First off, we ain't talking about Real Nuclear Bombs, we're talking about those really quick, cheap, slightly outta-the-box recipes even an all-thumbs bachelor can whip up but deliver a devastating yield in taste, can feed a SHITLOAD of people in one go, etc.
I'll set the example:
Homemade Chicken Pot Pie
- 2 Standard Mark 1 Mod 0 12 Inch Pie shells (these always seem to come in sets of two)
2 Cans Cream of Potaato Soup (the small ones)
1 Can Cream of Chicken Soup (a big one)
Half a bag of Frozen Veggies
2 Chicken Breasts, Sliced and Diced
Cook up the Chicken in a skillet till it's nice and white and thoroughly cooked, and preheat the Oven to 375F. Grab a nice big mixing bowl and mix the contents of the cans together with the veggies and cooked chicken and the seasonings of your choice. This makes an explosive mixture powerful enough to take out the Eastern Seaboard, so carefully pour about half of this into a pie shell, put the other pie shell on top of the assembled device, and weld them together with your fingers. Repeat with the other pie shell and put both Pot Pies into the by now hot oven. Twenty Five Minutes later, you'll be the Top Nuclear Chicken Pot Pie superpower in the neighborhood! Pull 'em out the oven, quarter 'em, and feed a piece to yourself and your seven closest friends. Phun for the Whole Phamily!
Variations: Substitute the Chicken and C/o Chicken Soup with Shrimp, Crawfish, or Something Else and its equivalent 'cream-of' soup. Also, Mushrooms can be added to make a Psychedelic Bomb X (™ Final Fantasy 7) for that extra Disco-Rific effect! YUMMY!!!!
Chicken Monaco/Monica (Monica? Monaco? Bah, who knows? All I know is that it'll redline
anyone's circulatory system!!)
- 2 Chicken Breasts, Sliced and Diced.
1 Quart Heavy Whipping Cream (not what ya thing, boys
3 Tablespoons Tony Chachere's Cajun Seasoning
1 Standard Stick Of Butter
10-14 Shallots aka Green Onions
1 Small Bag of Noodles (your discretion as to type)
Cook up the chicken in a skillet and start the noodles boiling, and start melting the butter in a smallish (something that can hold at leat a quart) sauce pan on a low fire. At any point feel free to chop up the shallots real nice and keep em on the cutting board for now. When the chicken's done, pull that off the fire, and cook the noodles to what you like (if you like 'em al dente, good; if ya like em mushy, also good!) and pull those off the fire and strain em in a colander. This is where the Phun begins. Add the Tony's and the WHOLE QUART of heavy cream to the melted butter (which will look shockingly like oil at this point since it's all melted) and heat it up on a lowish fire till it's boiling, stirring like crazy the whole time. Repeat: Stirring Like Crazy the Whole Time! I cannot overestimate the importance of this because, let's just say if you let it boil over it has a really cute tendency to EXPLODE with enough force to take out the whole city block! I found this out the Hard Way when I first made this stuff. Stir and heat this about ten to fifteen minutes, then get the big pot you boiled the noodles in (I'm assuming you dumped the noodle water out) and lump it all together, the chicken, the noodles, the shallots, and the *EXPLOSIVE* Creamy Buttery Salty Cajun Stuff. The resulting concoction can kill an elephant with its lethal combination of massive fat content and sodium but DAYAM IS IT GOOD!!! Don't eat this if you have heart trouble even if you can't eat more than one bowl (which most people won't be able to manage that!).
Anyone else got their own Nuclear Bombs?
![Razz :P](./images/smilies/icon_razz.gif)