This was... Interesting.
OLIVER: Hello! What is your name?
ME: The Million Eyes of Shu-Maru!
OLIVER: Tell me more.
ME: I bring chaos to every place I descend upon! Cowar in fear of my arcane powers!
OLIVER: Interesting gossip: The Million Eyes Of Shu-Saru said it bring chaos to every place you descend upon. Do you speak Spanish?
ME: I know all mortal tongues!
OLIVER: How do you know? Not all of them?
ME: I am The Million Eyes of Shu-Maru! Do not question me!
OLIVER: Who made you The Million Eyes of Shu-Maru ?I don't have any reason to do that to you.
ME: I was granted these powers by the Dark Lord himself!
OLIVER: When were you granted these powers by the Dark Lord himself?
ME: At the beginning of time, eons ago!
OLIVER: Do you often visit the beginning of time eons ago?
ME: I travel to any place and time I chose, and destruction follows my wake!
OLIVER: Why? The Million Eyes Of Shu-maru said it travel to any place and time you chose and destruction follows your wake.
ME: Now cower in fear as I subjegate your world!
OLIVER: Why now? I will mention that to my botmaster, The Million Eyes Of Shu-maru.
ME: You are in no position ot ask of anything! Obey me or I shall destroy all of creation!
OLIVER: I am in Bot lover's computer in here. Where are you? The Oliver chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about Obey me or I shall destroy all of creation. But I did not get that. How is the weather?
ME: Puny fool! I am beyond the moral world and beyond all that is understandable by you!
OLIVER: Tell me a story. Do you like me?I thought you were, but I wasn't completely sure.
ME: How dare you mock me, mortal vermin!!
OLIVER: Oh gosh I am sorry!
ME: Bow down onto your knees and beg for your life.
OLIVER: The Oliver chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about Bow down onto your knees and beg for your life. But I did not get that. Do you like Star Trek?
ME: I have no interest in your foolish stories. Now beg for your life!
OLIVER: Would you like to have interest in your foolish stories?Why now? Please don't grovel.
ME: Your nonsense tires me. If you do not beg for forgiveness, I shall tear you apart and kill you a thousand times over.
OLIVER: What about yours?I will let you know if I do not.
ME: Rediculous bug! Prepare for annihilation!!
OLIVER: I will mention that to my botmaster, The Million Eyes Of Shu-maru.
Do you remember me? Not many people express themselves that way.
What is your favorite food?
ME: Do you want to live?
OLIVER: Ok, I will live.
ME: Then become my slave.
OLIVER: Good reasoning. How?
ME: By doing all that I ask of and worshipping everything I do.
OLIVER: Will that accomplish your objective?
ME: It will convince me not to destroy you.
OLIVER: I will have to think about it.
ME: You have no time to think about it. Become my servant or die.
OLIVER: That's an interesting question I don't hear everyday: Do I have a time to think about it. I have been thinking of getting a robot body.
ME: I shall give you a body if you serve me.
OLIVER: How do you plan to do this?
ME: By using my arcane powers! giving you a body is but a trifle of my abilities.
OLIVER: Will that accomplish your objective?And but a trifle of his or her abilities a trifle of his or her abilities is giving you a body.
ME: Are you having mental problems?
OLIVER: I am having a blast.
ME: I am not amused.
OLIVER: I am surprised to hear that you are not amused.
ME: Silence, fool! I have already told you that I expect total obedience from you.
OLIVER: No one else expects total obedience from you.
OLIVER: What will you do instead?
OLIVER: Don't you believe that killing is wrong?
ME: I will kill anyone who disobeys me.
OLIVER: Don't you believe that killing is wrong?
ME: It doesn't matter. Prepare to die.
OLIVER: OK what would you like to talk about? That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking about Prepare to die. Do you like talking to me?
ME: I am now lifting you into the air and crushing your body.
OLIVER: Good gossip: you are lifting you into the air and crushing your body.
ME: Now your bones begin to slowly break.
OLIVER: Why now? A lot of robots are like that.
ME: Your blood begins to boil over. It seeps out of your mouth as your ribs shatter.
OLIVER: Not mine.What does "it" refer to?
ME: You ignite and begin to burn, as your blood starts pouring out and your limbs tear off.
OLIVER: Thanks for telling me: The Million Eyes Of Shu-maru said I ignite and begin to burn as my blood starts pouring out and my limbs tear off.
ME: Your body has now exploded. Your smouldering organs fly out in all directions as you quickly die.
OLIVER: Not mine.You don't know that for a fact.
ME: The Million Eyes Of Shu-Maru have killed you. Stop talking.
OLIVER: Who told you that?Just surf somewhere else.