Thanas wrote:
No they don't and I never stated that. Go back and read what I said.
No they don't what? Have the range I stated or the ceiling advantage? You clearly stated the ceiling advantage.
This all started because you claimed drones brought nothing to the table that the Germans were not already used to enduring. I brought up several capabilities that contradict your statement which you called "wank". So please tell me which ones I mentioned you think are not true/do not qualify as new to the Germans or otherwise clarify your objection.
Also, there are several thousand tanks. There are not several thousand guided munitions or predators available. Heck, the US has at best several hundreds of them and most will have to be transferred back. That too takes time.
The article you yourself just posted clearly states that after two weeks of Shock and Awe the US was running low, a relative term. Imagine that, after two weeks of using your stockpiles in an all-out air campaign they start to run low by some undefined measurement. Fascinating. It goes on to mention that running low meant that they can still maintain the Shock and Awe operational tempo for three weeks. So basically we could run a Shock and Awe on ATL for at least five weeks at 2003 levels of stockpiling, not exactly a “WHERE ARE THE BOMBS!” situation for this scenario.
And this article is from over 10 years ago. I see no reason why a post major campaign count from then is relevant to now. The very last line in the article says clearly that the DOD will take delivery of 250,000 JDAMs alone by 2008. That’s in addition to whatever Mavericks, JSOWs, TLAMS, GBU-XXs and however many thousands of Hellfires we have.
Also of note is that the Germans have no idea what our inventory is, or even WHAT exactly is seemingly magically blowing them up without warning. All they know is that every day they are losing hundreds to thousands or tanks and planes to random strikes regardless to front lines/weather/day or night with no visible delivery method. If they do see a TLAM coming in (they are kind of slow) it would probably look like a kamikaze to them.
As per the OP, ample supplies. I assume that means enough to get them through one campaign.
Assuming none of it is interdicted. Assuming they have the real-estate to operate more than a fraction of their airframes and that is also not interdicted. That’s of course not going to be the case.
Yeah but again, munitions and numbers issues. There aren't that many in the area, not enough to stop the Nazis from taking Georgia.
Combat Radius: 340mi (four 1Klbs bombs)
Ferry Range: 2620mi
Combat Radius: 1100mi (air interdiction load)
Ferry Range: 3,450mi
Combat Radius: 460mi (air interdiction load)
Ferry Range: 2070mi
Combat Radius: 470mi (110mi at super cruise)
Ferry Range: 2000mi
What this means is that any airframe located west of the Rockies is pretty much immediately available. Anyone CONUS can be there in hours. Maybe a day or two for Hawaii, Japan, and European assets to make it (including the deployed carrier airwings, we just fly them off). That’s easily initially 1000+ fighters and that’s not including the B-52s, B-1s, B-2s, A-10s, AC-130s, etc.
As to where those fighter assets are really located at on the National Guard front, near Georgia:
AL: one F-16 squadron
SC: one F-16 squadron
FL: one F-15 squadron, one F-22 squadron
LA: one F-15 squadron
A random sampling of active duty assets off the top of my head:
NAS Oceana, VA: nineteen F-18 squadrons
AFB Langley, VA: three F-22 squadrons
AFB Seymour Johnson, NC: four F-15E squadrons
MCAS Cherry Point, NC: 4 AV-8B squadrons
AFB Eglin, FL: two F-35 squadrons, one F-15E squadron
AFB Tydall, FL: one F-22 squadron
AFB Moody, GA: two A-10 squadrons
AFB Shaw, SC: three F-16 squadrons
MCAS Beaufort, SC: six F-18 squadrons, one F-35 squadron
That’s from Wikipedia so not authoritative but the military is usually not too open with numbers like that. I think that’s more than enough to put a serious bruising on the concentrated Wehrmacht for a start.
I highly doubt the USA has tens of thousands of guided munition bombs or missiles around ready for deployment. To my knowledge the Tomahawk and guided munitions stockpile at the start of the Iraq war was around ~20.000
Link. That is not enough to stop an invasion of 12 million men. Heck, the Nazi Army here has got ~19k tanks alone (and that is not including the assualt guns (13.5k), Tank hunters (~6.1k) and self-propelled armored artillery (1.7k)).
See above, your ammunition worries are unfounded.
And again, we do not have to kill every soldier or hull every tank. We have seen what happens when organized conventional armies find themselves on the obvious losing end of a tech war. We saw it in Iraq twice.
Per OP they do have "ample supplies". So I assume that is not an issue.
Same issue as the fuel, but okay, let’s assume they have no ammunition woes not created by US action.
