That's what a guy said to me today as he tried to mooch money and/or a ride off of me. It is the second time in 3 trips to a paticular Blockbuster video store that I've had someone hit me up for money.
I liked the added bit of "con" that this guy added by throwing out the "Christian Man" thing. He may have meant it since he was supposedly in town to see a pastor whose address he showed me. In this guy's case I don't understand why he would take a Greyhound bus from Tempe to Tucson and then not have the money to get where he was going, or at least have someone pick him up.
The ride thing wasn't a new one for me. The other time someone I didn't know asked me for a ride I was outside a Circle K (convienence store). This particular store ususually has an armed security guard because people steal stuff out of it so often. In this case the guy was being freakin' lazy because where he wanted to go was less than a mile away.
The best pan handle move I've encountered this year was the deaf guy who came to the door of my house and used the old "I"m from out of town and ran out of gas. My old lady is with the car routine".

Soooo, if anyone who doesn't already live here is considering moving to Arizona, unless you're buying an old Titan missile silo, I'd personally advise against it. Not just because of the pan handling but for all kinds of reasons. #1 being that our schools routinely score near the bottom natinally. Now picture a populous of citizens who dropped out or just barely graduated from schools like that.