Were/Are you a nerd in high school?

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The Dark
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Post by The Dark »

Durran Korr wrote:
Kelly Antilles wrote:I'm a band nerd supreme.
Hmm, band fag is the more common term these days. I know, I was there too.
LOL...not at my high school. There were 350 of us.

That said, I was a major nerd. Captain of the Quiz Bowl team, took AP Physics my junior year, was a year ahead on math (although my friend Phuoc was three years ahead :shock: ). Got into one fight in high school, though I didn't start it. Now, I'm still somewhat of a nerd, but most people won't mess with someone who's 5'10", 180 pounds, and knows two martial arts. Besides, in my experience, most of that shit stops in college.
RogueIce][quote="verilon wrote:I was known by name. I dated one person in high school. My freshman year. Explain THAT.

I have yet to date one and I'm three months from graduation! Far worse than you. [/quote]

Bah. My one-and-only girlfriend was last year (my first of college), and we dated slightly less than three months. Don't worry yourself, lad, you'll find someone who likes you for who you are and is willing to act on that care.
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
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Kamakazie Sith
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Post by Kamakazie Sith »

Ted wrote:
Trytostaydead wrote:Oh hell, during Middle School and most of High School I was the UBER-nerd. Middle School I remember I didn't even comb my hair let alone wear deoderant! Yes, I was the dork of all dorks (no, not quite.. there was someone even dorkier than I was).

But in the 11th grade I gradually began to change. Now the girls on campus have me pegged as the cool down-to-earth nerd, the husband material. I'm your token nerd at frat parties and sororities.. its pays off too, "hey! We're having a hot tub party!!! Wanna come?!!"
Though girls wont admit it, they are gold diggers.

Those students who do well have a better chance with girls than those who dont.
Nerds, being exceptionally smart have the greatest potential money earning capability post-school, therefor have the greatest draw for females.
Do you always just look at just one possibility?

Yes it could be that but it could also be that they are looking for someone who is stable and can support themselves.....I do the same thing.

As for the topic, I believe I was considered a nerd but my popularity grew as the years went by.....and I have no idea why. Well maybe everyone just matured.......though that would almost be proof of a divine act.
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Post by Rye »

well, it was always assumed i was a nerd, but when i started wearing band clothes, i was suddenly referred to as "goth".

People round here think it's a requirement to be stupid at all times, nerd over football, wear only tracksuits, say "innit" all the time, don't do well in school, only listen to happy happy hardcore dance music, not watch sci fi...etc, it goes on.

point is, i was a nerd till i became a "goth" (not really goth, but people round here fail to see a difference between someone who wears a coat that says "korn" on it, even when it says "machine head" and brandon lee of the crow fame). Slimy scumsuckers, i hate them scallies, they willfully choose ignorance over knowledge. anyhoo, it seems that us "goths" were vehemently hated and feared, as opposed to the nerds who were there to be made fun of.
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Post by BrYaN19kc »

Junior High tended to be my nerd years, then it was the "skater" look during Freshman year in high school. I finally leveled out with a combination of tennis team/computer lab look the rest of the time. :o
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