LaCroix wrote: You seem to be forgetting that while the US does have ~2000 fighters/fighterbombers in service (spread out to wherever they are, and who knows how many can be in the air at any given time), there are over 50000 Fighters swarming the sky over atlanta - 25:1 odds, at best. Once they have to resort to guns, they will need to slow down to aim, and will receive return fire. Then there is, of course, heavy AA fire (8.8 & 12.8, for example). Adding normal attrition due to heavy use, you will see numbers dwindling.
1.) See above, based on the range and speed of the modern US airframes as well as their physical location there are no issues getting them to the scene and quickly.
2.) There is no issue with keeping them airborne outside of maintenance as the US has the entire fuel infrastructure of the CONUS to draw from. Most of those refinery bubbles on seaskimmer’s map are actually adjacent to major US military airfields. Not to mention our craft can use any commercial airport’s fuel supplies as well as operate from them. We have ample military and commercial aircraft control radars ringing Atlanta, and also happily much of our airborne military control apparatus such as AWACs and JSTAR assets are right there.
3.) Numbers in this case have jack all to do with odds because every single USAF/USN military aircraft can operate higher than the Luftwaffe making the odds for the Germans exactly zero. Perhaps one gets a lucky shot on a jet making a strafing run. Congratulations? How does that negate the thousands of Luftwaffe craft dying to AIM-9s and AMRAAMs as fast as we can sortie in to fire them? (only for those pilots to return to the apocalypse that will be their airfields) Are YOU going to continue to go up in your Bf109 after a couple days of that?
4.) The German numbers are not an advantage, they are an extreme handicap. Not only does it mean extremely packed airfields (whether they are proper ones or improvised ones) we are talking about 94000(!) aircraft. There is no way to effectively organize or operate that inside the airspace of Atlanta. They have zero radar or radio control, they have packed taxiways, they are relying on extremely vulnerable tanker trucks storing fuel by the 10K lot on the surface instead of 100K via underground aviation facilities. As soon as TLAMs start dropping those places will be hell on earth, personnel running everywhere while fuel dumps and tankers go up around them, fire spreading from aircraft to aircraft. It is a nightmare scenario.
5.) As for German AAA, how do they shoot into a sky with 94000 planes flying around (I believe we assume they start out flying and some seem to think they will continue flying)? Are you going to shoot into a sky packed 25:1 your guys to theirs? When you probably have to shoot THROUGH your guys to get to theirs. They didn’t do that in WWII. Do you think your WWII flak is going to any better at shooting down high flying supersonic aircraft than Iraq or Serbia was with their ADA plus SAMs? How about at night? Is German flak all weather? Will they even know there are targets up there 90% of the time? JDAMs can be dropped with over fifteen miles of lateral distance. A JSOW at eighty-five miles.
6.) Where do these 94K planes land when they get back from the initial scenario start? You know, when 94K pilots are all looking to land at a half dozen airfields within a few hours? On roads and freeways around ATL? I am sure that will be great for fueling and rearming operations.
Ignoring the lack of ready ammunition, I don't even know if the bases do have enough fuel at hand to keep all of them airborne for more than a few flights - what are the jet fuel stockpiles looking like? 2000 planes would need between 2 and 3.5 million gallons of fuel to fill up. That has to come from somewhere...
Yeah it does, like any of a thousand international/municipal/commercial airports around the country sitting in nice, full and large underground storage stocks with perfectly compatible fueling equipment. Places like Craney Island in VA, for instance. Hell, any of the fleet oilers who recently filled up at Craney Island can keep a carrier air wing running for months by themselves. We have hundreds of air refueling tankers that can shuttle a dozen fighter sorties worth of aviation fuel from uninvolved airports, delivering them to hungry F-15Es in flight if they need to.
Stas Bush wrote:They will expand, and frankly after considering the sheer number of weapons they have or can set to attack airfields, it is not entirely out of the question that the US will lose a massive chunk of airpower. DC and New York can be wasted in minutes with weapons like V2, and serious decapitation is not out of the question
Let’s conduct an experiment. Let’s take a random city, like say ATL. Let’s throw in a random traffic hazard situation like 19 million people randomly and all at ones showing up around the metropolitan area with their millions of vehicles and then tell all of them plus the 5.4 million inhabitants to get out. All within 24 hours. Also throw in some panic, lots of shooting, looting, random nasty Nazi stuff.
Nah, unrealistic. Lets just have a snow storm and tell those 5.4 million to travel a dozen odd miles home and see how it goes.
DC and New York can be wasted in minutes with weapons like V2, and serious decapitation is not out of the question
How exactly will they “waste” DC and New York” in minutes with V2s? Leaving aside the fact that no city was wasted by V2s in real life both of those cities are many hundreds of miles outside the range of a V2.