Only in Australia

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The Big I
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Only in Australia

Post by The Big I »

I'm surprised no-one has posted this yet:
Mike Koehler promises lifesize AT-AT walker will be Ewok-proofed with anti-log technology By Peter Farquhar, Technology Editor From: April 12, 2011 8:57AM

Mike Koehler says if Oprah can make it to Australia, there's no reason his AT-AT couldn't. Picture: Lucasfilm Source: Supplied
The plans and inspiration are out there. Now for the cash and proper knowledge. Picture: Wookipedia Source: Supplied
AT-AT will be fully operational
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AUSTRALIA'S status as the world capital of Big Things is under attack.
In February, the citizens of Detroit successfully lobbied for a giant statue of RoboCop to keep its crims in line.

In the same week, news broke that a three-metre tall Arnold Schwarzenegger statue will stand guard outside the Governator's former home in Thal, Austria.

Both of which kick Robertson's giant poo-tato and Ballina's prawn to the kerb when it comes to cool icons for your country.

..And now you can add — possibly, unless George Lucas hears of it — a lifesize, fully-functioning replica of a Galactic Empire AT-AT walker to the countryside somewhere in Oklahoma, if Mike Koehler gets his way.

Note fully-functioning — not like that static tat at Disneyland's Hollywood theme park.

The 16m tall (some nerds experts put them at 23m) All Terrain Armoured Transports featured most famously in the attack on the Rebel forces' secret base on Hoth in Empire Strikes Back, where one tripped over a bit of rope and exploded.

Another one makes a cameo in Return of the Jedi after a smaller version — an AT-ST — gets smashed by monkeys with logs.

But they look fearsome enough and Mr Koehler has been given the green light by online fundraiser Kickstarter to begin collecting cash to realise his dream.

It's called AT-AT for America and Mr Koehler's welcoming any offers of help or donations.

We chatted to him about why his country needs it...

Why did you choose a symbol of the Empire's destructive capabilities to represent the US?

The AT-AT is not so much a representation of the US as it is a monument to what geek culture and its know-how has done for people in the country and, as I am quickly learning, folks all over the world. The can-do and cooperative spirit that nerdy pop culture has inspired can't be overlooked in the past 30, 40, 50 years.

I wanted to make something that was: A) Doable. Fast-than-light and force field technology made many options unrealistic. B) Big enough to be awe-inspiring. Many people have made R2 units and Back to the Future Deloreans. The AT-AT is 50-feet tall.

If it proves too difficult, do you have any smaller scale Star Wars projects in mind?

I guess we could do one of the smaller scout walkers, but that seems like copping out.

If it proves easy, would you consider building a Death Star?

The Death Star would involve too much red tape I'm afraid, unless I could get Richard Branson on board.

The original AT-ATs had some notable design flaws. How will you Ewok-proof it?

No Ewoks will be allowed around the build sites. Sharpened logs will also be strictly prohibited. We are working towards some strong anti-log technology.

Have you had any interest from Mythbusters et al?

No word yet from the Mythbusters, though I hope as we continue to build momentum that we will get a lot of help from some of our geek heroes. When I first thought of this, my ideal project managers were Adam and Jamie.

If Detroit can get a RoboCop statue, maybe you should pitch your AT-AT for a permanent public space...

Once we're done, I would like for the AT-AT to find some place nice to be housed and admired as a monument. Since it will be fully operational, people will be able to ride it. It would be an art piece on par with the Statue of Liberty, but with the ability to mosey around the block.

Have you had any cease and desist orders from George Lucas yet?

We have not heard from Lucasfilm yet, though there is that expectation. All I can say is that we won't be making any money off this project, we consider it a public work of art and we would gladly locate it where ever Mr Lucas would like us to. This is a testament to how many dreams his work and other work like his has inspired in people my age and younger.

Will you live in it once it's finished?

No, I won't live in it.

Can I?

You can't live inside it, though you are welcome to string a hammock between its knees.

Is there ever a chance that such a monolithic, relentless corporate machine could ever be seen in Australia?

Given enough support and volunteers, the AT-AT, like Oprah, would be happy to visit Australia.

Read more: ... z1JRrlRBcx
Link in the article.
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Dominus Atheos
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Re: Only in Australia

Post by Dominus Atheos »

You're a little confused.
..And now you can add — possibly, unless George Lucas hears of it — a lifesize, fully-functioning replica of a Galactic Empire AT-AT walker to the countryside somewhere in Oklahoma, if Mike Koehler gets his way.


It's called AT-AT for America and Mr Koehler's welcoming any offers of help or donations.
This thread title should be changed to "Only in America FUCK YEAH"
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Darth Tedious
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Re: Only in Australia

Post by Darth Tedious »

Wait, wait, wait...
..And now you can add — possibly, unless George Lucas hears of it — a lifesize, fully-functioning replica of a Galactic Empire AT-AT walker to the countryside somewhere in Oklahoma, if Mike Koehler gets his way.

Note fully-functioning — not like that static tat at Disneyland's Hollywood theme park.
Fully functioning???

Doesn't that imply the heavy blaster cannons will work? How does one get a permit for firepower like that?
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Sam Or I
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Re: Only in Australia

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It is being built in Oklahoma. It is protected by the 2nd Amendment there.
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Sam Or I
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Re: Only in Australia

Post by Sam Or I »

Near my home town some one built a life size statue of the transformer Bumblebee. The cartoon version.
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