Heard of Eddie Izzard?

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Heard of Eddie Izzard?

Post by Zaia »

I've just spent 14 hours on a bus over the past 36 hours, and as per part of the road trip deal, we watched some movies and stuff, and one of the things we watched was some stand-up comedy by Eddie Izzard. Ever heard of him? He's HILAAAAAAAAAAAAARIOUS. Love him. :D
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Post by Kuja »

Can't say that I have, sorry.
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Post by Knife »

Yup, he has a couple HBO specials under him. He is some what funny, not my particular cup of tea (get it, he's british,haha) but to each his/her own.
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Post by Raxmei »

I have a cd or two of him around here somewhere.
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Re: Heard of Eddie Izzard?

Post by Durandal »

Zaia wrote:I've just spent 14 hours on a bus over the past 36 hours, and as per part of the road trip deal, we watched some movies and stuff, and one of the things we watched was some stand-up comedy by Eddie Izzard. Ever heard of him? He's HILAAAAAAAAAAAAARIOUS. Love him. :D
Yes; he's one of my favorite comedians.

"I claim India for Britain!"
"You can't claim us! We live here! 500 million of us!"
"Do you have a flag?"
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

My mom loves him. I've been forced to watch both his DVDs (which I bought for her as presents - silly me.)
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Post by Dalton »

"I'm an executive transvestite."

Very funny guy.

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Post by Zaia »

I'm going out to pick up his DVD today because I simply must own him. Tooooooooooo funny! I just about peed myself laughing. :D

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"What is it, Dr. Heimlich?"
"Why you call me Dr. Heimlich? I'm your husband, for fuck's sake. Don't be so bloody Prussian."
"What is it, Gunter?"
"I have just invented a maneouvre." :D
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

How can anyone not have heard of this guy?! Heathens! :)

I especially like the cat drilling behind the sofa sketch.

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Post by Frank Hipper »

"Tastes of human, it does" I've only seen him once, but oh! the comedic genius....
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

And Henry VIII, a big hairy king, went up to the Pope and said, "Mr. Pope! I'm gonna marry my first wife, then I'm gonna divorce her. Now, I know what you're gonna say, but stick with me. My story gets better. Second wife, I'm gonna kill her! Cut her head off. Ah, not expecting that, are we? Third wife gonna shoot her. Fourth wife, put her in a bag. Fifth wife, into outer space. Sixth wife, on a rotissamat. Seventh wife, made out of jam..." and the Pope is saying, "You crazy bugger! You can't do all this, what are you a Mormon? It's illegal. What have you been reading? The gospel according to St. Bastard?"


You have the American dream! The American dream is to be born in the gutter and have nothing. Then to raise up and have all the money in the world, and stick it in your ears and go PLBTLBTLBLTLBTLBLT!! That's a pretty good dream.


We stole countries! That's how you build an empire. We stole countries with the cunning use of flags! Sail halfway around the world, stick a flag in. "I claim India for Britain." And they're going, "You can't claim us. We live here! There's five hundred million of us." "Do you have a flag?" "We don't need a flag, this is our country you bastard!"


Squirrels always eat nuts with two hands, always two hands, "arararar", and occasionally, they stop and go, oh, uh, ah, as if they're going, "Did I leave the gas on? No! I'm, no I'm a f**king squirrel!" And occasionally they go, "F**king nuts! Fed up with them always. I long for a grapefruit."


What shall we call our son so he does not get the shit kicked out of him at school? We shall call him Englebert Humperdink! Yes, that'll work.


Horseshoes are lucky. Horses have four bits of lucky nailed to their feet. They should be the luckiest animals in the world. They should rule the country. They should win all their horse races, at least. "In the fifth race today, every single horse was first equal...one horse threw a shoe came in third...the duck was ninth...and five ran."


The National Rifle Association says that, "Guns don't kill people, uh, people do." But I think, I think the gun helps. You know? I think it helps. I just think just standing there going, "Bang!" That's not going to kill too many people, is it? You'd have to be really dodgy on the heart to have that.
For my English Language coursework the class watched the stand-up routines of Lee Evans, Tommy Cooper and Eddie Izzard on DVD. Damn that was the funniest 3 hours of my life at college!
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Ah, here's an appropriate one...
(re: British actors playing all the bad guys on the Death Star)
Eddie: (1)What is it Lt. Sebastian? (2)It’s the Rebels, sir. They’re here. (1)My God, man. Do they want tea? (2)No, I think they're after something more than that, sir. I don’t know what it is, but they’ve brought a flag.
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Post by desertjedi »

I've only seen one Eddie Izzard special on HBO and it's funny as heck. The rebels bringing a flag bit was hilarious.

Church of England.. Cake or Death? :lol:
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Post by 2000AD »

"Baby Jesus we bring you gold"
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"hhmmmm ... yes, if you rub it on the back of a duck it goes very fast through the water. Tell you what if you can sniff it you can have it"
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Post by Lord Pounder »

I've never liked him because he has openly attacked the existance of Northern Ireland and has said and i quote directly "Guinness Drinking Potato farmers should be united". Bastard.
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Post by InnerBrat »

"I'm an action transvestite really... exectuive transvestite and action transvestite... 'cause that's what a transvestite is, it's a male tomboy. Runnning, jumping, climbing trees, putting on make up when you're up there"
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Post by Rye »

eddie izzard is [/b]ACE. one of my fav comedians ever. have you heard the achilles one?
it's like achilles when he's young "what mum? im invulnerable? apart from my heel? waitaminute....my name's achilles and my "achilles heel" is in my heel?! i'll be the laughing stock of the school!"
that's just they jist of the bit, there's also bits where he's got hovercraft feet and stuff, ahhh mercy, he's so ace.
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Post by SoX »

And the pope apologised for the spanish inquisition,,, he said it was FAR TOO inquisitive. was just meant to be the spanish casual chat.

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Confess what!?
I dunno,,,, what ya got?
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Post by Durandal »

Zaia wrote:I'm going out to pick up his DVD today because I simply must own him. Tooooooooooo funny! I just about peed myself laughing. :D

"Hilda, Hilda! Wake up, my German wife!"
"What is it, Dr. Heimlich?"
"Why you call me Dr. Heimlich? I'm your husband, for fuck's sake. Don't be so bloody Prussian."
"What is it, Gunter?"
"I have just invented a maneouvre." :D
"And Henry VIII, who is Sean Connery for this film ..."
"And the squirrels are chomping away and then they just stop. As if they're thinking, 'Did I leave the gas on? No, of course not, I'm a fucking squirrel!'"
Damien Sorresso

"Ever see what them computa bitchez do to numbas? It ain't natural. Numbas ain't supposed to be code, they supposed to quantify shit."
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