective team games like Tribes 2 and Battlefield 1942, everything goes to hell and you either need one bigass piece of artillery with three engineers standing behind you, or a shady spot with a sniper rifle and a truckload of ammo, because no matter what you do to them, FPS players almost never learn.
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Post by weemadando »

Lagmonster wrote: It varies by game. In things like UT and Quake where you can leap tall buildings and absorb truly heinous amounts of damage, sprinting around like a lunatic often works if for no other reason than to be on the move from the twenty or so nuclear rockets, BFG blasts and screen-wide energy balls that are flitting about the screen like buzzards with a purpose. But the minute you get to sprawling, multi-objective team games like Tribes 2 and Battlefield 1942, everything goes to hell and you either need one bigass piece of artillery with three engineers standing behind you, or a shady spot with a sniper rifle and a truckload of ammo, because no matter what you do to them, FPS players almost never learn.
In GR and OFP when I'm sniping I NEVER take more than 2 shots from the same location. You take your shot, then slowly move away from it back into cover and move to another place.

Another trick of mine when sniping is to psyche out the enemy. Everyone looks for snipers on the highground. If you're playing me - look everywhere, I've successfully taken out whole squads who were sweeping the forest on a hill looking for me while I was hiding in clumps of grass in a valley about 500m away (its fucking hard to snipe from that far in game).
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